Signs labor is near?

When I was pregnant, I started losing little bits of my mucus plug couple days before my water broke.

Your water will break, mine did at 38 weeks and I still didn’t know I was in labor, I called my boss who had 3 kids already and asked her what do I do now :grinning: and she said get to the hospital, by the time I got there I was 9 cms dilated, true story, lol

Actual contractions come consistently and become stronger I’ll be 37 weeks tomorrow and have been having Braxton hicks contractions it’s a quick tightening and a release where as real contractions stick around longer and longer

I had emergency C-section with my first but I had the worse period like cramps that came an went every 7 mins

Maybe safe to get checked , if it’s been a whole hour . If it’s not stopping could very well be labor. , better safe then sorry

This is exactly the start of my labor with my son. My water never broke on its own they always had to pop it.

The pain the feel of going to the bathroom .I noticed when lost mucus plug time to go

I experienced Braxton hicks a week leading up to giving birth. I could feel my body getting ready to go into labor, and every night I was like is this it? Is this it? :sweat_smile: it kept getting more intense as the days passed on until the night finally happened where I was like, ok this is it lol.

For me, and for alot of others your body will tell you and you will know.

The biggest difference for me was during these intense contractions I could take a bath or a nap to relieve them where as when it actually happened I couldn’t walk or talk between them because they were so intense. I pre labored at home until it got to that point and then I was like ok I gotta go.

Every time I was in labour I literally thought I was going to s*** myself :joy: even told the nurse that as I popped off to the toilet luckily she ushered me back to bed whilst my daughters head was coming out :flushed:

My water broke well before contractions

If you gotta poop and nothing is coming out…baby’s coming.

Why are you on Facebook asking this?? Did you ever think about calling labour and delivery???

Oh those are contractions

You will know when it is real

Why ask but plan to induce early anyway? My 3rd came naturally at 40+2. Lost plug on 40 exactly.

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After your first 2… you would think you would know


You don’t have to do an induction because you’re 39 weeks… the baby will come when ready naturally generally… even if you get to 40. It can be similar to the other 2 or different


This is number three and you still don’t know? And if you’re still gonna be induced, why ask? 


Why are you being induced?? You can safely be pregnant till 42 weeks.

Be mindful… a medically unnecessary induction can lead to complications, including a cesarean. Two unnecessary inductions led to c sections for me… when I left my body alone I had a VBA2C.

A “big baby” is not a reason to medically induce, and it’s common for doctors to push induction when baby is measuring big… it’s a fear tactic to get you to labor on their time and not your own… women birth big babies everyday.

Did you check your bishop score? This is a score indication on how successful an induction can be. A higher score, you have a higher chance of being successful.


All 3 of mine were late ! First one - three weeks ! Had all of them V and they were all massive

Yall aren’t passing the vibe check on this one. :rofl::skull: she’s not asking for your million and one reasons why an induction isn’t necessary at 39 weeks or why you think it’s not necessary for her. She’s asking what your early signs of labor were. Christ. :woman_shrugging:


My water broke and it was a super slow leak and I told the hospital and they didn’t believe me and had to run a test to agree with me. They didn’t send it off til the head nurse came to check on me after waiting an hour. 20 minutes after she sent it off she admitted me.

My hands and feet swelled up. Midwife says it happens when labour is near.

I was induced with both, my first was 2 week over so they induced me and I had her the next day. My second I was induced 2 week early because my first was small (didn’t make sense to me) and I was in for about 4 days😔 was awful! Xx

I had period like cramps with my first for a week before my water broke at 31&6. Stayed in the hospital till I was induced at 34 weeks. My other two I just went into spontaneous labor at 35 weeks with my second & 36 weeks with my third.

Why are you getting induced early?

My 1st came at 38+6… with her I had an “emptying out” felt like stomach bug but more intestinal the week I went into labor.

My 2nd came at 39w 2d and I had 3wks straight of false labor like clockwork 2.5 mins apart started at 11pm ended at 5am. For 3 weeks. I had contractions that started at my 39wk appt (at 39+1) and they continued and I was in active labor by 11pm. Had her the next morning.

With my 3rd he came at 38w and I really didn’t have any signs or symptoms :woman_shrugging:t3: first sign was the contractions starting.

I’m 18w with baby #4 and now have no clue what to expect even with having 3 babies haha. Every pregnancy and experience is so different!

I would just go in and get checked especially if you’re only 21 weeks along can’t hurt to get checked better safe than sorry

At only 21 weeks darling defo get checked out x

At 21 weeks pregnant the baby will not survive, you need to go to the hospital asap

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At 21 weeks baby is not viable yet, I would absolutely go to emergency or see the doctor following your pregnancy as soon as possible.

Naww hunny. Your body has been in miracle mode . Call a friend or midwife for reassurance. Hormones are crazy right now. You have got this x

The day I went into labor I was extremely exhausted my pelvis felt super loose and I could hear it kinda like grinding and had some minor contractions in the morning I was also absolutely starving all day im guessing because he had dropped abit

I walked around for over a week where you are now.

I just had a baby was 3cm dilated and having contractions for a month randomly… I knew I was in labor when the contractions were so bad I was screaming out in pain and with each one they were getting more intense and closer together by the time I got to the hospital I was 6 cm dilated and it was my quickest birth yet! Just keep an eye on contractions or if your water breaks… but really no way to know when it will happen just whenever baby is ready

Really depends on if this is your first or have had babies before and also your body. Everyone is different. My body progresses fast. Once I start dilating I have my baby soon after.

Unfortunately no way to tell. Had similar numbers and had to be induced. Just never know

You literally never know. Each baby is very different. Could be tomorrow could be a few weeks. Just whenever baby is ready