Signs of autism in toddlers?

Hey guys! So my daughter is currently 18 months, and she has a really hard time pronouncing words. My oldest was talking at 5 months and was using full sentences by 1. Obviously every kid is different, but at what age should i start worrying about her not talking? She is a very smart girl and knows exactly what we ask her to do, if we tell her to get something she’ll get it. but she doesn’t use any words. She only says Yes dada & agua. She has also shown some signs for autism. for any moms that have children with autism, at 18 months what were their signs?


My 2 year old is in the beginning process of diagnosis but his signs around that age were no mouth words, lots of stimming (hand flapping), spinning in circles, and really just a general disinterest in people. We always joked he only like my husband and I. He also didn’t start crawling until 12 months and walking at 15 months. He also doesn’t respond to his name. There is nothing wrong with starting the evaluation process if you are concerned but i wouldn’t put to much pressure on it honestly! 18 months is really young still and they truly do develop at such different paces. Remember that an autism diagnosis isn’t the end of the world! Autistic people are capable of everything a neurotypical person is. There brain just works a little differently. My son (just turned 2) is so smart! He knows how to communicate with us even though he doesn’t say words. He is so loving and funny too!

Prayers for her in Jesus mighty name Amene

I’m a nursery teacher so I see different babies in this age group all the time. If it’s true that your baby was talking at 5 months and using full sentences at 1, that was insanely early and not normal. That doesn’t sound right. I teach babies up to 24 months and they’re usually saying about 10 simple words before they leave my room. I’ve had some that never said anything until they moved on to the older class and I’ve had some who said a little more.


My daughter didn’t start talking until two years old & barely. You have too high expectations based on your other child. & talking at 5 months is hard to believe.


My first barely talked till he was 3. I wouldn’t be too worried at this point


My sons 3 and only says about 15 words. Doesn’t socialize with siblings cousins aunts uncles has a Water sensory issue. Among other things.

My child’s pediatrician told me at 2 they should be saying atleast a few words. By 3 they should be able to put sentences together even if there short. My oldest son was put in speech therapy from age 3-4. It helped out a lot. My oldest daughter didn’t talk till 4/4.5 years old. My two youngest started talking by age 1. Every child goes at their pace.

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One of my children was told that they had autism because he acted def and didn’t talk. We moved further south when he was 4 and he instantly talked in full sentences and their favorite book in kindergarten was the nutcrackers ballet. He brought it home from school one day and read it out loud to us. This book is at least a 3rd grade level of reading. My point is just because you child doesn’t make the mile stones like most children that doesn’t mean anything is wrong with them. A teacher once said that Albert Instine was retarded but he turned out to be one of the worlds smartest scientist: give her time she will most likely surprise you how smart she is.

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What does the pediatrician say?

Could be a hearing issue. Speak with your pediatrician.

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My kid didn’t speak till he was 3, he just screamed and pointed. He would also just sit and stack objects for hours ( cans, blocks, books…) he would also zone in on books, just sit and stare at them. He couldn’t read but it didn’t matter.) By 18 months he could put together 20 piece puzzles. He walked on his toes, hand flapping, spun in circles a lot.

Always best to bring up concerns to the pediatrician

Signs my son had was not responding to his name, not talking til past two, late to walk and still walks on tip toes, flaps his hands, spins in circles, doesnt try to communicate using his words, hardly points, doesnt catch 3emotional cues or interaction cues…

If this helps any.

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By 2 they should be saying I believe 25-50 words based of my pediatrician

I came here for the comments lmao


Not autism but my son wasnt speaking very much by 2yo and i got him into early invention for speech therapy. Now hes 8 and never quiet.

Doesn’t necessarily mean autism, it could be CAS. My daughter was 2, with no words. Her pediatrician finally referred her to ECI. She had speech therapy weekly, until the age of 3. Now, at 3 1/2, she still has no complete words, just pieces of them.

Google the MChat survey. Answer it honestly. it will not diagnose but can help to know to call someone who can.

Your child was not talking in full sentences at 1 year. My oldest was at 2 and she was considered advanced for her age. Your other kid is fine. :roll_eyes:


Your baby is just that a baby! Nothing here screams you or anyone else should be worried, let your baby have all its milstones before trying to label the poor thing! :roll_eyes:


Your 5 month old was not :joy:


Talking at 5 months?? Lol


The first thing you have to stop doing is comparing your kids, to each other or to others kids , at 18 months is completely normal for them to have a hard time with pronunciation, I really do not believe that your other kid started talking at 5 months and taking full clear sentences by 1.

If you are really concerned talk to her pediatrician and getting her tested for any hearing issues should be a good start

My son was recently diagnosed and early signs were definitely sensory. I know kids can be picky but this was a whole other level. And not just food. He wouldn’t do tummy time, wouldn’t even let us place him on certain types of things like grass etc. didn’t walk until he was 18 months because of this too.

Look up Mandy grass on tik tok

All of the things you are talking about can be things go along with autism, or it could be ADHD, OCD, or a learning delay like you said, or they could even be nothing at all. At that age it’s really hard to tell. Just keep paying attention and bring things up to the doctor if you’re concerned. Time will tell what’s going on.

If you want to message me I can give you some input I have two autistic kids

It’s very early but the lining things up is more spectrum then adhd. I’ve worked with kids and adults with autism and what you listed are early signs. It’s GOOD to find answers early as interventions when young can change so many things and make things more manageable.


My daughter is autistic and all these things that you’ve mentioned, she did as well. Someone said in the comments that he is too young to diagnose. That is incorrect. They usually don’t diagnose before the age of two, so you could set up with a neurologist and have an evaluation done.

I’d get a referral to a neuropsychologist. PCPs don’t typically diagnose autism. Depending on where you are, it could take 6 months to a year. Everyone is so back logged, it’s insane. If you also believe your baby is ADHD, they don’t diagnose that (at least at our clinic) until they’re 6. But it’s also not uncommon to be autistic and ADHD. If you feel like they are, I’d definitely start trying to get a diagnosis now, since it’s taking 6+months to be seen. So that way, when it’s time for pre school, you can have supports in place to best support your baby. Look into what it is being autistic. Join Facebook pages. Ask questions. You know your baby best and you are going to be their biggest advocate and safe space.

My daughter is Autistic and has ADHD. She does the hand flapping when she gets excited, chews on blankets, stuffies and her clothes, can’t sit still except for when she plays her tablet, and also likes to stack and line things up. She didn’t say much when she was younger. She’s 10 now and although she talks a lot, she only says 5-6 word phrases as the rest of the time she’s repeating what she’s already said multiple times.

Just have him test to see

Dr can refer him to a specialist to get diagnosed

My son hand flaps doesn’t talk doesn’t respond to his name (most tiems) he’s 3 I got him in programs etc. I told the Dr when he was 1 I knew he was

My granddaughter is autistic. We looked up how to help her. She was in grade 11 when she got diagnosed. Her strong points came out later. Artist. She is high functioning. Trust your gut get him tested if he is there’s a lot of help out there for you start young
Don’t let anyone tell you he’s delayed they just learn differently.
My granddaughter use to growl when confused cup her hands and flap. She’s now 23 living on her own loving life.


To me that’s all signs of autism my daughter is 6 non verbal does tip toes now but did the hand flaps and when she was younger only made noises


If his doctor won’t give a diagnosis, have the doctor refer you to someone who will


As an Autism mom…sounds like everything that he did at that age. Have the doctor refer you to your county or states Early intervention program. They do testing, set up therapies etc… The sooner. The better. I knew early on something was very different. The doctor confirmed it. Early intervention further confirmed it. And he was formally diagnosed at 3ish. It’s been a hard road!! Best wishes

He is to young to diagnose. I recommend ignoring the behaviors for now.


I would request the pediatrician do a referral for an autism evaluation. Typically pediatric psychiatrists or developmental pediatricians offices handle these. The wait lists for pediatric specialties such as this in my area are over a year out and I would assume other areas are long waits as well so put your child on a list as soon as you can because it’ll likely be this time next year before you get an appointment. In the mean time also request a speech therapy evaluation as this will likely be a lesser waiting period than an autism evaluation and getting speech therapy services early will definitely help with his speech and language development.

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Check for early intervention. Have your child evaluated that will give you some answers.


A developmental pediatrician can give a more definitive diagnosis- wait lists are long, get on the list and ask to be put on the cancellation list. They are more thorough in an evaluation. Also consider contacting your local county to ask about early intervention services in your area to do an evaluation- they can’t diagnose but they can help with any development delays


A PCP will likely not diagnose ASD and will recommend psychological testing/assessment to determine diagnosis. They should assist in referral for testing and early intervention services. The things you mentioned can definitely be signs and symptoms of ASD.

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No autistic kids the same traits can be so different see a pediatrician

At that age in my opinion he’s just doing what kids at that age do my daughter didn’t develop good speech until she was in daycare at three and a half years old as soon as he starts his education whether it be daycare or Pre-K he’ll really flourish

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It’s difficult to really diagnose before three or even five. It’s a group of things so you might have another disorder that would come under the ASD banner if you had more than a couple of them. Some of these suggest ADD could also be a reason, as could a Learning Disorder. On the tiptoeing, I would try different shoes that fit properly and bend in the middle. Maybe read up on Autism and join some FB groups. Don’t listen to Autism Speaks. Don’t try and “cure” your child. Work to manage it, not mask it.

Ask to be seen by a developmental pediatrician for a diagnosis. There will be a long wait, but that’s who I’d recommend check him out. Also could search out neurologist and psychologist.

Also, at 2 years and 6 months you can start the process with the public school system to get an educational evaluation and to see if he qualifies for any services or early preK.

It’s almost like these people want something to be wrong with their child , all kids do everything in there own time and space ,. Just because a toddler is very active does not mean ADHD, it means they are a toddlerlearning new things. Just because they don’t do things a quickly as others doesn’t mean there’s something wrong.

Autism Spectrum Disorders cannot be diagnosed earlier than 3 years of age. Toddler development often takes turns that SEEM like Autism but they are not. Check the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 5th edition, for the comprehensive list of symptoms. Also call your local Head Start, who will have early childhood services.

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My 3 year old lines stuff up constantly and has other spectrum signs. He isn’t delayed with learning but opposite I’d say. Mine also has no sense of fear and actually seems to seek out dangerous things (sensory seeking?). I think my kiddo might be. I also have Asperger’s and when I was little many of my symptoms were so subtle that I was diagnosed very late

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My 3 year old has autism. Shes speech delayed, bangs her head a lot, doesn’t give direct eye contact, has sleep issues, and gets over stimulated with basic things like going to the grocery store

every baby of mine has done the stacking and line up thing.
my sons incredibly intelligent, I’m not even kidding. he made his first noises in a few weeks, always has been super alert. he could tell you every color, Shapes, all alphabet, count very high, speak a lot of words before he turned 1.
has a few sensory issues with his head being touched, hair cut, washed, combed… and someone brought up its a possibility of being on the spectrum to me… let your boy grow do your best to reach milestones and love your kid and if he is you’ll know later when he’s older

He def needs to be evaluated by someone trained to do psychological evaluations. I have 2 kiddos on the spectrum and am autistic myself. We also have 4 ppl w adhd in the house lol … symptoms overlap but ocd can be a trait of autism. I think it would be unusual to see it in a child so young without another diagnosis that ocd would be a symptom of.

The way you described to me seems like he may be asd… My son is most likely asd. His eval is Ina couple months he’s 3 now and a lot of what you described my son does… A regular ped can’t actually diagnose asd there a specialized eval /testing process and it is not a quick process… We’ve been waiting over a year and finally have his eval in a couple months… Talk to his peds about getting him an eval… There are also services to help with development delays which my son has a lot of as well

Those are all definitely signs of autism.
Your doctor probably can’t make that diagnosis I would push for a referral. The sooner he’s able to get into therapy the better

I think he sounds like a two year old.

What kind of doctor have you seen for this? If you mean your pediatrician, they can’t diagnose autism, that requires a specialist. By what you’ve described here, those do sound like indicators for ASD.

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Get your child in early intervention asap, a regular pediatrician is usually hesitant to diagnose, you need to see a developmental pediatrician.

My oldest 7 I took pics I’m adhd and thout that’s what he had he at 15 month obsessed over blocks now legos and would grab our dvds or game cases for x box and line them up throu out the house but autism and ADHD are one of those things that’s on the spectrum every kid’s different my 4 year old just got diagnosed with adhd