Talk to your dr . You could have a hormonal imbalance or ppd. Either way , all moms go through an adjustment period , don’t try to be perfect , there’s no such thing . One day at a time.
You need to see a counselor and dr RIGHT NOW … sometimes if only for confidence that you CAN do it! Remember, you baby has never had a mother, mother she doesn’t know if you are doing it right either, she just wants to be soothed, do some research on soothing techniques for babies as well
Make a doc appt right now mama!! Post-partum depression is a real thing and sounds very much like what you are dealing with. I had mine finally diagnosed after a year in denial with myself after having my baby#4💜 you’re loved and going to be an amazing mom!
Youre doing great. Just talk to a doc to get some meds to help you get back to yourself.
Sounds like the rest of us everyday at everytime something unfamiliar comes up. I do. I think the best people to talk to at that time of day is your Mom. As long as she is positive she will have stories to tell you. If not there your best girlfriend or last on FB if we are positive. Yet I think you may have to go to the doctor sounds a little more like you need just a touch more the a good laugh and cheer. So get out of the bathroom go make some tea, call the doctor, watch your beautiful baby as she relax in the Loving arms of your husband and thank Jesus that God sent you a help mate that is going to be able to handle those months of teething. Pat yourself on the back that you are a good mother with a beautiful bady and a wonderful husband. Now drink that tea.