Signs of a miscarriage?

:bangbang:TMI WARNING ( also possible miscarriage):bangbang:

So I had a really strange fleshy (yuck I know :nauseated_face:) mass that discharged from my uterus… I called my Dr. and the nurse said it could either be a miscarriage or an endometriosis “mushroom cap” I’m not sure what that really is? I took a pregnancy test and it was negative which she said is a good thing but I’m totally freaking out I’ve never seen anything like it before it was about the size of a dollar coin… has anyone else experience this??


I suggest actually going to an obgyn vs talking to a nurse over the phone. She isn’t a doctor and doesn’t have the magical telephone diagnostic tools to tell you what’s wrong with you.

If the test was negative i doubt it was a miscarriage

I used to pass large fleshy clots a lot before my hysterectomy. I was diagnosed with endometriosis and stage 2 ovarian cancer. I’d suggest getting a pap ASAP.

Maybe bacterial vaginosis. Many infections can come without symptoms. I would have a full exam and STD test.

I highly doubt it was a miscarriage cause the test would still be positive due to the HCG levels still in the body. I would suggest speaking to your OBGYN rather than nurses. They are not really suppose to give a diagnosis.

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When I had my miscarriage it was pretty much just like that. I definitely had intense contractions for about 6 hours before though. I must have only been about a month along

I highly doubt it was a miscarriage since your test was negative! If you were, it would still say positive for a few days to a week

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I pass black clots, I also had red, pinky colour clot kinda stuff, but ended in miscarriage with the pain in your stomach, I was very early tho. Better to see ur doctor could be somthing different xx

I did that and had a negative test also but 2 weeks later took another test and it was positive.

I had fibroids for years and I had clots where I would almost pass out. I had a hysterectomy and I don’t know why I waited so long!

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personally when I had my early miscarriages my levels were at 0 when I passed it.
but I got dr confirmed at 3 to 4 weeks everytime. so just because levels were at 0 dont mean it wasnt a early miscarriage.
but it could be a variety of things

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I had been taking a birth control that caused a piece of flesh like material to fall out of me. I put it in a zip lock bag and carried it to the dr. They didn’t know what to think of it. It wasn’t a miscarriage,said it was part of my uterus wall or w.e.

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Ive had large clots from period and it was normal. Also If it was clear perhaps just gross discharge. Id get checked out,maybe US and STD blood work/swab to be safe.

Sounds like a decidual cast.

With one of my miscarriages I had a negative test at home but when I went to the doctors and explained my history (I had miscarriages before) they did a blood test and I was pregnant just my levels werent high enough for a positive and the next day is when the bleeding for my miscarriages had started! I took a pic of what I passed because what my levels had been the day before at the hospital the baby should not have been that big and the doctor confirmed that my levels dropped really low before my body actually started discharging the baby!!! He retested my levels and they were already at a 0 but he said from the pic of what I passed the I had been about 12-14 weeks when the baby had stopped growing!!!

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This happened to me during my ectopic pregnancy! I had went to one hospital who tested me and said I wasn’t pregnant and then the second hospital I went to a couple days later said I was. Sometimes your levels are at zero and then they jump, very strange!! Definitely sounds like a miscarriage to me though!

Go to the doctor set an appointment and have a pap test done. Screen for STDs as well. Do bliid work for possible pregnancy. Do ultrasounds if u have to. You have been told what it could be, so set an appointment and make sure, find out. We will all give different suggestions as to what it may be.