Signs of a milk allergy?

What do signs of a milk allergy look like in infants?


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My son had yellow, liquid diarrhea seven or more times a day. Eliminating lactose won’t help an allergy. It’s an allergy to milk protein so an amino acid based formula like Elecare is necessary. My son wouldn’t drink PurAmino. I tasted it and it tasted like copper.

For my son it was pure liquid diarrhea after every feeding followed by a sever diaper rash. We eliminated all lactose and he improved almost immediately

My youngest was sever diarrhea an projectile vomiting

Eczema like rash that doesn’t go away with treatment

Yellowish curdled poops like like diarrhea.

Diarrhea and skin rash that’s itchy and dry.

mucous and or bloody stool, diarrhea, skin rash, diaper rash, vomiting

We have a lactose intolerance so far if milk is cooked down he can handle it but not regular milk we do lactaid. When he was on formula he was colicky and spit up all the time his dr kept saying it was reflux and it would go away. We ended up doing probiotics daily and gas drops before every bottle. Now that he’s one of he has regular milk he gets really runny diarrhea that gives him an instant diaper rash that bleeds. I take his portion of the food out before I add any cheese to it, and like I said he drinks lactaid.

My daughter could not digest milk. She would get constipated and her belly would like swell so we switch to soy and she was perfectly fine after that.

Mine got rashes all over and was super constipated.

Both of my sons had a dairy allergy. My oldest would get an ear infection, any time he had dairy. My youngest would get hives. We used soy milk for both as babies and unsweetened almond milk when they got older. They both outgrew the allergy around 3.

Mine had terrible butt rashes and bad stomach issues

My son is now 2 but he had a milk allergy as a baby. He had watery poops and was super colicky. We tried many different formulas and the only one that worked was similac sensitive. If you have more questions you can pm me I don’t mind sharing our experience with you

Projectile vomiting. Never full. Wanting bottle constantly.
I wd talk to your Dr about what to use. Soy too can be very tough to digest for babies

Some babies vomit uncontrollably when exposed to allergens. Vomiting can actually be a sign of anaphylaxis. If he’s eating okay then vomiting a lot 30 minutes later, that can be a sign

Colicky and projectile vomiting…