Since having twins I pee when I sneeze: How can I fix this?

After multiple kids I suffer the same fate and my youngest is 16. So best advice I’ve got is don’t sneeze. Good news is it does get to be less an issue as time goes by but it never truly stops

Have no clue but I do the same thing

Probably prolapse which made need surgery. I’ve had one kid 3 years ago and don’t do this. Not everyone does.

Pelvic floor strengthening exercises…research the exercises and the proper way to perform them… if they are not done right they won’t help!!

Had only 1 baby at age 32. Now age 40 and it still happens. Pantiliners are my go to. Recently started using the DivaCup for monthly cycles and noticed a major difference. The cup seems to prevent leaks.

Kegels exercise. Google it.