"Today the preschool director told me that my daughter was separated from the group by an elderly female teacher assistant. Apparently, my daughter remembered that she was going to drive a different car today (not her regular car) and started walking my daughter through the parking lot.
When the main teacher asked where they were going, she said she was going to show her the car. The teacher went and told the director, and when they got back, the director questioned my daughter. Apparently, the assistant told my daughter to tell the main teacher it was a secret.
The director told my daughter that we don’t keep secrets and that she’s not in trouble but needed to explain what happened. My daughter was adamant to her (and to me) that she did not go in the car, and it was literally just to see the elderly assistant’s son’s sports car that she drove for the day.
I was told it was being investigated, and termination is on the table. Curious as to how you guys feel about this. Seems obvious to me. Who in their right mind separates a child from the rest of the group then says to keep it a secret?"
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“Absolutely grounds for termination. If I was the lead teacher, I would have taken the child’s hand and not let her go. Anytime I served as lead teacher, what I said goes, can’t imagine any of my assistants ever walking a child out to the parking lot.”
“Safe adults don’t ask children to keep secrets.”
“I wouldn’t be sending my daughter back if or until that adult was gone. Period. There are too many shady people in this world, & I would never take the chance. I think that management handled the incident well, & would give them the opportunity to fire her or not. If they didn’t, my daughter wouldn’t be back.”
“Just because they’re old or female doesn’t mean they can’t kidnap or do any wrong. That’s definitely creepy & scary. Especially the secret part. That’s how adults get away with things towards kids because kids don’t want to get in trouble for telling a secret.”
“Nope!!! Absolutely not!! Not okay in my eyes! Nothing about this situation gives me a warm fuzzy feeling!! Sounds like the teacher and director did a good job but I would go as far as to follow up with the investigation frequently and possibly report this to the cops. It’s sad that this is the world we live in and you cannot trust anyone.”
“Termination is on the table? It would be immediate and Id be in there raising hell to see this woman! Call the police.”
“No one in their right mind does that. At the very least/most innocent possibility she is senile and should not be working with children. I’ve had students carry stuff for me to my car, but it was during a time period when other adults were outside and I was parked by the front door and several students went together while others waited on them. Also, they just set the boxes by the car. They didn’t in any way get in.”
“The assistant could have just taken a picture or video of the car. Teachers, assistants, daycare workers, etc. all know VERY WELL what they are and aren’t allowed to do. This is dangerous. I would demand termination.”
“Even if she’s not up to anything sinister, she’s severely lacking in judgment and it needs dealing with.”
“I would definitely recommend your daughter talk to a counselor and also do not give up till that teacher is terminated.”
“Obviously you know the answer. Not sure what the question is? Lol if it’s a matter of what to do. Don’t send your child back until that person is gone. If the preschool doesn’t take it serious enough to file a formal complaint with the county/state, I would.”
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