Signs of labor?


36 weeks 3 days pregnant. Feel like poop. Extremely tired, back hurts, left side leg by my pelvis is extremely sore… stomach aches, I use the bathroom like 5x a day… plus the 10/ 20 other times I have to pee… baby #3 & I am MISERABLE. lol just curious on
How y’all are feeling? :heart:


It’s all worth it. You’re blessed to be pregnant. Hang in there!

37 & 3 and I’ve felt like that since around 34 weeks. Baby is still hanging in there strongly! (I’m only 2 cm) This is baby #5 for me and my last, I’m definitely ready to meet my boy and feel myself again!

Girl! I’m in the same boat as you at 36 weeks & 4 days pregnant. Baby #2 for me & last. I see my OB today & hoping I’m 2cm dilated & more then 50% effaced. (I was 1cm dilated & 50% effaced at 35 weeks & 4 days).
We just got to keep holding on! Less then a month to go. We can do it, even though we feel like we’re dying. The cute baby is worth it!

25 weeks and starting in some of these pains… hope all goes well for you until the end of it​:heart::heart:

I’m 38 weeks 2 days. And I am all of the above on top of being nauseous and not sleeping. I feel yalls pain. Lol one more week and baby boy will be here

37+3… same boat. In prodromal labor… I just can’t wait to meet this little girl!

The last few weeks is hardest. Rest some and move around some. It will all be worth it. Praying for you and baby.

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