Special baby shower gift ideas?

What is a good baby shower gift I can get my sister? She is having twins and I want something special


I made this for my sister for her baby shower. I filled it with lots of baby items that she had on her registry.


Hip flask. She gunna need it :laughing::laughing:


A variety of different bottles and smaller bottles to start out with, to test out; glass bottles (they safer than plastic ones) a “drop in” bottle set, angled bottle or two. If breast feeding, a u shaped pillows even if she don’t breast feed is still a great feeding aid pillow. First aid set kit that comes with one of those nose booger suckers, nail clippers, hair brush comb, thermometer etc. Lots n lots of spit rags. Passifiers. Lots of onsies ranging in sizes 0-3 months, 3-6 months, and 6-8 months is a good start. A huge box of unscented wipes. Sign up for wic. Saftey pins to pin socks together in their pairs for the wash. Study ingredients in things like baby soap, shampoo, conditioner,lotions, make sure there’s no added color dyes like red no 40, yeah they sneak those in baby hygiene products smh. Let’s see what else was a necessity to me… Baby swings the plug in one’s!!! Night time calming lotion and bubble bath for those over tired nights. A nice but not so technology advanced baby monitor. A couple those baby back pack things that you put on, put baby in and she will have 2 free hands while baby is snug against mom. Diaper bag and a smaller travel bag that just holds a few diapers and a pack of wipes and it folds out so you can lay baby on it for diaper change. Aquaphor lotion. Plenty bibs. Different brands of diapers and wipes to test out n try. Some kind of stroller set where the car seat is connected to the stroller. That way you just unhook baby while they in stroller, unhook the csr seat and pop it right in your car. Now for a few unnecessary items… Diaper pail dirty diaper holder? Just makes more work and they sink and full of bacteria) bottle warmer. It will get to the point where you know exactly how much time to set the microwave for the perfect temp. Excessive toys, just give them an old phone or remote n watch em play. Expensive state of the art baby monitor (unless you really want one) the more simple ones work just as great. Let’s see any other item that I swore by… If I think of more stuff reply go me so I can reply back. Everything I’ve listed here I’ve used and swear by

Make a diaper cake! That’s are super helpful!

My favourite gift at my baby shower. Was a pretty nursing nightgown from my aunt

All of these suggestions are great any of them would be appreciated.

Two swings I swear she will be grateful

Someone bought ME a gift for my shower…I will never forget it!
Your sister deserves a gift for carrying twins, for sure! Jewelry??!!

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Baby harness!! that way she can hold one and carry one at the same time I’m sure she would love it!

You could get stars named after the twins. It’s a pretty cool thing to have.

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Stroller clips or paci clips from ridge& co with babies names ?

Ask for a pic of the twins and put it a mural with her behind it

This is cute, can be the main attraction, and its DIY! You can go to youtube and get the video…its so easy!

Ask her what she really wants and needs!
When I had my baby I had a registry for items I REALLY wanted and important things we NEEDED and almost everyone ignored it…of course I appreciated any and every thing we got, but I was pretty bummed to have to buy some super essential items. Especially when people asked us what we needed and decided to get something totally unrelated to the answers I gave them

If you know names, anything monogrammed. I kept the few things my kids got and they love having them still.

It’s not traditional but I like to see the mom get a gift basket too. That baby is getting all the gifts but mom is who’s making it possible…


Give her a mama’s day out once a week for a year.

A wellness basket
Hand cream for mom
Medicine for baby
Gripe water
Diaper cream
Boogie sucker
Face mask
A coupon for I’ll bring you a meal. From your favorite place.

Snacks for mom for those late night feedings or I just need somthing quick

A new mom gift basket, you could fill it with comfy slippers, lotion, nursing gown, postpartum items…

Diapers for baby.


What about a diaper service or a meal service.

Make a book of special coupons,

Double stroller or twin size bassinet. Another needed item, if nursing, is a breast pump.

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Cases of wipes and diapers

Diapers! Don’t make a diaper cake. It just creates more work for the new mom to take it apart.

Start a savings account for the twins. Make up a certificate on the computer & gift her that. Add to the account as they grow.

Give her personal coupons for free house cleaning, free meals, a break day that you go & watch baby while she naps, a week you’ll do her laundry… Add some gift cards for takeout, massage etc.

Honestly babies aren’t that expensive. Most baby stuff can be bought 2nd hand, in almost new condition or even free. The expensive part is when they leave home. Start helping her prepare for that now.

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I did a nice box with all your medical needs. Thermometer nose sucker gripe water gas drops etc. included Tylenol ibuprofen and chocolate for adults.

Buy something for just her