Signs of early labor?

I’m just wondering did anyone else’s baby born around the 17 week mark cause I’m currently 17 weeks and 1 day and I was checked lastnight and told I could go into early labour I’m just wonder if any you mamas experienced this and what was the out come​:weary::pregnant_woman:


They should be giving you alternatives. Sewing your cervix, bed rest, ect. 17 weeks is VERY early for a baby to be born


The youngest baby to be born and survive was 21 weeks gestation. Once you get to 26 weeks it’s more viable to survive. I don’t want to stare you but 17 wks really isn’t enough time. If your going into early labor and 17 wks and they just sent you home? That doesn’t seem right?


They won’t save ur baby till ur about 25 weeks some places are earlier but defently not 17 weeks


Thinking of you and your baby, stay put baby stay put!!! :two_hearts:


At 17 weeks they cannot survive outside the womb. Are they giving you steroids for the baby? Did they put you on bedrest? You need to at least make it to 21 weeks!


Ive heard if you go into preterm labor the doctor will give you meds to try to stop/slow labor because ideally you should be at least 28 weeks for baby to survive outside the womb, I would take it easy stay hydrated an discuss your concerns with your ob maybe ask why they feel you may go into early labor dont be afraid to ask questions

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You should be in bed rest and in the hospital, you will need shots for the baby lungs and a ton of other stuff If they think your going to deliver that early? I’m confused


Baby at 17 weeks isnt viable… what did they tell you… I’m assuming if your in labor they stopped it. Hope you dont go before 24 weeks better at 30+ weeks


Your babe wouldn’t survive if born before 24 weeks. I had my daughter at 29weeks and she spent 6.5weeks in the NICU just to gain weight and learn how to suck from a bottle. I was very very lucky she was born so so healthy with NO health problems what so ever. She was breathing on her own within hours after delivery. They did however give me the steroid shots for her lungs

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I had my twins at 27 weeks. They were less than 2lbs. It was a struggle. But 13 months now and doing great.


Good vibes sent your way​:heartpulse::raised_hands:

They most likely meant you will go in to preterm labor as your progress.
If you were in labor now they would have put you on meds, or given other choices.

I had my son at 34+4 but I went into labor at 28w.


I was told the same thing because i was so tiny. Take it easy and rest. My baby made it to 38 weeks :slightly_smiling_face:

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Depending we’re you are from they won’t even have NICU on stand by. They discovered I had a shortened cervix at 19.5 weeks, I had my cervix sewn shut and then went into labor at 20.5 and there was nothing that could be done and ultimately ended up losing my pregnancy. Had I been just 1 week and 2 days further, they would have had NICU on standby. Unfortunately at 17 weeks your baby is not viable at all and will most likely not survive.


Most places viability is 24 weeks. My twins are 23 weekers and are now 19 mos. they were in a level 4 NICU (the highest level) and most of those only intervene at 22-23 weeks now. If you’re at risk for PTL I’d request to be put on hospital bed rest for close monitoring.


Did your Dr explain more or try to stop it!?

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Normally they aren’t viable before the 26 week mark

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They did a test with me and put me at high risk for early labor. I made it to 39 weeks.

Praying for you and baby. Almost went into pre term labor with my first at 32 weeks and was in the hospital for three days. Try and relax and huuuusssaaaaaa

They need to stop labor. Sow your cervix. Bed rest. You need to make it to at least 21 weeks. 28+ is better. Sending prayers your way

My water broke at 16 wks and I lost all my amniotic fluid. My son did not make it. :sweat: They are not developed enough at that age.


I went into preterm labor at 28 weeks and was hospitalized to stabilize and stop contractions. Then once released put on an oral medication to keep my body from contracting until my csection at 39 weeks.

Only 1 baby I know of that survived being born at 22 weeks 5 days. 17 weeks is almost certain death for your baby. Drink lots of water, lay on your left side, no super physical activity, no sex, not to lots of walking, no baths, keep your heart rate down, reducing stress factors all might help put off labor but unfortunately in some cases it doesn’t matter how hard you try to stay pregnant your body just goes into labor. Good luck to you and baby.

Sorry but no hospital will even try to save a baby until 24 weeks. U will be praying u male it longer

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babies aren’t considered “viable” until around 21 weeks and that’s with amazing and quick NICU response

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I’m sorry but 17 weeks has a 0 percent at survival. Unless your having preterm labor I wouldn’t worry about it


I know for a fact that most hospitals will not even take you up to labor and delivery until your 20 weeks before 20 weeks they considered as a spontaneous miscarriage and will not do anything


I’m very sorry to hear that. Unfortunately I don’t believe the outcome would be a good one. Why is it that they told you this? I’m surprised they called it early labor and that they even think it’ll happen without more concern. I’ve had several miscarriages and they’ve ranged from 8 to 20 weeks and were still considered a miscarriage, I believe it’s after 20 weeks that they consider it early labor. 21 weeks also seems to be the earliest a baby has ever been born and survived with a lot of medical assistance. I hope for the best for you and that they’re wrong. 17 weeks is EXTREMELY early, babies born before 38 weeks are considered premature, both of mine were and both my husband and I were preemies as well, but my husband was born earliest at 32 weeks and spent a lot of time in the NICU. My daughters and I were. Luckily further along and didn’t need it.

They probably didn’t mean 17 weeks early, did you ask when you were expected?

Babies aren’t considered viable before 24 weeks (22 and 23 week miracles do happen) but whoever checked you should have explained a plan of action to keep your baby from being early… I would definitely call uour OB or make an immediate appointment


I went into preterm at 26 weeks and she ended up staying in until 39. Was in full bedrest, had shots to develop her lungs, and had to shove a pill up my area I think twice. Just because they say you could go into preterm labor doesn’t mean you’re necessarily going to at that time. They are just warning you to take it easy.

They need to stop labor now. Before 21 weeks there is nothing that can really be done to save the baby. But just because you can go into preterm labor doesn’t mean you will.

U need to talk to ur Dr. Will not be a good outcome below I think 24 or 25 weeks. Even then there is a lot of Complications with premises that premature. Talk to your Dr ASAP

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Doctors cannot legally intervene to help a baby born at 17 weeks because there is a 0 chance of survival.

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I’m barely 14 weeks and was told the hemorrhages I have could cause my water to break really early. And that they could affect my babys growth.

No to early I was 16 weeks an he was only the size of my middle finger an he died

They have a shot they can give you to help stop labor…I would get a second opinion sounds like they aren’t being very helpful but yes mama try no to stress I know that’s hard considering

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Early labor as in right now or a few weeks early?17 wks is not ideal and youd want to stay in the hospital to be treated to prevent that

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Talk to your doctor more and ask tons of questions it doesnt seem like they explained much to you. Did they put you on bedrest? Are they going to give you medications stop the labor?

At 17 weeks they will not even attempt to save the fetus. I’m so sorry. Praying it works out for you

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They should have put you on bed rest. 17 weeks is way to early.

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Unfortunately babies born before 24wks rarely survive. There have been a couple survivors born at 22wks wks. Anything before that will pass almost immediately after birth.

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Ask about bedrest and a cervical cerclage

I hope they can do something to keep the baby in for a few at least 2 months or so. That is so sad, I hope your baby is ok.

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Risk of preterm doesn’t mean you WILL go into preterm. Limit your activity. 17 weeks isn’t survivable for a baby. Prayers for you and your little.


Early labor can mean a lot of things. Are you high risk and at risk for early labor? That could mean anything prior to 32 weeks. Talk to your doctor. Be clear. Get an explaination that you understand.

Curious as to why the dr said you could go into labor.
I was 24wks with my 2nd with a short cervix. Dr put me on bedrest. At 24wks they said he would barely have a 50/50 if he were to come.

At 17 weeks there is 0% chance of viability. Doctors won’t even attempt any life saving procedures.


I had Pprom at 19 weeks and was told she had to stay in til 24 weeks atleast or she would not make it. And basically told me to abort the baby. I held her in til 25 and she fought hard for 5 months before she passed away. I pray that they try to stop the labor for you til atleast 24 weeks. if you need to talk about anything, need to vent, or need reassurance that you are not alone in the struggles you are facing, message me. That goes for anyone. This all happened last year for me and my sister in law who had premies helped me through some of it. I wouldn’t wish these situations on anyone. R.I.P Thea


Baby wouldn’t survive if it was born at 17 weeks. Usually the cut off for saving them is 24 weeks but I’ve heard of hospitals saving them as young as 22 weeks. They’ll do what they can to prevent labor as long as possible. Prayers you don’t go into labor yet

My son was born asleep at 26 weeks. 2/26/19. Unfortunately at 17 weeks the chance that ur baby will survive is very slim. With that being said just because there is a risk doesnt mean it will happen. Try to do as little physically as possible (bed rest) and try not to stress Im so sorry u are going through this.

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17 weeks… mine were classified as miscarriages… Baby isn’t viable until 24 weeks or so.

I’m always put on strict bedrest, if ANYTHING seems remotely off… only up to go to the bathroom. .

I would discuss what you need to do with your ob. Also, bedrest is excruciatingly boring… I took up crocheting. .

Hugs! Good luck!

I had my son at 28 weeks! And even then was touch and go. We almkst lost him 4 times and then he had heart surgery. Was on a cpap machine for months and came home on oxygen! Hes now a happy 4 year old! If i were u and your doctor didnt put u on bedrest id be putting myself on bedrest! All 5 of my babies were preterm babies and had 3 with a nicu stay! Its the worst and wouldnt wish it on anyone! Best of luck to you hun!

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i started having contractions early like 20 weeks, but they were able to give me a shot that stopped them…

I started early labor at 19 weeks. It’s important to go to a hospital with a NICU if you do!! I can’t stress that enough!! They were able to hold her until the 26th week and she was born at 1.5lbs. She is a miracle! now 15.

No more sex, keep well hydrated and don’t lift things over ten pounds. Go back to the doctor and ask them to explain what they meant and any restrictions they may want you to adhere to for now.

They told me at 13 weeks I would go into early labor.just take it easy and get alot of rest and water I made it to 35 weeks

My water broke at 24 weeks, I finally delivered at 28 weeks after a 4 week stay in the hospital but my baby was fine, other than being small 4 lbs 6 oz. She’s getting ready to have her 18th birthday

Babies born that early don’t survive, rest more and don’t over do it so you don’t have this happen too early.

22-23 at the earliest stages, hopefully your baby will cook a little longer.

Ask for the shots called Makena!!! They can help you from having a preterm baby. I had one born at 34 weeks took the shots with my last baby and carried full term :grinning:. They are very expensive though and you have to do one shot a week

I lost my daughter at 20 weeks 3 days…she was not viable…please take it easy you do not want to go through that pain…do everything in your power to keep that baby inside you for as long as possible!

My step daughter lost her baby boy at 22 weeks. Yesterday was actually the 2 year anniversary of losing I’m. If you do go into labor, go to a hospital with a nicu. Take it easy and lots of rest.