Ever since my husband and I have had a baby, I feel so disconnected from him - it’s not his fault at all. I just mentally cannot do it. I get annoyed with him very easily, I don’t feel like we have a connection anymore, and I’m really struggling to want to make our relationship work. He is an AMAZING father and husband, but I can’t stop getting upset with him for no reason. Do you have any advice for me?
See a therapist and see whats e ternally going on with yourself.
Get evaluated for PPD
Talk to him, let him know you may be suffering post partum depression. Seek doctor.
PPD is very real. Go get evaluated.
I’d see a therapist, get to the trigger of the problem and try to go from there, take a deep breathe & try to remember he’s just trying to help. I get this way without a baby
It is very easy to feel overwhelmed after having a child and those closest to us are often the ones we end up taking it out on. I agree with previous responses that you may want to be evaluated for a postpartum depression, anxiety, anger, etc.
Talk to him, and see about maybe a therapist? Sounds PPD to me… I’m sorry sweetie
Post Partum Depression
Also, are you sleeping?
If I don’t get sleep (first child, love her to death but OMG she never slept at night) I get beyond dramatic and pissed off at everyone
Go see your doctor and see if they can give you something for anxiety. It’s real. Maybe help calm you so you aren’t getting upset so easily.
Deep breaths and remember that when having a child, the relationship will go through changes. Its no longer about just the two of you, his and your attention goes towards the baby so feeling distant is normal. You just need to talk it through with him. Explain whats going on amd find ways yiu both could make things easier or better for the two of you.
communicate with each other . babies put a huge strain on a relationship in order to get back to Yourselves, You guys should set up a date night or time together nightly
Could be ppd see a doctor not yur fault it happened sometimes
Date night for sure and PPD…1 in 7 of us experience it…you are not alone❤ mine came out as anger after birth of my kiddos…you got this girl!
Post partum hormones are difficult to deal with.
If baby real new, could be YOUR hormones!
Give it a little more time, exercise & do date nights. Go out of your way to focus on him & all the good!
Have a date with him.
Yes I agree you are suffering from post partum depression. Go to your dr. They should be able too help you. Good luck!!
How old is your baby? My husband annoyed me alot for awhile, think was hormone related. As my dr said can take up to a year to feel yourself again
Ppd, honestly if you’re a formula feeder or a bottle feeder get enough milk to last a couple of days and maybe let the baby stay with a family member ( just for two days) and spend some time with your man. See why you’re feeling that way and see if the relationship is actually over. It’s okay to take a break and get back together when you’re ready again.
After having my son 11 months ago I felt the same way. Irritated, angry, and resentment towards my SO. There were days I just wanted to scream my head off. I still feel the irritation and anger sometimes. Not nearly as often as I did but enough to cause some distance even now. In the beginning it was seriously awful. Try talking to someone and see if that helps. Even if you’re just venting and dont get any feedback, it may help you. Best of luck to you.
Sounds like mamahood is hitting you hard
Postpartum depression setting in. Express to him what’s wrong and try to find a solution. Don’t give up on him
Yeah get on some meds talk to your Dr about this.
Stop being a bitch jk
That’s exactly how I felt when I had my child. I couldn’t stand my husband and didn’t want him touching me or anything. I went to the doctor to get checked for PPD and per my doctor he said I didn’t have it and that I needed to get more help with the baby and get alone time and make sure to exercise 30 minutes a day. It lasted around 10 months for me. It has really made me question having a second child cause I don’t ever want to feel like that again.
Babies change your lives, especially if this is all new and you maybe had higher expectations than what he’s currently giving. With my first I was very guarded and her dad couldn’t do anything “the right way”. She was my first and a pre-mie. I don’t think you have PPD, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. Involve him, include him and communicate about expectations and realize this is all new for both of you. If you still can’t get past it, counseling.
This sounds like post partum depression, almost textbook. My friend had this bad and almost ended up divorcing. Doc will hook you up with some talk therapy and medication to even out your moods. Talk to your doctor.
it is completely normal.you just had a baby and now all of a sudden your priorities are elsewhere. it will return to normal. focus on baby. that’s the important thing right now.
Depression… See you PCP
As a husband I was on the receiving end of that. Your body has changed. Your child has become the first in your life. You do need to see a DR. But tell him it’s not him and you still love him. Explain to the best you can what irritates you. Maybe he can step back a little and try to approach things a little differently. It helps to talk to him. So he doesn’t feel hes always wrong. Work through it together. Good luck. Praying for you
This is how I was when postpartum depression/anxiety came on. It’s such a weird feeling, I’ve been on meds for almost 2months now and I feel SO much better! It was the ppd that was making me feel the way I did. Get some help momma and try and articulate what’s going on with your hubby so he can better support you❤️
Definitely go see a doctor. Sounds like it might be postpartum depression.
Get to a doctor & get checked for ppd, those could be symptoms
I suffer with this after each baby I had. If your freshly postpartum up to 3/6 months after having a baby your body is still adjusting to hormone fluctuations paired with lack of sleep. Also your role in life has changed. For me it takes a few months to reconnect. We talk, cuddle and get back to basics…almost like we’re have to fall in live all over again. Sometimes it can be jealousy of the relationship they have (completely normal) as you’ve gone from him giving you all his attention to having to share it. When your feeling like this write it down-without thinking just let the pen write. This can really help you pinpoint what you are feeling and will allow you to communicate to your husband what you need emotionally from him. Also speak with your doc as it could be a more serious issue like PPD but if that’s ruled out this can really help. Our emotional needs change as we change in life. If your finding it hard to pinpoint the issues yourself go to a therapist for a few weeks and see if they can help you pinpoint the root of your feelings.
See a doctor sounds like you could have Post natal depression
I had this problem and am still working on it. For me it was not PPD, just adjusting to being a mother and wife. You need date nights, just you and him. Do things you used to do before baby came.