Side effects of the IUD?

How long did the bleeding last? Yes, I know everyone’s body is different, but I would still like to know… I’ve googled everything I could about it, even been to my Dr office… And they don’t seem like it’s a big deal… It hasn’t stopped. It’s gotten worse. And I’m honestly sick of it… I’ve tried countless times to get a hold of them again, but nothing works…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Side effects of the IUD?

Whe. This happened to me it was tearing into uterus and had to be removed. 2nd time I was pregnant.

I had the Mirena twice. I only bleed for a day and a half, when it was put on, and it was heaven from there. I loved it.

Took 1st one out to get pregnant, I did, and I got the 2nd one after baby was born. Zero complications.

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I got a IUD because I have a brain aneurysm, and when I have my period my brain doesn’t tell my plumbing to shut off. I had it placed and bleeding only last a couple of days. When I have my period now it’s very light and only last like 2 days. Go get checked and make sure it’s still in place and hasn’t torn you. My 1st one actually came out of place and tore me.

Mine lasted 7 months. HEAVY bleeding

Iud is great. I got the 5 year one 3 years ago and I’m currently pregnant :slight_smile:

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I got pregnant on the IUD and it was really low and embedded in me. Super painful to remove. The doctor told me that if my partner told me he could feel it during intercourses then he was lying so I thought nothing of it when he told me. I ended up having a blighted ovum. Basically a gestational sac develops w no embryo inside. I had to get an abortion after many many ultrasounds and blood draws. It was such a pain. After many fails and bad side effects with birth control I’ve decided to get my Fallopian tubes completely removed. I can’t get pregnant now which is great but I also have super heavy painful periods :face_with_spiral_eyes: us women go thru so much for birth control it’s insane

I bleed straight for weeks ,days it got light at the end of the day but started back up again EVERY SINGLE morning I had it for about a year & couldn’t deal with non stop bleeding breakouts. I switched to depo &it instantly stopped takes a bit to find the perfect bc :woozy_face:

I had it for 3 years. I went to Obgyn in 2012 my obgyn had to remove it since I am produce a rare bacteria that I had no idea I am allergic to coppers. So I never went back on birth controls for years. Thank goodness, I am fine.

I got stomach cramps every 2 weeks while I was on the iud. Once I got it removed, I was fine

Mine was 6 months and I had it removed come to find out my body rejected it… When it was placed I remember being in alot of pain and my obgyn didn’t know why it was so painful

Got the Mirena due to heavy bleeding. Pretty much stopped after 7 months except for when I have sex/orgasm. (Sorry if TMI) i have large fibroids so may end up having to have a hysterectomy anyway which sucks

It’s normal I spotted for about a week after with both of mine. About to get my 3rd Mirena

I bled for three weeks now I don’t bleed. My Dr. requested it to stop my periods as I was bleeding internally but it didn’t work but hey…I don’t get my periods anymore… Lolol

I bled nonstop and when they finally answered i found out that it had moved just a little but it was causing nonstop pain and bleeding.

I bleed for awhole year. Had to get it surgically removed due to my body rejecting it and encapsulated it.

A few days after. I’ve had it twice. (First time 5 years and I had my period monthly for almost 3 years. 2nd time I only bled for two or three days after getting it in. Very light. Then it stopped. Had it for two yrs then got it taken out.)

I had one for 4 years, never bleed.

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I bled for 11 months and had to have it removed. The bleeding lightened to spotting sometimes but never completely went away

I bled for about 2 weeks. I have the Mirena iud

All woman contraceptives are the worst thing for us. I just wish I knew ahead of time. Definitely paying for them all health wise. But hey less with 4 birth control babies :rofl::rofl:

Like monthly bleeding? If you bleed more than like 2 or 3 months then it isn’t in place and needs to be replaced. This happened to me.

It depends on the type. I had the Mirena and only bled for a few days after insertion, my sister has the Paragard and she spotted for about 6 months before her cycle regulated.

My Dr convinced me to wait it out. I waited it out for a year and a half. The bleeding never stopped. On top of weight gain, backache, headache and crazy intense moods- getting it removed was the best thing I ever did.

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Drs. that I worked with said you can bleed up to a year.

I had an IUD years ago, before I got pregnant with my son (he will be 13 in September). I spotted off and on for a week or two and then was done. I had a tubal with my youngest, 8 years ago, and that led to some menstrual problems and was diagnosed with cervical cancer last year. When they went into do the surgery for the cancer, they also inserted an IUD to help with the menstrual problems. After that one, I bled in one form or another for 73 days. I had it inserted October 2020. After the initial, miserable 73 days, I haven’t bled at all. Not one spot. Unfortunately, every woman’s body is different and there is no exact answer to your question. My GYN told me that after the IUD implantation, I could bleed for up to 6 months.

I bled for 3 months,ended up with two separate surgeries due to it causing large cysts on my ovaries and lots of pain

When I first got mine I bled non stop for almost five months. Had three ultrasounds to make sure it was placed right and didn’t shift. Now I just spot randomly one week a month when I’m supposed to get my period

I bled all the time with my iud.

I just got the arm implant last week and I’m going on 10 straight days of bleeding. My doctor said she didn’t want me bleeding more than 7 straight days and prescribed a pill I take for 10 days to stop it. She gave me pills for 3 months and said if it happens a 4th month to come in.

I’ve had it 3 different times and each time it effected me differently. The first time I bled heavily for 6 months and then it stopped my period. Second time I didn’t even bleed, but had regular periods for about a year and a half and had it removed because i started having super bad anxiety and I was convinced the iud was causing it. The third time, I got it again to slow my periods and I spotted for a couple weeks but had regular periods for about a year and then it stopped completely but now I am having issues with cysts so I think I’m going to have it removed. It effects everyone so differently.

I had the arm implant Bleed for over a year got it out and went back to the DEPO shot :syringe: no more bleeding

I got the Mirena IUD in Jan 2021 and I bled for 7 weeks. Now have a much lighter period for 3 days a month. Everyone’s body reacts differently.

How old are u ladies,not healthy to change ur body like that, menapause does that…scary

For my first, I had bloody discharge for 6 months. It sucked. 2nd, maybe a week. 3rd maybe a few days.

I bled for 8 months straight and sex was uncomfortable every single time because I could feel it move. Well when I finally got my doctor to listen to me and she sent me for a transvaginal ultra sound, it wasn’t in the correct place. And once they pulled it out, I stopped bleeding.

Yeah I bled for like 6 months. It was ridiculous