Signs of PPD?

I am genuinely curious if PPD can get this bad.

My friend had her second child almost a year ago. My fiance and I lived with her during the ending weeks of pregnancy into the first 2 and half months and again from month 4 to 6.

Well after we realized my friend was making us practically raise her daughter we told her we wouldnt help her anymore so she could get the experience of raising her kid by herself. (She wasnt in her first childa life) We of course helped with bath times, making bottles etc… but werent gonna be the ones who raised her. Fast forward to when her daughter was 4 months and she moved in with us we literally had to force her to leave my fiance and i alone to attend to her baby. She told us several times she hated her and wanted nothing to do woth her. refusing to bathe the baby for months. She always told us it was because she had PPD but when we offered to take her to get help she declined
Theres a bunch more but too much to type out.

My question is can PPD really get this bad??


You need to call cps or something. Cause that’s ridiculous. That baby deserves better


Yes it really can… she does need to seek help!

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Yes it can she needs help


Yes it can I had it twice she needs to seek help it might be hard for her to do. But it will help her.


It can but the fact that she won’t accept the help makes it possible it’s something way deeper then that. I would give her an ultimatum to get help or accept your help.


Absolutely. She needs help

Uh yeah ppd causes some mothers to kill their children so yes. Call someone before the baby gets hurt.


You need to call DCFS, they can get her help or find good placement for the baby


Yes it can. But she could also have her own issues and might not be able to even bond with the baby.


Yes, it’s debilitating! Read up on it. Wow

When were you helping with her daughter?

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Ppd put me in a mental ward … but I never felt like I hated my baby . Or neglect her baths but it does get that bad


I would have taken that baby from her as soon as she said she hated her. Who cares if you have to take care of the baby. Call someone asap!!!


She definitely needs to get help, ppd can last 18 months hers seems more like potential psychosis. Potentially she could have a major hormone issue as well including maybe her thyroid, which happened to me.


OP Update

“Baby is perfectly fine now. She has gotten pregnant again and has regained a relationship with her first child since had to give them a month notice to vacate. She lives with her mother and is finally taking care of her children but has had no help for the PPD and marks it up as it just went away”


Women with PPD have killed there babies. Not wanted to take care of the baby is definitely a sign of PPD
PPD has many different signs there is a whole list !
I would definitely recommend her see her doctor
Therapy and medicine can help with this
Maybe it’s steams from her first child and not being involved
PPD is scary but can be treated


With my first son it got so bad to the point that I was having thoughts of hurting myself and him… he’s now a beautiful healthy 7 year old and I just welcomed another beautiful little boy into the world 10 months ago… PPD is the devil and sometimes getting help is all you can do to get better… I pray your friend can get the help she whole heartedly deserves not only for her but for her child.

It can get that bad sadly. She sounds like she needs help.

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Yes, it absolutely does! She needs to get help.


original posting was 7 min ago…then an update within the last min…how did she get pregnant in 5 min…something is off to me.


It can be this bad and get worse.Take her to her doc,take her for her own good and thank you for helping her baby.The child is innocent and ppd is horrific for some left untreated

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Some women kill their babies because of ppd


Get that baby in a safe place… take her in as your own


PPD can cause people to kill their children if left alone, so I honestly don’t doubt it.

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It is usually gone by now .It only lasts a couple of months.but she does seem like she needs help.

Poor baby, I wish I could raise her

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I suffer from PPD/PPA
I’ve read and heard horrible stories about how bad it can get. Many times I’ve felt like mine has gotten pretty bad but not once have I ever refused to care for my son. I love him with all my heart and more than I will ever love anyone. I love him more than I love my husband and more than I love myself. I would absolutely never ever even think about hurting my child. I suggest you get her help and if she ever refuses to care for the baby, or even tries to hurt herself, the baby, or either you or your husband, definitely call the cops. They won’t arrest her, but they will take her to the ER to be evaluated by a psychiatrist.


Um no…sounds like she just didn’t want to live the life of an actual parent…the first couple months are the hardest…I’m 34 with a 4 month old lol


No thats not PPD thats neglect a shitty mother…

Y’all she’s speaking in past tense. She even said in the beginning of the post “almost a year ago…” and everything she wrote was in past tense…come on. Comprehension. :thinking: How is the update “off”?


There’s a difference between that and something called laziness, tell her to wake up and take care of her kid.


Yes it can. She needs to be seen asap especially sonce shes saying she dislikes her child right now. You never know what could happen. Sounds like her ppd went to flow blown depression… Poor baby

I have no doubt it can get that bad. Mine was bad, and it lasted easily 6 months or more. I resented my son for being stuck at home. She may be scared to get help, but she needs help. I didn’t get help but needed it.


I mean yeah it could… or just general mental illness… Or just some people aren’t cut out for it I’d get that baby somewhere safe tho

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Yes it can get that bad!!!

Yes I had it really bad with my 2nd didnt want nothing to do with him I wasn’t ready either which made it worse cus my first had just turned 11 months. Didnt help that his dad wasn’t helpful at all! Hes 3 now. She needs help!


Absolutley yes it can. It’s the devil. Make her go get help or call in on her bc if not she hurts that baby you all are just as responsible.

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Yes it can get that bad. A woman went into physcosis from PPD, and tried driving herself and her kids into the ocean

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If she won’t get help and still treats her child that way somebody else needs to care for that baby. If you love that child please foster or adopt them. If not take any form of action you can. You can have horrible ppd and still parent your kiddo. If she recognizes she has it and won’t get help it’s just an excuse. Good parents work through that stuff and do what they have to, to be there mentally and emotionally for their babies. If she won’t get help save the kid.


No that doesn’t sound right if she wants help she needs to take it! She’s using it as an excuse. My child was 1 year old before I found out I had ppd. I had No idea I got help bc my mother told me I wasn’t acting right when we moved on with her. To told me to talk to the Dr and o did


I’ve seen stories of women killing their babies and/or themselves bc it gets that bad. It’s the devil.

I had a different ppd I cried day in and day out . But I always cried because I thought I wasn’t gonna be a good mommy but im a super mommy . I cried because I told him I was sorry that I couldn’t breast feed and I was always afraid he wasn’t going y
To love me. I was so afraid of losing him
But as time went on I learned on my own by mother’s instinct to be one of the best mommy’s in the whole wide world.i just needed a little time and encourage mentioned. I boned with him while he was still In my stomach. It’s a bond that a million coed couldn’t break apart.

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There is something called Postpartum Psychosis as well. PPD can lead to that without help. Get her help asap or she could end up hurting or killing the baby. Even if it’s not intentional.

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Of course it can. She needs to talk to a dr

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He was two months old when my mommy died so he’s been my strength

Unfortunately, yes. It can. She needs help, but probably is worried about losing her kid if she is honest about the problem.

Yes it can, mine was, but I was also.scared that if I admitted to the problem then they might take my son away. So that might also be why she doesn’t want help.


Not.toknsure if I want to get.started… but in short… I guess my kon’s ppd lasted her whole life… or almost anyway… :confused:

Yes and can be much worse

You must get her help immediately. If there’s any doubt in your mind please look up Nakira Griner in Bridgeton NJ. She claimed ppd and did some horrible things to her son. This just happened locally friends and family would’ve never expected it. You are feeling this way in your gut for a reason. If she is saying things like she hates her child this early it will spiral. She is not stable

You do realize that PPD can get so bad that women kill their kids, families, and/or themselves right?? Yes it can get that bad! She needs help! PPD sucks and can lead to psychosis.


Absolutely can get that bad and worse! She needs help!

PPD is no joke if she’s stating she hates her child and not caring for the child obviously it’s really bad but if she gets help it will make a difference friends have battled with it it’s really hard

Yes it can get that bad but she could also be taking the piss out of you and your partners kindness tough one I’m afraid as we don’t see what is going on or see how she is reacting to other daily tasks she has

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Yes it can get that bad. She needs a doctor and the baby needs to be cared for.

It definitely can get that bad. I know you don’t want to be in the position BUT you need to report this to someone (police, cps, etc) and just let them know you want her to get the help she needs! If baby is fed and bathed and has everything needed they wont just jump to removing her.

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Wow you should of been got her and her baby help smh

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Yes , sounds like more is going on though especially if she didn’t take care if her first baby . She may not want kids I would do something before she hurts the baby and u knowing she isn’t bathing and probably not feeding the baby and neglecting it you could be in trouble also if something were to happen to the baby because u didn’t report the neglect and knew about it


I had bad PPD right after my son was born but I never hated him. He was the only reason I didn’t kill myself. My doctors doubled my meds and I’m good now…but it was scary.

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Yes it 100% can and even worse. I would also say it doesn’t really sound like she’s built to be a mother. But maybe if she would get help, medication and therapy not just meds, maybe she would be better so I can’t really say for sure.

You should probably report her though. She should be at least trying to get better or just not have the kids. If she does hurt that baby at this point you would be to blame as well because you know she’s like this.

Report her so she and baby can get the help they need. A mother is a baby’s voice & RN the depression has taken that away from both of them. That’s how the women get before they drown their kids or abandon them left to die. It would definitely be a win WIN situation for everyone if you reported her. And I bet, eventually she would thank you once she’s gotten better. Sending y’all prayers!! :pray:t3::pray:t3: I too had severe postpartum & sadly it can get devastatingly bad.


Yes it can be this bad! Please don’t let her be alone with the baby. I’m not saying she will hurt her baby but she’s not in a good mental state and needs serious help. If she’s not willing the child needs to be removed. She is neglecting her child and seems to be unstable. PPD is serious but for her to say she doesn’t want her child raises a lot of concerns. You need to report this so baby can be cared for properly and mum can get help x


You need to keep that child safe…

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Yes. Take care of her and her child. Get her help. Dont leave her alone with her baby.


girl take care of that baby asap find her help also

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Protect that baby at all cost! Even a cry can cause her to kill her baby!! The baby is with you for a good reason! She is not capable! The baby needs both of you!!


The baby needs to be protected, could you both adopt this baby if you feel you can look after the poor little one. Least then, you know the baby will be with someone who will look after and love the poor baby. . PPD from what i have read can have some extremely awful outcomes. She doesn’t want help as she’s probably scared, and at the same time in denial that she could feel such a way. But there is help that you can get her, without having to have her open to getting help, when she is a danger to herself and the baby. Talk to the hospital mental health section, and also the non emergency police, if you can get her parents or a family member to help. They can put her under a section, once she has been assessed and give her the help that she needs.


I wouldn’t leave her alone with a baby she says she hates… she needs help! CPS needs to take the baby if she feels she could hurt him.

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Woman have killed their children and/or themselves over ppd. YES it can get that bad.


I think you should call police if she is threatening her baby. Not bathing for months is neglect. Or call CAS. Your friend needs help with her depression

If she doesn’t want help, and you would, take the baby🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve been around ALL types of ppd and even tho the mother wanted NOTHING to do with the baby they still managed to help with the baby.

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Yes and for the baby’s safety, something needs to be done.

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She needs to talk to a therapist. I would be afraid for the baby. I think your there for a reason. You two are her guardian angels. Does she have family you can reach out to?


Yes it can. I have a really good support system and there have been times that I was convinced that my first child hates me.

Yes… and she needs help. Even if its CPS


I would say yes it can, but as a parent it is her obligation to take the necessary steps to correct it. I had times with my son where I truly had thoughts that my life would be easier if he just didn’t wake up. When you start to feel THAT badly you have to practice some self care, talk to someone who can help you, and get past it.

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Omg this breaks my heart…yes it can get that bad…and much much worse if its not taken care of…get her help and protect that baby w your life!


She should give the child up for adoption. The baby will feel her resentment

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Yes it can get this bad my friend just had her second kid and is struggling everyday saying she doesn’t wanna hurt herself or her baby she just wants someone to be there with her. It’s not easy to deal with.


Try to get custody of the child. Sounds like the baby is better off without her.

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So sorry but yes,I’ve got my grandson he is almost 6yrs old I’ve had him for 5 1/2 years.

Yes it can. But she needs to do something about it.

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Yes. It can become severe enough that mom never develops a bond with the baby. If nothing happens soon this could have tragic results. I would confront her one more time about getting help. If she still refuses than contact CPS with your concerns.


Absolutely!! I had it pretty bad after my first, I didn’t have the lack of baby interaction but I was all over the place, my husband noticed I wasn’t me and convinced me to see the dr, just keep trying to get her help it doesn’t go away on its own , good luck, she is lucky to have you

Yes there are extreme cases where mother’s have killed their babies. But I also wonder about the specifics of where her first child is and why, and was this a wanted pregnancy or an accident with a one night stand. It’s sad to say but she may also be using PPD as an excuse because she just doesn’t want this child. Whatever the reason is please do not leave the baby alone with her. She needs some help whether it is PPD or not. I’m thinking you can call CPS in your area and they will be able to point you and her in the right direction. But here’s the thing. That baby knows you. Are you willing and able to care for the baby until they figure out what is going on with mom and maybe even take the baby permanently?? Sounds like the baby is over 6 months old and has not had proper bonding. If this goes on any longer there are going to be serious issues with this child, if there isn’t already. There are studies in children who have not had proper bonding as an infant and the outcome is not good. Please do something now before it’s too late.

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This is defiantly typical for PDD, she deff needs medical attention, I don’t see how it could get better without it ?

My great aunt checked herself into a mental,hospital because she kept,having dreams/ fantasizing about putting her son in the oven or throwing,him in a fire. So yes. It can be that bad. It,can be a lot,worse.

Yes but if she won’t seek help intervention is necessary. Even if you have to report her to CPS. That baby is neglected and in danger.