SO is demanding a threesome

First of all, NO! Been there, done that. I’m so relieved you see your worth and you need to get out. Prayers momma. <3

Wat a jerk he is .your worth more than that . Don’t do threesome it won’t stop at that he will want to again and again love .tell how you feel he shouldn’t be calling you names .I presume he wants you and another woman .well say no way hosay perhaps tell him you will find another man. One who will love you

Umm this is abusive behavior and he honestly sounds bipolar.


Well that sounds like that would make me super happy also

Leave him, bounce back and make him realize what an idiot he is

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Normally I’d tell someone to try to work through their issues but this is way too much. Seek a therapist for yourself, in-person or online, to work through your depression and keep your boundary of a monogamous relationship. If your mother/daughter/sister/any female you care about was going through this, what advice would you give her? Don’t allow yourself any less. Be honest with yourself —you really can’t be that happy — you certainly don’t sound as you are. :blue_heart:

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At that point I would just let him have a threesome with two other women and tell him to go f*** himself and il find myself someone who treats me the way a man should, that’s just me though.

You just had a baby and this is what he’s focusing on??? I’m sorry everyone deserves better than that


He’s good to me most of the time and I couldn’t be happier do not belong in the same sentence. He needs to treat you like a queen all of the time!!!


May I suggest if you are t see Therapist for your depression and ppd they can help you get a plan and strategies to help you succeed in leaving.

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That guy sounds like an abusive d-bag… That’s not how to go about that at ALL, and most people are NOT going to be okay with doing that. Js. . what a satchel of Richards…


If you’re not down with the threesome then stand your ground and say no he doesn’t have to like it I can’t imagine that any woman would agree to be your third knowing you are not comfortable with a threesome that being said it makes me wonder what kind of people he brings home for a third? they don’t care that you don’t want to do this an are uncomfortable? you need to leave you know you need to leave the only thing left to do is leave because most of the time he treats you well and you couldn’t be happier is BS I’m here to tell ya sweetheart you absolutely CAN be happier and most of the time just doesn’t cut it it should be ALL the time. Its NEVER EASY but it will be WORTH IT.

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ok first things first you have to research narcissists and trauma bonding it will help you see /recognize things but beware once you do theres no going back… join support groups for narcissistic abuse honestly this will help you gain the strength your praying for if your willing


Praying for you! I’m so sorry you’re going through that. God will lead and protect and provide for you. Have faith he has more in store for you. He works ALL things for the good of those who love Him!+

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If he wants a threesome just tell him why on earth would he want to disappoint two women, lol😁


Get your kids and fkn RUN. Fk that.


It’s not easy to pick and go but definitely get strict on yourself and start the process. Tell him he’s acting stupid. To straitened up or kick rocks. I don’t understand the need to stick around toxic environments. You’re either put energy into sticking around and suffering or energy into bettering your life

I am sorry you are going through this. You know in your heart that that is not love. I pray you get the strength to leave and never look back

This is about control not sex really. Sex is supposed to be fun and exciting for both (or all) parties, not a result of coercion. It sounds like he doesn’t really respect you and is objectifying you. I read a really good book called The Verbally Abusive Man- Can he change?
It opened my eyes to a lot of things and made me realize that so much I was enduring was really not ok. Good luck to you and your babies. A happy alone mother is maybe better than one who is being occasionally emotionally abused? :woman_shrugging:

I can only imagine how this would hold up in court, “cause I didn’t give him a 3some” like……


There is welfare go on welfare get food stamps help with rent. There is food banks help with electric bill quit your job take care of kids You can get a lawyer through welfare. Write everything down to ask the social worker who handles your case. You got to get away from this pervert and I would be afraid for your daughter. If he exploits you he will exploit her who knows what else he’s capable off

Is this even a serious question?? Demands a threesome!!! Sweetheart get your shit and leave his ass…tell him he has 2 hands there’s his 3some…good luck

I’d give him a list of guys you’re willing to sleep with and tell him to pick.


You should send him down the self checkout aisle and tell him if he wants a 3-way try using both hands, then do what you need to do to protect your kids, this ship is sinking

He sounds like an asshole that you’ll be better off without!

How in the literal hell you can be happy with something like that??

You need to leave nobody makes threats like that that they wouldn’t follow through with.

You couldn’t be happier??? Want to rethink that statement? It sounds like you could be a lot happier if you get out of that dumpster fire you are calling a relationship. A real man doesn’t “demand” you to do anything! Get your children out of that situation before he ends up leaving you in a worse situation. He sounds completely unstable and very abusive.


Girl get custody of your children and leave him. Emotional abuse is toxic and isn’t “Good”


Your kids and self respect will give you the strength to leave. Be strong, don’t doubt your decision, there will be times of weakness but stay focused on your happiness. :facepunch:t3::pray:

If he is texting this to you keep it just in case God forbid you need it. I think it is time to move on as you do not need your kids growing up around this sort of behavior. If you give in he will just move on to something else and demand more or threaten you yet again. I know it is easier said then done, but you can start preparing yourself for either having to track down your child or making it on your own with the kids. Tuff choices!

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Sounds like you are caught up in a very emotionally abusive situation. They tend to get at you when your already in a vulnerable state. That way he can beat you down enough to stay so he can abuse you more. The good times are the times he’s trying to convince you he loves you and stay. Don’t believe that stage it’s a set up he will abuse you again. Been there before. If you can leave it’s the best thing you can do for yourself and your child. Be very aware though that the abuse could escalate if he finds out you are leaving. If you choose to leave pack a bag with important papers birth certificate soc security cards money ECT. Hide it until you can leave.

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Sounds like you know the answer just not doing.he has no respect for you

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Leave or you will regret it. What an awful situation you are in :frowning:

Demanding - how cute- bye!

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A threesome is nothing I would’ve been interested in while raising a two month old plus more children. I’d tell him to forget the threesome and help with these kids. I’m tired.

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I see alot of joking comments on this post about disappointing two woman at once. But truthfully I don’t find this post a laughing matter. This poor woman is being abused by her partner. She needs to leave! And fast


Don’t waste anymore of your precious time and get out. He simply isn’t worth it and he will only escalate in his poor behavior. And if he’s wanting a threesome so bad, it won’t end well. I don’t know any couple that has messed around like that and hasn’t had problems down the road. Find a real man

Only do it if it works both ways. Bring in a male

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Leave his ass and let the next girl share him with the rest of the women in your area

This is just the beginning. Hes either already cheating or hes going to, and he’s gonna blame it on you. Please remember its not ever your fault that an ungrateful little boy decides to put his own selfishness before your comfort or happiness.

I’m sorry but for the sake of your sanity and your children, GET OUT of this awful situation :pensive: feel for you, you don’t deserve this but you know deep down what the right thing to do is :muscle:t4:

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He is a pig. Do you really want a “man” thats demanding?

You’re not married. The first thing you do is go file for custody of your daughter. Then you put your foot down and make sure he knows that a threesome is off the table. If THAT is what defines how much you love him, let him walk out the door. I promise you that somewhere out there is a man that you, and you alone, are enough for and that man will treat you and your children like the world revolves around y’all. Tell that overgrown child to kick rocks!


Praying you find the strength you need in God! Sounds like you already know you need to go! Best of luck to you

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Get out, what an assinine relationship. He’s not worth it

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No no no! With what you said there is no way “you couldn’t be happier” that sounds like an absolute trash of a man! It is one thing to ask or to have a conversation on why he would like to have one but to DEMAND?! And tell you he’s taking your daughter if you don’t???
FCK ALL THAT!!! And telling you your fat and ugly after carrying his child for 9 months. Trash just trash, kick his pos ass to the curb no one should be treated that way EVER. You CAN do so much better and deserve to be treated like queen not a fcking door mat

Only gets worse. Trust me. Time to go


Wow. First I’m sorry that you are going through this. Having a baby is difficult for everyone but it is not an excuse to treat a loved one poorly. Yes I think you should leave him, for obvious reasons that unfortunately won’t change. No it is not easy especially when kids are involved, especially when mental health is already difficult. You know who you are, what your comfortable with and what you deserve from love, you decide if this is a situation worth continuing.
I send hugs and prayers

You got this you can do better. Men are dinks. Tell him the only threesome your having is with another dude. I bet he’ll shut up. Trust me a threesome will just make you feel worse.

As a man demanding from somebody that gave him the greatest gift(a child) is abusive and just fucking horrible. You have to believe you deserve better or you will be stuck with morons for the rest of your life!

Lady you need to move on now. What a mess you are in.

I am so sorry you are going through this, but hear me out. I’m assuming he wants one with another female? I would offer with another man. See how he feels about that. ask for his most attractive male friend.

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Tell him which guys you’d like to bring into the relationship and see how he reacts.

BTW you are NOT fat, ugly or disgusting. You ARE beautiful, you just created life and your body is wonderfully designed to sustain that little life.

His needs and reactions do not reflect on you, despite how it sounds and feels. Instead they reflect how he feels about himself. He feels ugly, fat, disgusting, possibly useless or less than and wants extra attention to make himself feel better. Or he is just lashing out and being mean because he isn’t getting his way and has the emotional maturity of a toddler. See if he’ll get into therapy to find out why he feels bad about himself or needs more people in the bedroom. See if he’ll start with marriage counseling if he won’t go by himself. If he’s willing to go and work on himself there might be hope for y’all, but if he’s not willing, it’s over.

Another thought: is he cheating or thinking about it but just wants to have his cake and eat it too? Does he have someone lined up already or will any random willing woman do for a three way?

Record or write down what he says with dates and times, especially the kidnapping thing. Keep a copy outside of the home. Then get full custody of your child together with supervised visits for him until he can be trusted.

Call the OB/GYN about your postpartum depression and get the help you need. No need to suffer.

Contact a women’s center and follow the steps to leave safely. Sounds like he’s a Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Think about how you’d feel if his negative behavior escalated, as it likely will.

If you separate he can have his threesomes but put in the papers he is not to have women over when/if he has custody. Hopefully once you leave him he will calm down and you can eventually co-parent peacefully.

I’m sorry. Because there’s so much to like about him when he’s not being an a-hole, it will make it tougher to leave him. Get some counseling to help you sort through your emotions.

But you can do this. You already have the strength, you just need to engage it. Build your support network and lean on friends, family, government services, your therapist, your religious institution, fellow moms and other divorced or divorcing peers, co-workers. Keep reaching out to new folks who can provide emotional support and occasional physical (like housing, not sex) and financial support.

Congratulations on being a great mom and wanting what’s best for your children.

if he wants threesome 2w/1m call his bluff say ok find a 2nd man bet he soon changes his mind

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hes mentally and sexually abusing you. dont knownwhat state you’re in, but making you or degrading you until you do a sexual act he knows you dont want is rape

Put your foot down, if this isn’t YOUR cup of tea then get out! Not everyone approves of doing this in a relationship so your not alone.

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Tell him you know the perfect man to bring in for the threescore and I’m sure he will change his mind


Leaving is definitely better said than done. I pray for you & your kids. You truly deserve someone who respects your choices & decisions on things. I hope you make the best choice for you & your kids. Good luck!

I am so sorry that you are going through this . You should be very proud of yourself for being an amazing mom ! Post pardum is not easy to deal with so be easy on yourself .
He is abusive to you period . No one should ever be threatened for not doing something sexual . As hard as it is , you can do this !!! Get a good support system & get out for you and your childrens sake . It will get easier . Sending love !

Leave him now before it gets worse


jesus christ get yourself together and get away from him



Putting excuses is like putting your kids second and they come first second and third!

If you think about them and put your feelings to the side then all will be resolved and you will leave for their sake!

This is abuse and unacceptable! Be strong stop being insecure and move on! Easy said then done just do it!

Think of you kids! Move on find what you deserve and be strong!!

Court - law-?self respect?

Why stay with a “man” like that? Girl you deserve BETTER, and believe that you do!!! A real man will appreciate your changed body because you sacrificed it to bring his child into this world.

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Take your daughter and run. That’s so disgustingly wrong.

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He seems like an awful narcissist. Please go before he destroys you. Things get better when you are out of those toxic soul eaters. Do it for your kids and yourself. It gets way better, I promise.

So go out find you a super hot dude bring him home and be like ‘i found our 3rd’ lmao


Please don’t do anything you don’t want to do.Leave him and don’t look back. Prayers and hugs for you!

Why tf do women insist on staying in these crappy ass relationships with shitty ass men. I just don’t get it. Ain’t no dick that good to put up with being treated like crap. Why I left my husband and stay by myself.

What a disgusting pig, Luke you just had a baby. I would leave

Bro sounds like he needs some help …

Kick him to the kerb

Take your baby and go. If you’re not convinced…look at your daughter and imagine her partner said that BS to her :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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If nothing else, please remember that you do NOT have to participate in his demands no matter how much he acts up, guilts you, bullies you etc. You can say NO.


Tell him ok, as long as you get to pick the other guy :joy::joy:


What a loser. Go find 2 dudes off the street. And say heres your 3 some, enjoy. And leve with your kids.


He’s toxic sweetie in all seriousness if he can’t accept you in a monogamous sense as the mother of his child and he’s threatening to step out on you regardless of your discomfort then you need to step away and let him know your boundary is point blank. He wants to hit a piece of strange he can have all he wants and all it’ll cost him is his relationship with you and some child support. Your answer is no. He’s enough for you. If you aren’t enough for him then that’s a deal breaker.

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That’s awful, I’m sorry you’re experiencing this from someone who is supposed to love you. Unfortunately, he probably will never grow up, or out of this mindset he has. You have to do what’s best for you and your children. I hope the best for you.

If you give in to this. The next demands will get worse :kissing_heart:


Man I was in a similar position with my soon to be ex husband. After I had our daughter 6 years ago he tried for a 3 way with MY STEP SISTER! And after he got turned down he started demanding these weird and DISGUSTING kinks that are JUST DOWN RIGHT :nauseated_face::face_vomiting: I FINALLY caved in on some just so he would just STOP because my ppd was horrible and I still have issues with depression and self esteem issues because of that. Please take the baby and save yourself from a lot of heartache. I finally had enough back in September and I’m the one who caught charges and no longer allowed to live in my home because my husband is considered the so called victim even though he has and still mentally and emotionally abuses me.

What you need to do is ask yourself what you would tell your baby daughter if she was going through this? Then take your own advice. Yes, it will be hard if you leave but if you stay you’re only continuing to put yourself through it.

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Call the police. That’s sexual assult. U work have him removed.


Abusers are like that… one way and then another way

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To be honest I would be more pissed about the hurtful things he said to after you had a baby. What an asshole!!
Have you expressed to him your not interested in a 3some?
I’m not going to tell you leave but I will say he won’t change, it will be like this for the rest of your life!
Would you want any of your children with someone like this?
I’m sorry I would try and find a way you can leave and if you have to plan ahead before you do it. Especially with him threatening you to take you baby🙄.

Prayers and good thoughts and vibes I understand u completely. God will give u the strength to pull thro n get out with the babies. In time don’t do anything u don’t want to do.

Oh babe… no no no…
This is NOT ok or normal to demand that from you…. Save up, heal , and get out.

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Hell nah. No man, or anyone else for that matter, has a right to demand a damn thing from you. Hold your ground.

Bring another guy home and start that threesome lol :kissing_heart:


Without it being mean whatsoever- I’m telling you what you already know to be true.
He will not change. Period. That’s someone who has gotten their way a thousand times by throwing a tantrum to do so. The little things he does that someone didn’t do for you in another relationship is not enough to stay around and be abused. Those are tiny, minuscule things he knows he can give you so you’ll stay put. He KNOWS that. Trust and believe.
You do need to leave. Stop making excuses. Stop settling for “bare minimum” when you know you deserve a man who treats you right. Regardless of what your anxiety tells you the future may or may not hold, you already know your future isn’t with this boy. That’s not a man, that’s a little boy throwing a tantrum.
Your kids are watching you, learning from you what relationships are like.
You wouldn’t want them to go through this- so why put yourself through it for some little rare compliments?
You’re gonna be scared to be on your own, and go into the unknown, but you know that everything will be okay.

Stop putting yourself down thinking you deserve this or it’s not that bad, or that being alone is the worst thing ever.


What you allow is what will continue.

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Let him be done. That should be a couple decision to have a three some.

He already has someone else that’s why he wants a threesome.


I’m not normally the one to always suggest to just leave, but in this senecio it seems that he is passed giving it another try. If a man demands me of ANYTHING or else he will leave, then if tell him don’t let the door hit ya on the way out.


Just going to get worse from here. Contact a local women’s shelter to plan an out for yourself, that is what they are there for. Lawyers, plans for money, housing, etc.


Go for a threesome.
But the 3rd party is a gay male.


Having the threesome in his eyes is you giving him permission to cheat which by the sound of it he already is


You will have the strength to leave when you have enough!! Grow some self respect for yourself!! You deserve so much better!! There is so many places out there that will help you!! This is ABUSE!!!


Dosent sound like your relationship is in a position to even be considering a three sum and he is going about it the complete wrong way


Tell him ok as long as it’s another man and see how he reacts…If he doesn’t like that say that’s how I feel when you ask me. Give him a taste of his own medicine. If he is going to be a baby about the 3some with another male but not another female. LEAVE or just take your child and leave any way. He should respect your boundaries. If he can’t I wouldn’t stay kid or not.


Talk to doctor honestly about post pardon depression. Talk to him honestly remember you have to listen too. Marriage counseling. And if all else fails go for it but you pick the person and pick a guy who is more of everything he isn’t he is bigger in every aspect. He last longer and even has a bigger load. Let your man deal with how that makes him feel and all of his insecurities. Most men want a threesome but very few are actually equipped to do the job at hand. Start putting yourself first. And I guess try date nights with him or whoever.