Symptoms of pre eclampsia?

Anyone ever have preeclampsia with high blood pressure, full body chills, joint pains everywhere, recurring headache, stiff shoulders, upper back and neck but no fever, cough, runny nose or any other flu like symptoms? Haven’t been near anyone sick that I know of.

This doesn’t necessarily sound like a classic case of pre-eclampsia. When I had it, it started with headaches and/or seeing stars/blurry vision, and my blood pressure went sky high and didn’t self regulate. It got high and stayed higher. They took my blood pressure twice at each appointment and scheduled me for blood pressure checks every other day to monitor it, coupled with urine analysis tests. There also was edema or sudden swelling in any or all of the following: legs, face, hands and/or feet, which they then put me on strict bedrest.

If you suspect you have pre-eclampsia, you should immediately call your ob and go in. It is nothing to mess around with. There is also a protein marker in your urine tests that will elevate as you start seeing these other symptoms. But the only way to tell is to see your doctor. Go in!