Signs that someone is a narcissist?

Can you please give me your experiences on being with a narcissist, signs that someone is, and if the relationship was able to work. I’m getting worried and I love him but I need to know if it’s just stress or he won’t ever change

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Signs that someone is a narcissist?

The beginning will be like a fairytale, you’ll be made to believe that they are your soulmate. They will buy you things or do things for you that make you feel so special. Once that starts to fade, they’ll start testing how little they can do, how much affection they can withhold, they’ll never apologize, nothing will be their fault.

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If the person is a narcissist, the relationship will never work. They will never apologize or change because they don’t think they do anything wrong. They will blame you and deflect if you try to address problems. They will humiliate and shame you. They will isolate you from your friends and family. They will control the finances so you can’t leave. They destroy your self worth.

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A narcissistic person will never change. Here’s an article for you. I hope it helps


These relationships never work - for anyone but the narcissist


He won’t ever change …it’s hard to explain the signs of a narcissist without Facebook deleting your comment and throwing you in jail .it’s basically never his fault but everyone else and it’s always about him .your tired he’s more tired .your sick he is either more sick or don’t care and won’t help you and If he does get sick it’s your fault and he won’t let you forget it

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It is hard to tell because they are so good at manipulation my bio mother is one and I had to walk away. She belittles me, never in the wrong, everything has to be her way, will never say sorry because she is never wrong. The comment above with the pic is beyond accurate


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Unfortunately, they are who they are… as deep as your love might be for them, it will never be healthy for you. It doesn’t get better… it gets worse. Just go now while you’re still aware that it may be a problem. Good luck to you :two_hearts:

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I just listened to a podcast about 2 different types of narcissists.listen to it if you can Spotify


“11 Signs You’re Dating a Narcissist — and How to Deal with Them” 9 Signs You’re Dating a Narcissist

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He won’t change. Run.


Trust your gut. You are already acknowledging the heart of it now. Bail. Bail while your still intact. Don’t give any more of yourself away.


A narcissist will never change. They turn things around on you…something is always wrong with you, not them. They will not apologize, or rarely. They can be very charming because they know how to use people and manipulate them. Everything they do in life will service them somehow. Even if it looks like they are doing something for someone else - they will be getting something out of it somehow.

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Unfortunately it’ll only end when he cuts you down so far you no longer feel
Human. Someone else will have to rescue you at that point. Unless you’re strong enough to get out now which is what I suggest. You deserve so much better!


Unfortunately I’ve been in a relationship with 2 of them and if you don’t get away now it literally starts to change you, you feel crazy and the longer you stay the harder it is to leave. Run now


Manipulative…nothing is ever their fault. The words I’m sorry do not exist in their vocabulary. They are mean, hateful, and very controlling…RUN!

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Hell no. Narcissist is never worth it. Still suffering and we’ve been divorced 5 years already (but we have kids and he tortures me through them, so)


If you are on tiktok, check out mentalhealness. He is diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, he is actually trying to better himself and educate everyone on signs that you are dealing with a narcissist.


So sweet in the beginning, say all the right things, do the right thing, gifts, money etc and then when they hook you they snatch all that away, even the slightest bit of affection. I’d beg my ex for a hug. He’d say not today, but hug our waitress when we go to our usual restaurant. Everything was my fault. Even his truck breaking down. He was so generous to strangers but wouldn’t even let me buy new clothes. He’d pick a fight when it was time for me to see my family so I’d have to beg him to take me to see them. Narcs love to see people beg for basic humane decency, its all about control. After a bad physical fight, he’d take me shopping and promise it would never happen again…I finally left…and he made me out to be the bad guy to everyone he knew. But IDC. I got out.

It can be tricky. Because some will have sides that conflict with the textbook definition…
I have found the sure fire way though, THEY LACK THE ABILITY TO HAVE EMPATHY.
Like they literally can’t empathize. They think they have it, they may even try. But when it really comes down to it, they will always chose themselves over everything else.
And then you get to deal with this, well if they can’t help it, if they can’t help it that they can’t empathize, don’t they still deserve to be loved?
OK so that is total bullshit. Because maybe yes they do still deserve to be loved, but the real question there is do you deserve to be treated like shit because they deserve to be loved because they cant help it?!?!?
There is no winning with a narcissist. You have two choices, stay and be miserable for the rest of your life, or leave and heal and build yourself back up and learn from it.

Dr Phil has a few podcast about this that u should go listen to


I think everyone needs to stop diagnosing people as narcissist. Everyone has narcissistic habits. It seems these days that if some tells a lie, cheats, or does things we don’t approve of everyone is referring to them as a narcissist . Being in the field it drives me nuts.


It won’t work. He will never change. Lying and cheating is the biggest narc trait. They don’t take accountability for anything, even with the proof in their face. Very manipulative. Guilty or not, they will turn everything around on you. They will make you feel amazing and then switch on you real quick, you can think everything is fine and soon as you check their phone, it’s a completely different story. They will accuse you of doing things that they are actually doing behind your back. Narcissists are very damaged, broken people. If you are an unhealed empath or just vulnerable, you will continue to attract them, just in different bodies. They prey on weak people. They project their traumas onto others and trap them. Even after the relationship ends, they still think they have some sort of right to you, like they own you. It will get worse and worse. You can either stay and eventually hate him or leave and heal yourself so that you can attract the right person. Good luck!


My husband is a undiagnosed narcissist (for now), after years of myself and others telling him and sending him things he has finally accepted and is trying to help himself. I agree watch mentalhealness on TikTok he’s very helpful and I feel like most people when referring to someone with NPD will give you no hope that there is any good and can be no change but this is a DISORDER and with proper help they CAN change if they want to change.

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If this person is a narcissist, the relationship will not work no matter what. It won’t matter if you love them, financially take care of them, have kids, it will not make a difference. It isn’t worth it. You deserve better, don’t do it.


Everyone carries narcissistic tendencies. It’s the lack of empathy, gaslighing and diverting any fault that can really make these behaviors super toxic. They make you believe they are the best thing you’ve ever encountered and will control you and many times they manipulate you so well you believe them. That is a trauma bond.


Honey, whether he is a narcissist or not if you are questioning if it’s better or not to leave him then leave.


10/10 don’t recommend it’ll end with either you leaving or changing yourself into someone you wouldn’t recognize. They won’t change because they are “perfect”.


If he is treating you badly you shouldn’t be with him. If you want to change him, you shouldn’t be with him. If he tries to keep you from family or friends, you shouldn’t be with him. Doesn’t matter if you love him. Doesn’t matter if you feel you don’t deserve better. Everyone deserves a relationship with respect and open communication.

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Those kind of people do not change - ever


Run as fast as you can, they will destroy your heart and then soul


Narcissistic and borderline personality leave now! Indeed we may have these traits but listen!!! These kinds of people will cheat and lie to you and make you feel like the one who should be sorry for there actions when you go to leave they will try to love bomb you so hard and when you give them another chance or stay they will tell you basically your the dumbass! It is a mental roller coaster and eventually you may be the one having to get on anxiety and depression meds because they will suck the life out of you! If you allow the behavior they will keep doing it!

Seen it first hand the only way someone will do better is TO WANT to do better for themselves and others until then if ever it will not work.

Itll never change. Don’t matter how many chances you give them, how many times they say they’ll change, they don’t. In the end, it’s you that suffers. You keep digging you whole bigger and bigger the longer you stay with them. Sad reality. Everything is your fault, they turn everything on you, instead of talking, they start yelling, your feelings aren’t valid to them, they are very manipulative and hypocritical. They always have to one up you, your sick… well theyre sicker… your tired well why are you tired when I’ve been doing this and that, relationships like this are extremly toxic.


I have a child with one. He cheated on me before, during, and after my pregnancy with his son and didn’t care one bit. He lied straight to my face, swore on his kids, swore to God he wasn’t cheating, then when i found out he was (and trying to with my ALL of my closest friends), it was MY fault. I tried to leave multiple times and he wouldn’t let me. I told him we were done and he couldn’t accept it. After I had a kid with him, it was like I belonged to him. Don’t let it get that far cause I’m still going through hell trying to get him to go away and let me go. He won’t change unless he wants to and most of them dont see anything wrong with what they’re doing so they won’t change. Leave while you can, before he destroys you mentally and emotionally.


If your feeling like that now it only gets worse! I thought it was me being crazy but it wasn’t, it was him making me feel like that

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If HE agrees to couples counseling, you’re probably OK.

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If you have to ask if he’s a narcissist, that’s a red flag. Don’t let kids grow up in a house with someone that makes you wonder that


Google it some people have different versions

Trying to tell them how they are. Ie: their attitude toward you, the way they speak to you, how they treat you, etc, and they don’t believe it or think what you’re saying is true. Not wanting help.

Cheating: thinking they do no wrong with looking at women sexually, if you have a problem with it.

Anger, not accepting they’re angry.

Thinking they’re always right, being bossy, demanding you do xyz, you do things wrong.

Zero empathy, zero kindness.

Narccistic behavior can change, you have to realize you’re being manipulated by all of those things, and stand your ground, be strong, know that you are right in how you feel. Constantly explain and show proof of what you’re claiming he is. Get help for him.


All statements are true. Do not ever think it is ok. Run from these types of people! They will get worse :ok_hand:. Get out as soon as you can :white_check_mark:.

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Buzz words. Narcissist and toxic.

Controlling, everything has to be their way, your always at fault, they never did anything wrong, abusive in all forms, manipulative, uncaring


They are selfish and think only of themselves. If you won an award they would say you won it because of them instead of congratulating you. If you are sick they will leave you home by yourself. They don’t make sure things are okay with you before they do it. Need I say more!


It’s hard to answer that if this is something that just started happening or if there was some kind of life changing event for him, you don’t say in the post…I could go into all the behavior traits that a narcissist has, but if you’re already unhappy and not feel as if you’re being treated right, then it’s time to move on

Ask him if he’s willing to go to couples counselling if he wants to try and work things out but stress that he needs to be 100% honest and that you will be too. I will bet anything he says no. They know exactly what they are doing.get out now before it gets worse

It’s highly unlikely he will change as most narcissist are literally incapable of realizing they are in the wrong. A lot of times they will use therapy to learn new ways to manipulate people or say “I’m in therapy, so I am trying”. I agree with him watching the tiktoker who is diagnosed with narcissistic disorder, but even he will tell you that most will not change. A lot of narcissist enjoy the way you make them feel about themselves, but have no want to make you feel like anything more than something they own. He definitely won’t change without realizing it himself

In my experience, the moment you start asking questions like this, or start making excuses for their behaviour answers your question. I made excuses for 4 years.


My daughter had a nightmare relationship with a narcissist and sociopath. Her 6 day old baby was burned and had both femurs broken. They are not good people and will never change


Make you question everything you think & believe.

A true narcissist will NEVER change. We all have narcissistic tendencies to some degree and we can be made to reflect and change. Narcissists lack empathy and they literally cannot empathize or see anyone else’s view. Some indicators are early childhood traumas or having lived with a narcissistic parent or caregiver.
There are a lot of resources, pages on Facebook, YouTube videos and Google searches to find more info. If he’s a true narcissist, he will NEVER change.


There’s actually a small percentage of people that are actually true narcs. Just about everyone can have narc tendencies tho.


I’m no expert and I’m sure there may be a few exceptions but I feel if this is a question you have to ask you already know the answer. Good luck! :heart:

Un less thair. In dippers. You can not change. Them.

I don’t ever see a relationship with a narcissist working. Psychologically not possible to me. My experience, they do not care about you. Seriously, they don’t. They will destroy every part of you and your life, blame it on you, turn everyone against you because they are always the victim. Then after they have ruined your life they will sleep very soundly at night. Happy. It’s all a game to them. They don’t care about you.


If he’s a true narcissistic individual You need to change who your with. Otherwise you will loose your family, friends, hopes, dreams, individuality, self worth, and possibly your life if you challenge his rules. I don’t care how good looking he is. On the inside the ugliness is overwhelming. It’s kept hidden to trick you. A life lesson you want to avoid if possible.


Good guy in public, chucky behind closed doors

Follow this guy. He’s a diagnosed narcissist and his videos have helped me alot in dealing with my narcissistic ex.

Girl u betta RUN :running_woman: :man_running: A narcissist can’t change. They aren’t capable of it. Therapy usually doesn’t even work on them they just use what they learn to manipulate people better. That’s an ULTIMATE red flag

-Doesn’t take accountability for their actions.
-Gaslights every and all situations.

  • Sense of entitlement
    -Exploits others with no shame nor guilt.
    -Fixation on their own appearance.
  • It’s always everyone else’s fault besides their own.
    -Lives in a fantasy world.
  • Portrays themselves to be a perfect person/partner but behind closed doors is the completely opposite.
    -Lack of responsibility in general.
  • The need to control all aspects.
  • The inability to work as a team or communicate.
  • Pathological liar.
  • When you begin to set boundaries they change until your boundaries drop again.
  • They repeat the same lie action or words over and over again.
    -The likelihood of an apology is not there but somehow twisted to say it’s not my fault that you feel that way.
  • Weather they cheat, lie, or manipulate they will accuse you of the things that they are doing themselves.
  • Lack of empathy.
  • Selfish.
  • And most important they will not CHANGE!

It’s not going to get better. Run

The big thing I have noticed about narcissists is they don’t have enough brains to register on the intelligent grid!! Rump and trudope are two examples

They never change love.


they use bullying and manipulation to get what they want and call you terrible for having standards and boundaries. and never fail to look like innocent and blameless in a situation so people don’t know what they’re doing to you


Look up doctor Ramani on youtube

  1. They think they are always right!!!
  2. They make you feel Everything is your fault!!!
  3. They have to have control of everything!!!
  4. They feel entitled.
    5.They think they are better then everyone else.
  5. They Will not like your friends or family. And keep you from them.
  6. In the beginning they will make you feel like you are the best thing in the world. Give you flowers, jewelry, cards.
    And then bam!!! One day Your nothing. You can’t get along without them. You would be nothing without them. If it wasn’t for them you would be nothing.
  7. They are manipulate and bully you.
    If you even think your with someone who is narcissistic, you need to run and fast and don’t look back. Don’t believe anything they say. They will not change. It gets worse,and worser.
  8. They will argue with you until they make you think they
    are right.
  9. You will never be good enough.or smart enough.
  10. Always wanting attention.
    12.They have to go overboard with things. To make themselves look good.
  11. They talk over you, interrupt you when you are talking to them.
    There is alot more. You should look up Dr. Les Carter on YouTube.
    This is my experiences.

You will never be able to change a narcissist!


If you know whats BEST for you, you will RUN LIKE HELL!


If you’re having thoughts about him being a narcissist then he probably is. Go with your gut. Run


Narcissists are not capable of healthy relationships.

They’ll gaslight for control.
They’ll belittle you to boost their ego.
They’re never wrong… you will always catch blame even when there’s no blame to be had.
When you show growth, they will find a way to pull you back down.

They don’t care about you. You are but a pawn to make them appear desirable.



They will NEVER change for the better only get worse over time.


Control, makes u feel like c***, acts like they are better, they are emotional absive


They are always the victim…I’m tired of always being the bad guy :roll_eyes:


Love bombing at first. Gas lighting, lying, cheating and a lot of manipulation. It will NEVER work. Run now


I usually have the unpopular opinion buuuut if you bring it to his attention and it keeps happening RUN for the highest hills you can find.

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Please don’t walk RUN!

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Men only change when they want to. If that’s your end goal, move on.

Look up narcissist online. You will find the meaning. It will never get better. Been there done that. I would think before you leap

:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:RUN. I just got out of a relationship with a narcissist. He lived with me/off of me for 6 months lied and said he had a job but was prolly meeting up with random girls and pretending that he was at work. Stole from me. Tried to abuse me. I don’t know what was true and what wasn’t but I’m so fucking free from his manipulation. He was the worst.

It’ll be subtle at first, so subtle in fact that your first argument will blow your mind. It’ll only get worse from there. If you’re questioning it you’re already putting the pieces together. Narcissists don’t change, they can’t.

you can’t win with a narcissist.


Ffs, my life it’s not fun.

You don’t need anyones opinions google gaslighting and narcism. If you can relate you have your answer

Dont ever get involved with a narcissit…they will do you wrong without any thought at all then turn it around and blame you. They are selfish and vain and critical of you…run

Took it all the way to shoving me out the back door snd breaking my hip to see the control and narcissist in my husband of 27 years married, 30 years in total. Subtleties and ignorance cost me dearly: family, friends, life hardships, etc.

50 damn long years. He put his SS in another bank and wants me to pay 1/2 the bills.

Mamas Uncut Here’s the signs as I know it,nothing is ever good enough,if they can’t find a reason to complain or blame you,they will make one up. They will deny what they said no matter if you have them on tape saying such,they will still deny it. They will try to make everyone believe you’re the problem,when it is clearly them. This kind of person doesn’t change. I am by no stretch saying leave them,but I waited 6 year’s for nothing,tried to get us in counseling they refused I finally gave up.

They will not change. People can change but narcissists cannot and refuse to. My ex was a narcissist and it got to the point where I was physically abused

Narcissistic behaviors is a BPD that’s almost impossible to change. Though I’ve never dated one I do have a very narcissistic sister and my family and I have sought out therapy for ourselves to try and deal with the situation. We’re over a year when we decided enough was enough. It’s sad but I’ve never felt more at peace. 99.9% of the time narcissistic people don’t change because they don’t think they are the problem. I’d say get out while you can. If you want to fight for your relationship seek counseling with your SO. But only if he agrees and wants help, if he doesn’t no change will occur. Good luck. It’s tough!

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Get out. I loved him too, but wished I would have realized in the beginning. I thought it was just stress as well, but I knew deep down inside it was something else. 15 years of misery, when I look back. Leave now, they don’t change.

If you think he is a narc he probably is…and no it isn’t worth it…at all

Beats you… and then proceeds to tell you that it’s your fault for pushing him over the edge just by expressing your feelings… But also after said beating… Tells you he loves you and please don’t make him that mad.
No it never works out because a narcissist will not ever love anyone else. Ever.

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Narcissism is a very rare condition. There is no way all of you have met one, yet alone dated one.


My brother is a narcissist he has not 1 but 2 10 year order of protections against him. One from his first wife and 1 from his 2nd baby momma. The 1st baby momma figured him out while pregnant and bailed out before it got bad. He starts out the relationship as a complete charmer, someone who makes a woman think wow this man here how lucky can I be? Then he turns into this person who manipulates and causes great pain both physical and mental. He’s always been the victim and blame the women for his actions. He can do something horrible and then act like nothing happened. He says hurtful things and acts like it’s no big deal blamed the women for his hurtful words. He’d hide things from the women just to watch them go crazy looking for it. Took baby momma #2 awhile to realize it took her being abused both mentally and physically to finally get away from him. So here he is 42 years old divorced, and cannot see neither one of his children.


… best reaction is just ignore them. Do your own thing and stay happy with yourself… eventually, they’ll either learn or go away… it’s a win win situation for you :pray::heart_eyes::+1:

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He blames it all on you even if it’s his mistake, he will never accept it and u will never get through an argument or confusion. Hes Gona make u feel guilty for his sh*t as well, gaslight you every now and then and act cool


Anyone who has dealt with narcissistic abuse would benefit from reading this


I’m sorry you feel that your feelings are hurt.

Always wants to be the victim.

Always concern with how everything effects them and one one else.

How can someone truly love someone not knowing if there a narcissist or not ? Honestly. … you should probably be with someone long enough to know what there all about first befor even considering being in love. I’m probably going to cop a bit of heat for this but owell