So I went to the ER and the doctor thinks I have Endometriosis Has anyone else been diagnosed with Endometriosis and went tho the surgery part I’m very anxious because I have never had surgery and how bad is recovery time after ?
I had that surgery over 50 years ago and believe me it was a blessing!
I’ve had lap surgery twice, pain from the surgery was better within a week, although the gas pain is the worst of the pain. I was off work for 2 weeks with each surgery. The surgeries work for a couple of years but the pain eventually comes back. Will be scheduling a hysterectomy in the next year or two, trying to get closer to 40 before doing it. Also, I highly do NOT recommend Lupron injections if they offer them, do your research prior to taking any type of medication for it.
My endo surgery wasn’t bad at all. worst part was the trapped gas from them using air to expand to see inside. I was more crampy and sore than alot of pain. Bending over did hurt though. I had alot removed and one of my ovaries were twisted from endo.
Depends on the severity. I had it burnt off my bowels at 21. 2 years later, Dr thought I had a hernia… it was the endo again. Hasn’t bothered me since. But I do still get cysts. Mid 30s now… but not everyone is that lucky
Worse part is the trapped gas. I had mine done on a Friday and was back to work on Monday. Helped for a few years then I had a hysterectomy.
I was diagnosed via laparoscopy at 14. It usually takes people years to actually be properly diagnosed. Most emergency room doctors know very, very, very little about endometriosis. I was on medicine after the lap so I don’t remember a ton initially but it wasn’t too bad. The trapped gas really sucked. They went through an incision on the lower part of my belly button and on my pelvic bone. I’m 25 now so unless you know they are there/are looking for them, you don’t see them. I’d suggest having someone to be there to take care of you afterwards because you are uncomfortable for a little bit. As far as endometriosis itself goes, you’ll want to find a good doctor that is knowledgeable in it and that you are comfortable with. I refuse to see any other doctor because of how many times I have been told it was in my head (even having that diagnosis and several other issues with my uterus + ovaries still have been told that) and my doctor is knowledgeable, advocates for me, and I’m comfortable going to him with any issues I’m having. Do you due diligence and research to inform yourself in the chance that you do have it.
I’ve had 2 doctors tell me it sounds like I have endometriosis but they refuse to do “unnecessary surgery” for an official diagnosis. Their only treatment plan suggestion is birth control
I had the surgery and was back to work (as a RN) the next day. The worst “pain” was the ache from the gas they insert during the procedure. I ended up having a hysterectomy at 32 because my endometriosis was spreading everywhere and medication wasn’t slowing it down.
I had it in my 30’s and could not conceive. Had surgery to remove the implants over my uterus, tubes, and ovaries. They also extended beyond that. My recovering was about 3 weeks. I did fine and was pregnant @ my post op check up at 8 weeks! Good luck
My special needs daughter had endometriosis for 10 years then had a hysterectomy finally .
Iv had 3 lots of surgery for my endo, recovery is easy part I had to have 2weeks off work due to being a carer bug was fine after a week
My 14yr old daughter just had exploratory laparoscopic surgery back in May to see if she had endometriosis. She did, and they removed what they could of it. She was sore for about a week but it wasn’t bad.
It’s caused by estrogen dominance, you could work to balance hormones. The body will heal.
I had endometriosis. I had a laparoscopy when I was 18. They burned it all off…I was pain free for a few years and then it slowly started coming back. I ended up on depo to stop my periods and relieve some of the endo pain…When I got pregnant it helped the endo pain but it slowly came back…i got back on depo but after pregnancy it wasnt the same, i had alot of break through bleeding and cramping etc …I am turning 40 soon and couldn’t take the pain and being on the depo anymore so got a hysterectomy in August.
The laparoscopy wasn’t bad at all, however even if they burn it off it will continue to come back
I have endometriosis. I had 3 laproscopic surgeries to remove it, 1 surgery to tie my tubes, 1 surgery to repair hernia in my bellybutton, and then finally a final surgery to do a total hysterectomy. I only have my ovaries left, and I am required to take a hormone medication to keep pain and “endo belly” away. Though surgery is a relief, it’s not usually a permanent solution. Keep in mind too, the more surgeries you have, the more scar tissue builds up. Scar tissue build up, combined with endo tissue… it can become a vicious cycle. So for your own sake, research the heck out of, and utilize as many other options as you can first, before resorting to, or deciding that surgery is your best route.