Symptoms of having low iron?

Anyone struggle with low iron? If so what are the symptoms? And what can be a quick fix to feel better?


Tiredness, I also craved Ice. I was put on iron pills.

I was getting breathless alot cramps headaches heart would rate now and then,I got blood test down and had to take a iron supplement and eat foods with iron like sardines and drink prune and pear juices

Unfortunately there isn’t really a quick fix for low iron.
I was diagnosed with borderline anemia and borderline B12 deficient. I take an iron supplement daily and get a B12 injection bi-weekly. The Nurse Practitioner who gives me the injections said it will take a few months to start feeling better
Lots of beans/legumes, leafy greens (spinach, kale etc), beef liver

Extreme fatigue, dizziness, weakness, brain fog, pain in joints and muscles, heart palpitations.

There’s OTC iron supplements. Usually, one feels tired all the time and weak. If symptoms like heart rhythm changes, dizziness, fainting and especially shortness of breath you’ll need to get IV infusions. Just be sure your anemia is caused by low iron. Ferrous SulfAte is sold over the counter. Eating liver is one of best foods to eat to keep levels up but google a list of foods that contain iron and cook in cast iron. There’s several causes of anemia so never assume is lack of iron. Best advice is see a doctor for labs to get correct diagnosis and cure

I stay tired. Struggled with anemia for 20 years now.

Tiredness, fast heart rate. I was very anemic for a while and I just got so used to the symptoms of it. But eventually I had to have iv iron infusions to bring my levels up. You can take iron pills. It helps to take them with vitamin C to help absorption. But with the pills very little gets absorbed. It’s better to eat iron rich foods. And the pills can make you feel sick.

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When my son has low iron, his pediatrician said to cook in a cast iron skillet when making food and it helped quite a bit :grin:

Bruising, feeling tired and sluggish, getting dizzy, lower immune system.

Eat spinach liver and betabel ( I forgot name in English this will rise your iron level fast ) lentils are very good also I had bad low iron dr wanted to do transfusion it was 2.5 I was super dizzy headaches I would be out of breath when I walk tired all the time I passed out I ate everyday plus drank 100% iron n b12 everyday to get my energy back but the food I mention I ate every day I would force myself to