Signs of postpartum depression?

Hi… I gave birth about two weeks ago, and I’m struggling to cope… and I’m freaking out… I don’t know what to do and I’ve been thinking if I’m doing the right thing by raising her… when ever she cry’s her father try’s to sooth her well i lock my self in the bathroom having a mental break down because I feel like a bad mom. I love my daughter so much but I don’t know if I’m doing right thing…


It could just be exhaustion from being a new mother. But, it wouldn’t hurt to talk to your dr about post partum depression. It is very common, and nothing to be ashamed of. :heart:


I was told if you’re worried about being a good mom, you’re already a good mom. Bad parents don’t worry about whether they’re good enough or not.


Let your motherly instincts take place. I am sure your doing amazing. We all have prob felt like this once in our life. If you have those kind of thoughts I would be afraid you maybe getting post- partum depression

Its totally normal to be overwhelmed and struggle as a new mom. Talk with your doctor and be honest about how you are feeling. You may be struggling with postpartum anxiety on top of the regular stress of parenting. Doesn’t make you a bad mom, just might need some extra help to get through it!

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Go to the doctors and explain how you feel . It’s very normal for you to be having these feelings . Your not a bad mum your a new mum who is over whelmed by it all . Being a parent is very hard and it’s easy to loose yourself . See your doctor and try will be able to advice on a few different ways to help you cope x


Babies that young only cry because they are hungry or wet assuming no health issues… but sounds like you have the baby blues. Its perfectly normal but you’ll need find way to cope with it because your baby needs her mama.

PPD maybe? I’d see a doctor just to be on the safe side


Talk to your doctor :heart:I’m sure you are doing the right thing you are just tired and overwhelmed.

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Do what u feel is right

You should tell your doctor how you’re feeling that sounds like post-partum problems


Your hormones are still out of whack, so that’s adding to it. It’s completely normal to fear that you’re not doing it right. Just remember, there is no one right way…so don’t compare yourself to anyone else’s standards. And yes, if you don’t find your feelings and anxiety subsiding, talk to your doctor. Post partum depression is COMPLETELY normal and there is zero shame in it.


This is completely normal. Within the first 6 months after giving birth women go through so many hormonal changes that it can seem like you can’t cope. I went through exactly the same thing I broke down daily for about 2 weeks. Trust me it gets so much easier. Speak to your doctor/midwife they can give you advice and can help when needed. Just don’t loose hope you’ll get the hang of things soon x


You need to get help now. Do not wait. PPD is not something to take lately. I waited way too long and suffered for it. There’s no shame in getting help. It makes you love your children more.


You sound like a first time mama. you love your baby, and worrying if your a good mom means your a good mom! If you feel like that for awhile you could have post partum depression, I didnt talk to my dr and it lastest month. Dont be afraid to ask for help and dont be ashamed or feel guilty for feeling how you feel. Everyone’s body adjusts differently after having a baby! a


You need to go into your doctor now. No shame please go in and get help.


Talk to your doctor about it i had a friend that went through this right after she had her first child and she ended up PPD and her doctor helped her with it

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Get checkes for postpartum depression. First and for most. And always remember you are doing great.

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You got this mom, and it’s ok to ask your doctor for help❤

Talk to your doctor about PPD. Don’t wait.

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You are going thru post parting depression call your doctor. I had it bad after the birth of my 2nd child I had

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Babies cry, some cry a lot!! It is hard sometimes. You are doing fine im sure! Just do what you know & show her how much u love her. You dont need to stress yourself out & if u think you don’t know how to raise a baby, take a parenting class if it will make u feel better… BUT none of us knew how to be a mother or if we were doing things right… We dont do everything right 100% of the time… And it is ok!! When u get worked up, that could make the baby upset too. So just relax & seek help if u think u need it.

I had post partam bad after my 2nd child talk to your dr it will go away I went to stay with my mom for a couple weeks with both kids for help

Go to the Dr. sweetie. You may have post partum depression. If not treated it could get worse.

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PPD baby. Very common. Some peoples hormones dont return to normal right away. In fact, the lack of some of those hormones can cause a variety of problems, one of them being depression.
Getting help is the first step, trust us <3

You really are all your baby needs your all your baby knows your doing a great job have a chat with your doctor alot of mums experience this sending loads of love xxxxxx

It is all a BIG adjustment and a hormonal change, call and talk with your doctor it isn’t as unusual as you may think a lot of women go through this !!! It will get better in the mean time it is ok to ask for help !!! :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s post partum depression. Please talk to your doctor.

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All your baby really needs is your love. & Nourishment & diapers clean YOU CAN Do THAT

Please go see your doctor.

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This is exactly how I felt :heart: it gets better!

Don’t stress, you will be fine. Take it one step at a time. Feeding, burping, change diapers etc. Your daughter feels your stress. Relax. Do you have someone to kind of guide you? I didn’t have PP so don’t know what that entails. Your doctor will know what to do to help you…

Hey honey have you talked to your ob about possible post partum depression? Also get some earbuds or headphones and crank those tunes,
Idk why but baby cries induce my anxiety like crazyyy! It helps me to not hear it so much. Good luck!

You got this babies cry, your exhausted but your a great mommy to your little girl. Go to your doctor and talk to someone about PPD. It’ll take awhile to feel like normal and you’ll figure out how to handle it better. Stay strong :muscle:

Sweetie, talk to your doctorand ask him, also, about a book for new moms, that will help you to know just what to do. This happened to a friend and she would hold him out away from her and say loudly, “I just don’t know what to do with you!” He grew up with a certsin disconnect from his mothher. If she had gotten some help, things might have been different. once you know how little your precious little girl needs, fed, changed, held and loved, you can get on a schedule. Of course, as she grows, that schedule will be modified. But, you will get the hang of it. i am sure you can find tutorial on internet , also.

Go talk to your Dr ASAP or matter of fact go to the hospital now. You should not be alone with your daughter. Please. You may not be able to control yourself.

Talk to your Dr. I had bad ppd. I didnt even want to touch my daughter when she was born and i felt like an awful mom. But it went it away after a couple months.

Lots of moms go through it

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I feel you I just had a baby and bonding has been hard anytime he criers I want to cry I’m going to see my psychiatrist to see if it’s PPD maybe you should see your GP and see if they can help?

Doctor will help you her. You’re a great mum. It’s a bit of shock you know,!

You should go see your doctor of about postpartum it is very common to have. I’ve always been told and I find it the great advice long as your baby is fed changed and clothes you are doing a great job

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I always wonder if I’m doing everything right I felt sad for the first two weeks of giving birth, i had what they call the baby blues. But it passed and I’m so happy with my beautiful baby

Relax it’s new to you both and I’m sure your doing an amazing job ! Motherhood is never easy and we always doubt ourselves but you got this Stay strong mama :heart:

Talk to your doctor there is a new medication it’s given by IV and within a couple of days you should feel better postpartum

Seek medical attention, there is help for you. This happens to a lot of people and medication can help. If you don’t seek medical attention it can get far worse

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Mama, you are doing an amazing job. It’s a massive change and you are both still learning about each other. Babies sense tension, take a deep breath and know that as long as you are feeding, changing and loving that baby its all they need. You have got this! If it keeps up though, please see your doctor, there is no shame in PPD and reaching out for support. Also if baby is unsettled often it could be reflux and that may make you feel like you dont have a handle on things (trust me).

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You need to see your doctor

I wish people would stop diagnosing every new mom with PPD.

What you’re going through is SO normal for a first time mom. Cut yourself some slack and ask for help when you need it.

Your hormones are still all over the place. They’ll level out soon and if they don’t THEN seek help.


Talk to your doctor. Sounds like post partum.

And don’t let them medicate you. Good lord.

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Well locking yourself in the bathroom while she cries is definitely not the right thing so…


That’s a natural feeling. Now if you continue to have these feelings, then go talk to your doctor

When I first brought my son home I sat on the floor and cried over how much milk he should have. Totally normal mama. But if your having bad thoughts I would speak to a medical personnel because there is help for you. Your hormones are going crazy. Try and relax as much as you possibly can. I know that’s hard with a newborn. Take some me time.

Talk to someone anyone get yourself that crutch. You’re not alone and it’s normal but do seek help

Make a doc appt right now mama!! Post-partum depression is a real thing and sounds very much like what you are dealing with. I had mine finally diagnosed after a year in denial with myself after having my baby#4💜 you’re loved and going to be an amazing mom!


The momma who told you to go to the hospital straight away is correct, they won’t think you’re crazy or an unfit mother at all, they will help you with therapy, so both you and your baby girl can enjoy each other.
A lot of us mommy’s have struggled through the same feelings, there is help, you are not alone. :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:


You need to get help.
Running away from your child in need is a problem.
You’re not a bad mom, but you obviously need to get help.

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prayer before panic… get on your knees and talk to God = prayer. He’s the only one that knows anyway

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I had been a nanny for 15 years before my son was born, I thought it would be a cakewalk…it was a cakewalk through hell instead, I cried daily, I thought I had made a huge error even having a baby, I felt ineffective. I did talk to my Dr. She did give me a prescription which I did not end up taking I felt relief just letting her know I was struggling. By the time he was 2 months old the hormones had gotten a grip on themselves and I felt human again. I also joined a new Moms group about that time and I than felt less alone. Hang in there, it is perfectly fine to let baby cry for a few minutes if you need to go in another room to catch your breath. One of the families I nannied for the Gma told me when her son was young he was a colicky mess, she would put him safely in his crib and take a quick relaxing shower…he grew up to be a VERY successful businessman, her shower did not hurt him a bit. Remember we are all here to cheer you on, you got this!!!:blush:

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Listen, I am 53, my daughter was born in 91. I was the same. Enjoyed pregnancy but then I had a human to look after. I was like wtf… it isn’t easy, but ask 4 help. No shame in it. U have vented ur situation on here, get help please then enjoy motherhood. Its fab. Calm urself and relax. Good luck. X

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Sounds like ppd or ppa. Nothing wrong with seeking help.


You not a awful mum that normal to have these feeling go see a doctor first or pull your self together and i know you can do this just try nurse her hug her feed her change her bath her and you will be so proud of her and look after yourself buggar the house work at the moment and you will get yourself in a patterned and feel like yeaa i doing GOOD XOXO


2 week old babies cry. As long as that baby is getting a belly full every 3 hours and keeps a dry bum that’s about all you can do right now. Oh, and lots of cuddles. It is normal to feel overwhelmed right now. Hormones and sleep deprivation do this to every new mom. And withdrawing when you feel overwhelmed is normal too! As long as baby is being taken care of withdraw as often as you feel necessary


One day at a time. I know it’s hard and nerve wrecking but you can do this. If I can, you can.

Take it slow momma. You’ll get it. I was the same when I had my baby. I was historical all over the place. It took me some time but I got it down.

Seek help for what the old timers call baby blues. Seek help for yourself and trust your maternial instincts. Seek advice from some older mom in your friend and family circle

You’re the mom . You and the baby will figure it out stop beating yourself up and if dads willing you have an awesome guy they aren’t all like that . He’s the dad the baby is part if both of you .

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Give it some time . But if you really really can’t cope talk to your doctor or health nurse or someone and they will help you . Praying for you :pray::heart:

Hey gorgeous Mama :slight_smile:
Firstly Congratulations!
I had my first and only so far Baby boy last year in Feb, it was such a roller coaster so I can relate to how overwhelming it may seem caring for a new baby especially when your new to mind reading what your child needs.

What helped me adjust to home life and motherhood with my new born was my Mum and sister. Maybe you could reach out to your mum or mother in law, anyone you trust for advice and help at home while u settle in and while you get adjusted. They’ll have knowledge that could really help you learn the quirks and tricks of how to adjust. They even may have knowledge on how babies are in your guys family e.g lactose etc. It takes a tribe to raise a child.

Also Mama you might want to get involved in some parenting classes, you and your partner will feel better around other new parents and see that your not the only ones that have rough times and that way it gives you a chance to get out and socialise too.

And lastly, If your feel sad, alone and like you just can’t do it anymore. I would highly recommend going to your doctor, post-partum depression is real and it’s normal. Every woman is different, don’t feel embarrassed, Go see your doctor, talk openly and ask for some sort of help or any organisations that could help you.

Your beautiful brand new Daughter depends on you and she needs her mama to be her rock. Get yourself together babe. Pave a way for your daughters future. Show her that you are a strong woman. So one day when she has her only little Ray of sunshine (lol) You can help her find the strength and courage to do what us mamas do best. Souljahs On! :point_up_2:

Goodluck x
Wishing you all the best
Msg me if you wana talk :slight_smile:


Babies cry, a lot sometimes, and she will react to your stress. Try to relax.

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I think majority of moms cry when there baby/babies cry. Talking to someone is a good step in helping and nothing is wrong in asking for help or if her dad help out. It’s all new to take care of a crying baby. Don’t beat yourself up there are better days ahead.

Post partum depression. Give your OB a call, they can help you. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. :two_hearts:


Post pardom depression go to the doctor. Wrnt through that too

These comments are all good. I am a nurse & agree!
Please do see your OB or other Dr. soon!They should be able to temporarily give you an Rx to help. You are not alone!
Find a Mommy Support Grp. Good that her father is helping! Be patient w yourself, it will get better. I had ‘Baby Blues’ for a few wks, & she, my first of 2, was very colicky, so empathize.:heart:

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What you are going through is normal. If you feel overwhelmed, place baby is a safe place like a crib. Take a few minutes to compose yourself. Sometimes babies will cry a lot just before w they fall asleep. I co slept with my son and breast fed him. If he woke up, so did I, I would nurse him and he would go back to sleep. Your baby needs you and you can’t spoil them by holding them too much. That said , you do need a break from time to time. I personally would not go to a doctor that would give me drugs, however you would probably do well with some mineral supplements. You may also enjoy an essential oil diffuser, and may be take an Epson salt bath after your little one falls asleep. Or maybe take a bath together. It is not a weakness to ask for help. Maybe just have someone watch baby for you to take a walk around the block. Take care of yourself and it will be easier to care for your baby. I was a single mom with little help, so I know what it’s like. If you want to talk ,just leave a comment and I’ll send you my contact info.

Please talk to your dr!


Ask for help for sure…family and professional…but please breathe and relax… sometimes babies just cry…I sing it him to them n walk rock or sit n bounce…it helps me focus and hopefully helps baby feel me feeling calm…it’s ok and you will be ok but please just ask for help

Those hormones are strong after having a baby! You are a good mom with a hormone issue. Go see your Doctor right away and be truthful, tell them the baby is being cared for properly but by the father more so. Tell them how you feel be bold cause there is help for you! Go asap so you can get those hormones in check and feel better and begin to enjoy being her momma. :two_hearts:

Sweetie, if you didnt question yourself every now and then, you would be a weird person, everyone does question themselves and some has to step back every now and then, and there will be mistakes, but you learn from it all. Kids do not come with manuals. You take it one step at a time and if necessary, count to 50 or 100, then start over. You’re a good mom, just for knowing you are having slight issues. It will come naturally soon. Have faith in yourself. :heart::heart::heart:

Sounds like you might have post partum depression… talk to a doctor


That’s normal you may be having postpartum depression talk to your doctor . I promise this feeling will go away … and nop your not a bad mother❤

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I would talk to a doctor about post partum. But it will get better honeu.

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Talk to your dr about post partum. Your exhausted, you hormones are still out of balance. You need you time and a self care plan.

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Oh honey… Newborns often cry, and many times there is nothing even a baby whisperer can do to make them stop. It peaks at 6-8 weeks (i think??) And those times are horrid for any mother… But give baby some time to adjust to life outside of mama and things will get better. Sorry to say, they usually get worse before they get better… But you got this!! And the postpartum hormones fade (if they dont, see your doctor) over time which usually eases the breakdowns.

I would talk to your doctor. It sounds like you might have post partum depression which is common. Its gonna be okay. Just trust your instincts. In time you will figure out what works. Take a deep breath momma you got this.

In all honesty I think all mom’s have just a touch of ppd. I know I did. I cried over the dumbest littlest things. Lol.

First drink some water (room temperature)
When she cries, place her down somewhere safe n leave her until you’ve calm down. N your husband god bless him for aiding you at such time.
On the flip honey seek professional help asap.

You need to get on something for post partum depression. And get help if you can to.

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Oh my goodness I know the feeling. I recommend pumping. And timing. Trade feedings. You do half and your husband does half. I also recommend tommee tippee bottles. They are shaped more like a breast so transition is easier. This way you can get some sleep and still bond. Also talking to someone might help

U can do it a lot of moms feel like this ,it’s ok go see your doctor.

This is normal to some extent because you are tired. Try to adjust with resting as much as possible

I would definitely talk to your doctor. You may have PPD

You chose to lay down , take care of your baby , I get help for post pardom depression

Sounds like post partum depression…please talk to your doctor…for your health and your child’s trust me I understand that feeling…i still feel that way sometimes…but if you understand what’s going on better and take the right steps you’ll be doing what’s best for you and your family :blue_heart: but things will get better i promise as someone who suffered(suffers) from this it will take time but don’t worry please.

Your doing a fine job! It’s normal to feel like this just talk to your doctor and they can give you something to help cope

Honey we all feel that way the first time we have a baby,talk to your dr. And let dr know how you are feeling

Seek some help I heard things happens like that for some mums .

You’re totally normal, I’m sure every mum’s been through it, I know I have.

I would talk to your OB-GYN about how you’re feeling because it sounds like you may have signs of postpartum anxiety and or depression.

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Take a deep breath and calm down. You’ll be fine! It definitely gets better with time. Congrats

I would definitely contact your obgyn ASAP! I had these same symptoms and some medication for depression definitely helped. There’s no need to feel this way and help is out there! The sooner you get help, the sooner you can feel better and enjoy your precious baby