I’d be livid!! Police should be involved
That is no ok at all in my mind !
Hell to the no. Something doesn’t sit right with me on this. That staff needs fired
I would be totally upset, and that’s creepy.
Take. Your kid. To . A . Doctor. Asap.
Not ok. Report this to the police.
What the EFF? I would feel very uncomfortable and i would complain, file a police report, i would file a restraining order AND THEN Sue the school for negligence
Wouldn’t allow that in my book NO
NOPE! thats a big red flag!
They teacher was trying to kidnap that kid
Investigate this matter Mam…this sounds very serious and desturbing.It couldve been worse.
Thats sketchy as hell
Hell to the no @ I’d have that ladys ass
Heads would roll !!! I’d be livid ,
Fuck her up! That’s sketchy as hell!
Very concerning to say the least!
The woman it’s a danger to the kids, she should be terminated in more than just one way if you ask me
Trust your gut feeling mama .
Thomas Tj Stallworth Sr.
So sorry this happened to your family. Prayers for healing.
WTF I wouldn’t be going there anymore
No suspicious as #$×÷
Completely inappropriate
𝙊𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙟𝙨𝙩 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙣𝙜 …
File a police report now!!!
I wouldn’t bring my child back until she was fired. This day and age I would be surprised there weren’t camera s that you could look at. No secrets is major flag
I think that was a big deal
.not saying she had bad intentions. Plus the part the child willing went at that age my kids pretty much new about not to follow any one .but children forget the rules when around teachers .
The teacher assistant should be understanding for the consequences. I would have ask to transfer her to a high school if not found guilty of bad intentions.
It makes me feel like I would need to kick some a$$. Why would anyone walk a child out to a parking lot? Why did they need to show the child the car? Why tell the child to keep it a secret? All wrong and no good in that situation. Firing time.
No adult with good intentions will ever ask a child to keep a secret from a teacher, or parent. The flag couldn’t be more red if someone bled on it.
Nobody at all should ever ask a child to keep a secret. It would make me extremely uncomfortable for my daughter to ever be allowed around that woman again. I hope she is terminated. Are the teacher’s assistant I’m sure she’s aware of the bad things to happen in this world to Children especially in instances like this. She should have known better. I’m sure she knew better. I’m so angry for you right now
I feel like - maybe - there is a reasonable, innocent explanation. But it’s the “it’s a secret” aspect that sets my alerts on high. That’s never ok, and as a childcare provider, she should know that
Grooming. If it wasn’t grooming then it was very poor judgement on the teachers part because it looks like grooming. And I would have my kid out of that daycare at least until that teacher is gone. That’s often how it starts, the little secrets, until secrets become commonplace and “normal”, then move onto the bigger darker secrets… Separating from the group just for little seemingly innocuous things like showing off the car, until separating from the group becomes more commonplace and “normal”, before being separated from the group for bigger darker reasons. That’s a big ol bucket of nope right there. You can’t be too careful with your little ones.
If she was just being shown the car why would it need to be kept a secret, huge line that was crossed, and a lot of red flags…
If an adult tells a child that something is a secret, they are more than likely up to no good. I don’t like it and I think you should see yo it that the assistant is fired.
Huge deal. Compromised safety and teaching a child to “keep secrets” is how abuse and grooming goes on…NOPE NOPE NOPE especially with one so young!!!
OMG… that is absolutely shocking !! That needs to be investigated by the police while your daughter is safe at home!!
I’m glad everyone else understood what happened. I’m so confused as to what went on.
Really just depends part of me says a big deal but a part of me also knows my love for fast sports cars and always wanted to check them out myself. So my question is if she is not into cars then u know it has to be more. But if she loved flashy cars like me the teacher probably thought she was doing something positive with the child by letting her see it. 2020 has been a crazy year.
Did your daughter say she was told to keep it a secret? If your daughter did not say that there might be other issues going on within that daycare.
That’s WEIRD go to a new school that’s not safe at all.
Oh heck no!!! I would be out of my mind!
That’s crazy! Something is terribly wrong with that entire situation. Have the authorities been called? Child protective services? I would think this warrants more than termination… no one does this without intending more or doing more (sad to say). Your child may not know that this teacher assistant violated her in some way?
smart girl and if a child her age knew something wasnt right then it most likely wasnt. when I was a child two men looked at me in the wrong way and i could sense it and made up excuses or look away and keep away tp prevent it from happening!
Plenty of older folk do inappropriate but innocent things with little kids. I’ve seen my parents do silly things like give them ice cream and tell them to keep it a secret. Please don’t overreact!
Predators DO hide as employees in the preschools. My daughter had a teacher who asked me if she could take her off campus for an ice cream with her husband. Uh no! I reported it to the Superintendent to put them on alert but im not sure they took it seriously.
I would pull my daughter out until the situation is handled and I would expect a phone call explaining what exactly happened and what has been done and what will be done to prevent such a thing from happening in the future.
No one with good thoughts. I hope nothing happened. If something did the little girl might not disclose it for years if ever.
I’d report it to local agency and have a long talk with my child to reassure of right and wrong scenarios
I wouldn’t send my daughter back until they fire her and something is put in place about situation about this.
Nope! If that teacher wanted to show off the car it should have been the entire class. She’s FOS!
This is why I’m homeschooling my three children now!!! Don’t trust a soul now days. No way. So sorry this happened.
If anyone asks my child to keep a secret, red flags.
Something is very very off. I wouldn’t quit pushing the issue until something is done.
Its absolutely a big deal, don’t let up mama. Trust your instincts!
That needs to be reported to the police and investigated by them as well. I’d file a report if I were in your situation.
I would look into pressing charges against the individual. It is a huge deal. I am glad the school stepped up and notified you but that is terrifying.
What’s the name and location of preschool?? Wanna make sure my kid don’t go there
If it feels wrong it’s wrong. I would speak to the director in the morning, and contact PD to make a report. Firing just doesn’t seem like enough
what school official thinks this is appropriate ? this woman sounds like a predator.
I teach mine that if you are asked to keep a secret then I expect to be the first to hear about it. We don’t do secrets.
Just be calm and rational a lot of these posts are soooo negative. You know what’s best .
Crossed a huge major line… nope I would have a lot of issues about that…
I’d b taking my child outta that school nd not letting her back theirs to much wrong in that situation rite there
Sounds like the start of grooming. Push it.
Nope that teacher needs to GO!
Take my child out of that school
Secrets are bad! No secrets… alarm bells there
I am praying for all of you. This is NOT ok at all!
If it feels wrong it is wrong. Trust your gut.
Make a report at the police station secret no way take this matter in yr hands early
I mean if you don’t know the woman than yes it’s suspicious. However I grew up in a small town. Grandma’s were the daycares usually a group would watch a whole lot of the littles. So we knew everyone so taking them to show them uncle Joe’s car wouldn’t be that big deal where I’m from.
I thnk u shld have taken ur daughter to the doctor jst to make sure nothing happened…
No secrets ever from a child.
The fact that it’s a mystery why the child was taken through this is enough to investigate the reason and press chargers no matter what they are
Should be terminated, no questions about it
What? Seriously? Secret? That’s a red flag. Report the situation!
Don’t take this lightly!
Something sounds extremely fishy. Why single out your daughter? Why take a child out of the building to the parking lot to show off a car?
Does the preschool have cameras? If so I would ask to see the footage
I don’t like that the teacher said “it’s a secret…!!” We all know wtf that phrase means when adults and children are involved. Okay it may have been to just see the car, but still my child wouldn’t be allowed near that teacher.
I could say that maybe your daughter saw her drive in one day and asked her a question about the teacher’s car…and so she was simply showing her the sport car thinking your child likes different cars…but the whole "keep it a secret " makes me uneasy. I’d ask to have her put in another room until this is cleared up.
It would’ve been cute and not creepy had the teacher assistant not said “it’s a secret”. But that’s definitely creepy and why only your child.
Makes me feel odd. Like is this person trying to groom my child?
Mom I would look for a new school. Let them handle her a wash your hands of it. My concern is her getting fired and her or her son taking it out on you or your child. Very weird shit going on
This is the type of shit that makes me not want to put my daughter in preschool
I’d be looking for a new preschool as well as get the police involved. Who really knows this woman??? She may be a predator. Why keep it a secret and I would be getting this woman fired and investigated by social services. Does she have kids at home or other kids she is involved with. I would request a full investigation. Or I would open a big can of Woop Ass on her
That’s creepy as hell no reason she should have done that btw woman can be predators as well
Hell no and why didnt the teacher stop her right there and tell her that’s not appropriate!!
Yeah…thats sketchy
The only time an adult tells a child to keep a secret in any incident as such it is because the adult knows damn well that what they are doing is WRONG!!! I would demand that they fire her and I would file a police report!! Who the fuck knows what that woman would do if not caught by another teacher! Wtf is wrong with people?!
I WOULD LOSE MY SHIT!!! There would be no “terminated on the table”. That woman would be terminated immediately or I would be calling CPS and the news. Actually, I would probably do that regardless.
Lord jesus that would so bother me !
Scary.she needs to b fired.
She need her ass beat idc don’t separate my child from others then say it’s a secret. Some women help men groom children and it sounds fishy. Stay on their necks about ur child mom!
No adult in their right mind would do this to a child! Good for you being all over that. I call bullshit for sure!!!
Bitch would get Her Ass beat
Oh hell no! I’d flip!!! You don’t do that! No one in their right mind, especially a child care worker would ever separate a child and tell them to keep it a secret! I’d raise hell!!!
I wouldn’t take my child back!
On the one hand…
She could have asked your daughter to keep it secret to keep the other kids from getting jealous…and She could have been trying to do something special for your daughter especially if your daughter has been through anything difficult recently. Especially if your daughter likes cars or asked to see it?
Regardless of good intention this assistant still violated the rules of the daycare and your expectations as a parent placing her child in the care of the daycare facility.
And realistically It equally and maybe more likely is something less pleasant than that. I would definitely stay on top of the daycare about the investigation. Perhaps take your daughter to a counselor to see if they can get her to open up a little about what happened. That way it’s on record with a professional and your daughter is not accidentally being “led” into what answers to give.
Not okay at all!!! You don’t walk someone else’s child away from the school to a parking lot to look at a car and tell them to keep it a secret.
That’s creepy, red flags, and not acceptable under any circumstances whatsoever.
Many bad people have accomplices or are under the facade that they’re ‘good’.
Make sure she’s terminated immediately and get to the bottom of all this. Don’t let them just sweep this under the rug. It could happen to another child or again to yours. Protect the babies.
I would be contacting the police sounds completely inappropriate and to be honest sounds like your baby may have had a lucky escape - thank god the school are doing their job . Call the police get it looked into - your child may not be the only one