Snack ideas for pre-k class?

What are some snack ideas I can provide for a pre K class? Something that my child can share with the whole class…i am stumped


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Snack ideas for pre-k class?

Veggie straws are always a hit at my kiddos PreK. As well as apple sauce pouches, berries, gogurts.


I’m a retired K teacher and we did snack every day! One of my kids favorites was always cupcakes.:blush:

We always go to the snack section in Walmart, they have the snack size bags of cookies, cheezits, animals crackers, just whatever in a big box.

Fruit snacks. Pretzels. Goldfish. Cereal.

Oranges with a jack-o-lantern written on it.

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Fruit , peanut butter and crackers