SO is demanding a threesome

He’s demanding a threesome? Who does he think he is? I’m sorry but he sounds like a real piece of shit.

He’s a narcissist. Do you want your kids to be with someone like that? Your daughter? God is telling you that you’re not meant to be. Listen!


Threesomes do not help relationships


If he doesn’t want to learn how to bring health to your relationship why stay? and if a threesome is such a deal breaker why is he still with you? You can’t save a relationship by yourself, it’s impossible. So if he’s not concerned with the problem what is there left for you to do? You don’t sound as happy as you want us to believe.

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If you have stressed the fact that you are not comfortable doing this, and he still hasn’t let up and respected your choice and feelings then he is not the one for you.

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This is obviously something that you are not comfortable with. DO NOT MAKE YOURSELF UNCOMFORTABLE TO MAKE HIM COMFORTABLE! Personally, I would leave. He is not respecting you!


Get the baby in daycare or with a loved one who won’t let him have the baby get documentation and all the evidence of how he threatened you and to take baby and his demands so you can use in court if needed. Be smart about it. Don’t trust him.


That dude is straight up disrespecting you and you just let him do it. He doesn’t want a threesome, he wants sex with another girl. Seems like he’s trying to make you leave without him being the bad guy!! So leave! Yes, it’s easier said than done. Leave before it consumes you and you lose yourself. You have your kids to raise, you have to be there for your kids.

I mean he is entitled to his desire to want a threesome. However, he does not get to demand it. He doesn’t even get to request it after you’ve said no the first time. If he can’t respect your boundaries he is the problem. Also, if my husband ever called me ugly, fat, or disgusting we would be done :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face: I’m apparently not what he wants so I’m not wasting my time. Just because someone is “good to you sometimes” doesn’t mean you need to stay with them. They should be good to you ALL of the time. Leave before he destroys anymore of your self-esteem!

First of all, talk to someone about post partum depression please. 2nd of all this is screaming emotional abuse and manipulative af. Gtfo before it’s too late, don’t marry this guy. 3rd, for shits and gigs tell him you’re willing to have one if it’s another guy and see how he responds. Chances are he’s not gunna love that idea.

That’s abuse in case you can’t see it from inside the relationship. Saying he’ll do these things unless you give him what he wants, take the child, belittling you physically to create body dysmorphia, and keeping you confused as to where the relationship stands with the constant back and forth. Especially after having ‘trapped’ you with a child. Look up narcissistic abuse, because they do that kind of crazy shit, it will NEVER stop. You give him one thing, there will be another until he knows he controls all of you then he’ll leave for a new source. Sexual abuse is common in these relationships as well. I’m pretty sure depending on the state, threatening to take off with your child to keep you hostile is a domestic violence charge. If it comes to it, and he starts raging over it call 911 and let them listen, you have the right to leave WITH YOUR BABY!

He sounds like a narcissist ass.
Just like my ex. He did the same crap.
Next he will be on hookup sites if he aint already.

Tell him you’re down as long as you get to pick the guy!


:joy::joy::joy: boy BYE. I guess he’s trying to disappoint TWO women now. You deserve so much better than this!! Do not water yourself down-do not change your values-do not drive yourself insane, over this BOY. BOYS chase multiple women and pass themselves around like a party favor. A MAN will love you and only you, in the correct way that you 100% deserve. ((Hugs))

He is a scum bag… You need to respect yourself even more… Hes abusing you… You deserve much much better… He needs to go and find scum like himself and you move on…

I’d take your baby and leave , he has zero respect! Xx

Here’s what you do, he wants to call you names, yet Amanda threesome. You find somebody that wants to deal with it is far worse off than he claims you are. Make him really eat his words so he should discuss it he won’t wanna do it. Or if he tries to pick the person you just lay there and do nothing. Don’t be a willing participant like he expects you to be. And if he wants to throw in your face that you’re done if you don’t do anything, tell him OK pack your shit and get out but you’re leaving the kid behind.

Trust me when I say threesomes only hurt the relationship. It feels like he already has an idea of who he wants it with and to include you so he can’t be told he’s cheating. I feel if he hasn’t already he is emotionally cheating. Talk to a doctor about the depression and take care of you and your kids. He is being toxic. You do not need to lower your standards to accommodate his. If he loved you then you would be enough.

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I glad you found this outlet, I will pray for you. He makes you happy bc you have love, does he though? Because you deserve to have it returned.

Jamie Lyn Fox smatalie did not have one of these. :no_mouth:

How in the Hell can you even justify saying “he’s good to us most of the time”? He’s an insecure control freak & a monster. Threatening to take your baby away? And because you won’t have a threesome? Gross. Ma’am, you don’t even need to be posting this on social media, you need to be packing you & your kids belongings and getting the eff out!


How in the Hell can you even justify saying “he’s good to us most of the time”? He’s an insecure control freak & a monster. Threatening to take your baby away? And because you won’t have a threesome? Gross. Ma’am, you don’t even need to be posting this on social media, you need to be packing you & your kids belongings and getting the eff out!


Leave you deserve better!

So you don’t wanna leave him cause it ain’t easy but he won’t hesitate to leave you with your baby while your at work if you don’t give him what he wants & yet what he wants is to CHEAT just using you for permission because you could never argue the fact of his cheating if your involved… Interesting how you CAN’T SEE how EASY it is to make the choice to leave him but hey maybe deep down you want the 3some to happen …


What a disgusting pig… you can find the strength to leave. Don’t ever let someone make you feel like that especially after having his baby he should be Worshiping you! You leave… he’ll be sorry

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I’ll be praying for you. I hope you get out of that manipulative relationship. Wish you the very best.


Bye bye Felicia.
Show this asshole the door and make sure it hits him on the way out.

See you give him a baby and two months later he demands a threesome. I am so sorry but that is a form.of abuse if it causes arguments and not your thing. He is trying his hand at sexual coersion. You should be glowing with your new baby and he is basically stomping around in a tantrum. Probably because he is not getting enough attention. I would not emotionally heal from that. Regardless of what happens next.

Leave him girl. He’s a pig.

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Get out he’s sick and potentially abusive

Getting in a mood cos he can’t have a threesome he can f right off where’s the respect? And you just had his baby sorry but you deserve better


Those red flags are so big Elon can see them from Mars. Take the kids and gtfo when he’s not at home. He is abusive and not safe to be around. Screaming, emotional blackmail, emotional abuse, obessive. It’s only a matter of time before he escalates.

“I couldn’t be happier.”

Yes honey, you absolutely can.


NEVER stay in a toxic relationship for the children in the end they will see what is going on and they will think that behaviour is ok for their future relationships.


A group where we all tell you to leave them

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Withholding sex
Yep… sounds like your classic narcissist…leave.

If my partner said he was leaving if I didn’t offer him a 3some then I’d say pack your bags or better yet I’d help him because I am worth more than that. It’s sad that he treats you this way, it’s a form of emotional abuse and neglect. He sounds like a right royal loser. You wouldn’t want your children being treated this way so ask yourself why am I allowing him to treat me this way? I think deep down you know the answer however only you can come to that decision. No matter how many people on this platform tell you to leave, your the only one who can only make any decision about your relationship at the end of the day. Settling for ok, is ok but having someone who will move the earth for you is better. Listen to your gut, thats why it’s there :blush:


When a man is looking for a threesome it’s either he is not into the person he is with or he is trying to fulfill a fantasy. Tell him sure hunny I’m willing but it’s got to be with a male not female. Then on the night it’s suppose to happen take your dead time entering the bedroom and let him and the guy go at it. Then walk away. Show him u don’t step to his demands at no costs at all. Have everything ready and move out. U deserve so much more from a man who will treat u with respect and a queen

Sorry to say I will disagree with you when you say 'he is good to us most of the time. !!!This isn’t good even if it every so often. Even if it was only one time. This man isn’t good to you .
Now it’s up to you with what happens next!!


Because iv learned if you do a 3 sum they tend to use it against you in the future

You don’t have to If you don’t want to
If he wants another person so bad tell him to leave or shut the hell up

Tell him women only share trash dick​:rofl: you think you wanna go around showing off his disability :sweat_smile:. He needs to knock that shit off. You deserve better.

Bro. You’re not happy with him at all. Don’t fool yourself.
You can leave. You’re just afraid to.
Leave him. You can do better and get better.


I know it’s easier said than done and I know you’re going to find the strength to leave his ass. I’m rooting for you sister. Do what you gotta do and this group is here if you need us

If he truly loved you he wouldn’t be acting like that leave him and get custody before he does take baby

Tell him byeeee. You deserve better,and you know it.

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Tell him not to let the door hit him in the ass on the way out.

Nah prayers won’t help anything, a backbone and conviction will! He blows honey. Gtfo


It’s not easier said then done… pack his bags and tell him his a :pig: and that’s why his leaving :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Ew. Ask him what guy he has in mind because you can’t imagine he’s dumb enough to wanna disappoint two women at the same time.


I wouldn’t put up with that pos.

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Lol demand it with another man and see how quick his mood changes


That tells me he has someone in mind he wants to have sex with already and using the threesome as an excuse.

He doesn’t sound like he’s good to you most of the time. If my SO ever acted like a spoiled toddler throwing days long tantrums about wanting a 3some or he’s leaving, I would be showing him the door.


Anyone that loves you and respects you would never tell you that! Boy,:wave: Bye :v:t3:

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Leave him! Not just about wanting a threesome that you feel uncomfortable about, or the mean name calling, but because he is threatening to take your baby and leave while you are at work. No no no no! Leave him, lawyer up and save all text messages and record his bad behavior and save that too. Do not put up with that. It will never get better, ever. Don’t let any desperation make you do anything you do not want to do.


It’s ok to be sad! That feeling won’t last forever. The sooner you leave the sooner you and your children can find the happiness you deserve……it might not be easy but it will be worth it! You don’t need strangers to tell you what you already know!


kick him to the curb…you deserve better…someone who truly loves you would never behave this way …see ya abuser.

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Go ahead and tell your story to the judge

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:joy::joy: here’s how you fix that. Tell him okay but you want to find the person. Then find a gay man and bring him over. He wants a threesome so bad.


Don’t do it if you don’t want to kick his ass to the crub

Talk it out with God. Pray for strength and courage.
There is definitely an answer, but I don’t know anything else other than praying about it.
I’m sorry you’re hurt and going through this.
Remember WHO YOU ARE! You are a daughter of the one true King! More precious than Rubies and deserve something with more kindness and love.

I will pray for peace and comfort for you.

Have a threesome but with a guy and see what he says


Leave before he starts sexually abusing you…seriously…This is a huge red flag…You just had a baby. Postpartum is a period of vulnerability and sex is highly weaponized by abusers…

Run, don’t walk, run!!!

I know its hard to leave. Especially with children…but why stay with a man who constantly disrespects you ,hurts you mentally and DEMANDS a threesome ?
Apart from the thought upsetting
you your body is still recovering from the birth of your baby.
Please…pack and get to a woman’s refuge. This mans behaviour is only going to get worse :heartpulse:


He’s abusive. Get out now and don’t look back. Do not marry him.


Any form of demanding by the way is sexually coercive.


Sounds bi polar or something.

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Kick his stupid ass to the curb!

Chances are he’s already sleeping around.


Tell him you get one with another man first. It’s only fair


sounds like you are the breadwinner, cut your losses and go.

Bring home a man of your choice. Here’s your threesome honey :upside_down_face:


Tell him that you’ll have a threesome if you can pick who it is , and then chose a gay man. Then you’ll know how serious he is, and if he still wants to follow though, you’ll know exactly where you stand with him.

You deserve a whole lot more than what he’s willing to give you.

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Leave you deserve better

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WTF. :triangular_flag_on_post:
Get rid of this loser! Stay with your parents or a friend and get your affairs in order. This is not normal behavior.


You can’t change him. Be done with him.

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:flushed:Is this for real? Lord please give her the strength to leave a man who demands threesomes and calls her fat and ugly. No matter how irresistible this man may appear remind her that it is a dumpster fire of a relationship. In Jesus name amen :pray:

You don’t want to leave, give him a man or a lesbian as his choice :ok_hand:t4:


No way to live! Kick him to the curb! That’s mental
Abuse… if you give into that… it’ll always be something more. Sorry what a POS he is.


Leave before he does and get a temporary custody go to the shelter


Here’s you sign. Do you want to live this way for years to come? In case you mind is unsure I will answer for NO!! Does he love you NO! He loves himself.
Get out and worry about the what if’s later.

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He’s already sleeping around and if you agree for a threesome, it’s his way of you giving him permission to keep doing so. Once you do it he will throw it in your face every argument. I would give him the Vaseline and tell him his hand could be his 3 some


Leave!!! Run……He’s a loser


He obviously hasn’t picked the right women for him and he certainly not thw right man for u if u don’t want to do those things

Girl… get yourself another man.

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Yes, it is easier said than done, but I speak from experience. The longer you stay the more damage done. Not just for you, but the children too. We think they don’t notice but the babies you already had before him notice and absorb the stress in the environment. Unfortunately, it won’t get better. Truthfully, that environment is not stable and how can you get over the depression? Seek counseling too. Most of all love yourself, and know your worth queen.


Sounds like he has some internal shit to work out if he thinks just because he has a child with someone, he can demand anything from them. Let alone thinks he can force sex from you. What he is doing is illegal darling. It’s a form of sex trafficking/rape/sexual abuse. Prayers won’t solve this. Sadly. You can try to manipulate by getting him to approve u to choose the 3rd wheel, u can bring a dude… etc all that cause is him actually taking it to next level of abuse. The fact he abuses you till you say yes IS NOT CONCENT!!! foolish as it may seem call your local women advocate center, share this anonymously, they will help you with this. But also as I mentioned above he needs to see a therapist as fetishes are not to be forced with a partner. Red flags and all. Then again, if your ok with the 3 some and just fed up with how he approaches it then I suggest you use your momma tone and tell that little boy where you stand and what’s acceptable or not. I’m sure you don’t want your children growing up thinking that behavior is acceptable. It will more than likely land them in jail. Hate to see that day happen when you could have put stop to it by using your voice or walking away. Your body, your kids come first.

DEMANDING??? Fuck THAT! Time to leave his ass

I only read the first sentence and said ‘nope’.

He doesn’t respect you. You don’t respect yourself enough to put your foot down meanwhile he’s mentally abusing you while there’s a child in the middle hearing y’all fighting. If you don’t respect yourself enough to leave then find it in you to leave and want better for your child.

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Say ok. Call Joe over and let’s get it on.


You said: “he’s good to us most of the time…I couldn’t be happier” :face_with_raised_eyebrow: And then you tell us this horrible tale of lying, torture, and deceit? And you couldn’t be happier? Lady, please take his stuff and put it out on the porch, and change the locks. OR Pack up your children and your things and leave. He is a narcissist, full-fledged. And he has other women lined up to replace you. He’s only using the “threesome” thing to make it official so that he can say “Well, you told me to do it” or “You said that I could do it.” GET OUT NOW while you can. You know what you need to do. Let go because you are not letting go of much. There are plenty of men in this world that will torture you, criticize you, denigrate you, or coerce you into letting them cheat in front of you. LOVE YOURSELF AND YOUR CHILDREN MORE.


Put a dating app on your phone and let him see it and when he blows his stack tell him you’re looking for a third


Well if you give in, it’s only gonna go two ways after that, either he is gonna want a threesome more or he will be cheating on you if he isn’t already :woman_shrugging:

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say yes and get another man in , then leave the prick

He’s not a man. Get out now before he does more damage. You deserve far better. Why isn’t he working?

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Tell him to go have one; you’re out!!

He has NO Respect for you. Your asking for Troubles going
In that direction. He has a Sick mind.

You need a real man that just wants you no one else
And make you his queen