Symptoms of placenta previa?

Fan Question
~Kate :two_hearts:

The 20 week ultrasound went good except the fact that i have placenta previa where my placenta covers my cervix, now i have been having pains in my tummy lately but no bleeding, what i am trying to find out is if any of you that have this condition had their baby naturally or had to get a c-section?


I had this early in my pregnancy (I’m gonna be 39 weeks Wednesday)
And it fixed its self. Do not get worked up about it. Its more common then people think

I’m pretty sure if it doesn’t move you have a c-section. Mine was like this too but has moved.

I had it but it went away. My sister did too. I ended up having a c section but only because I had preeclampsia.

I’ve had 2 friends who had placenta previa and in both cases is moves to the side and they had vaginal deliveries. Hopefully yours will too :crossed_fingers:t2:

I had it and it eventually moved so I didnt need a c section… not sure on the pains but they could just be typical growing pains, especially if you aren’t bleeding

More common then folks think. I had one with my first and with my 2nd it was close but not covering. Lay low for a few weeks, no sex. As your uterus grows the placenta grows up as well. As in up the side. :grinning: natural birth with the first and assuming natural with the 2nd​:grinning:

Had it (partial) with my twins. No pain or bleeding It straightened out, and I had them naturally

I have it currently as well. I’m 31 weeks pregnant. I found out I had it at 23 weeks, after rushing to the hospital due to excessive bleeding after sex. I’ve been on bedrest and pelvic rest and have had 2 more bleeding incidents since then. Doc says I’m gonna have to have a c section

I had it and it fixed itself so a natural birth.

I had it with my little girl (now 7 and a half months) and it moved. Don’t stress.

I had that with my little girl and if it didn’t move then a c section is the only option but thankfully mine moved to the correct placement so she was born naturally

I had previa with my 1st pregnancy 4 years ago. I was diagnosed right at 20 weeks with my gender ultrasound. I was on pelvic rest from then on but never any other restrictions. The placenta shifted at the very end of my pregnancy and I ended up having a vaginal delivery after being told for months to plan for a C-section. I had extra ultrasounds to track the shift and I didn’t take any of the Lamaze classes so I felt unprepared in the delivery room but the nurses were great and I did fine.

i had this my entire first trimester and into my second, was put on bed rest and pelvic rest. the placenta eventually moved, though it is still low, but it moved enough that i was taken off of bedrest and told just to take it easy. you are still early enough that it there is a really good chance it will move on its own, if not i believe a c-section will be needed and it may cause you to go into labor earlier due to the pressure being put on your cervix. good luck sweetie