Signs of autism in toddlers?

How do you know if your toddler may possibly have autism ? My 2 yr old (from what his dr says) shows some small signs but he won’t give a direct yes or no if he does or doesn’t have it. And I’ve never had any kids with Autism so I don’t know what to look for to possibly know. He has said the same words since he was 1 and a half and he doesn’t form any kind of two word sentences, he does hand flap occasionally, he licks everything he touches sometimes lol, he doesn’t like sitting still very long , he lines anything up either by stacking it or lining it up beside each other he’s recently started tip toeing sometimes. I thought he had OCD and ADHD but I could be wrong. What do yall think ? He’s seen a TEIS worker and she couldn’t give me a yes or no answer. They all think he’s a slow learner. He’s 2 years and 3 months old.