Teacher gift ideas?

Any moms giving their little ones teacher a Christmas gift? My daughter is in preschool and she has 3 teachers


Coffee mug with Hershey’s kisses wrapped.

Candy, water bottle, candle,hand sanitizer, ornament

I gave my preschooler’s teachers a beanie and gloves set and my older kid a b&bw hand soap with a Starbucks gift card.

I am also a preschool teacher and I received lots of Starbucks gift cards, wine, lotions, body scrubs. I also got handmade cards and I loved everything equally, it’s always the fact that they think about us that counts

Gift cards and Christmas chocolate candy like a movie ticket, Starbucks, Amazon has teacher gifts too :gift:

We gave my sons preschool teachers a cookie making set

Through out school years I have bought ornaments personalized with teachers names and that yr. Gift cards are nice too. I’ve done a couple other things.

I ordered customized ornaments on marketplace they had the teachers name, the year and a saying on it and put a little now on it,The lady who I got them from even puts them in a gift bag with tissue paper and even put the teachers name on the bottom of each bag so I knew which is which. My kids teachers loved them!

This is the message I sent my son’s teacher

Thinking Christmas…
What are some of your favorites
TV show/series
candy etc…What do you love ?

She gave me a few ideas and they were very helpful. I would’ve never thought about getting rocks and geodes. Ornaments and mugs are very thoughtful and sweet. I saw some cute cups, but then I thought to myself what if half of the class does the same thing and said teacher has been teaching for years. She is probably running out of room to store them.

If you’re not comfortable texting the teacher I would suggest a gas gift card.

I got our boys female teachers a teacher themed lanyard, and ornament, a small bracelet that has an apple/ teacher charm, my boss makes wax tarts so I put three of those in their bag as well. For one of their teachers who is a man, I got a coffee thermos, gloves for bus Duty, and I also put candy, hand sanitizer and a ChapStick in all four of the bags as well.

I had my daughter that had 4 teachers make them an ornament. I bought ceramic ornaments that she painted…

Gift card to their favorite restaurant. At the start of the school year some teachers will send home a paper of their favorite color, restaurant, sports team etc. and I keep it for reference when buying their gifts, the teacher is always thankful that they receive something they will actually use and enjoy.

As a retired teacher, if a parent asked me, I would give them a list: good brand markers, permanent markers, gift cards to B&N, etc. We get so many mugs over the years. I’m sorry to say I didn’t eat most of the homemade eateries as I didn’t know about the cleanliness of the homes, etc.

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I’m on a very tight budget this year so all I was able to afford was one of those multicolor pens

Gift cards (visa gift card)