Teachers assume I am my sons sibling: Advice?

Any teen moms here? I had my son when I was 15. He’s 12 now, and I get so many silly comments, especially at his school. When I met two of his teachers, they said, “sorry, we need a parent here, not a sibling” my son also gets so mad when his friends think I’m his sister. I don’t know how to help him feel better about it or what to say. He understands I had him at such a young age, but he still gets so upset at people’s comments. What do I say? I’m so lost, and I feel so guilty for him being ashamed.


that’s super unprofessional of the teachers and staff. Maybe write the school explaining


I honestly get the same. I had mine at 16. He’s going on 8 now and really tall.:sweat_smile: I was kinda upset the first few years, I’ve gotten kind of used to it by now.

Try introducing yourself as his mom. “Hi I’m Mistie, Leighton’s mom”


Welcome to my life im 30 and my daughter’s are 12 & 14. It never stops.

As annoying as it is, hey… could be worse, they could be thinking you’re the kids grandma :older_woman:


I’m 22 with a 5 year old, 2 year old, and due any day with my 3rd. I get told all the time I don’t look old enough to have 3 kids but I’ve been moved out and raising kids in my own house since I was pregnant with my first without anyones help so as long as ur doing what u should be, don’t worry about what anyone says. I tell my kids I had them younger so I could love them longer :woman_shrugging:t2:


I was 18. Im 35 now. And my oldest is 17. We still get sisters. Still. Its actually a huge compliment. But mine i girls so its probably very different. I can see why he’s frustrated. Just roll with it. Tell people you just look young.

I had my son at 17, he’s 8 now. I still get the comments asking if I am his sister. Then I tell them I am his mother and they ask am I sure!?!? I’m like wth do you mean am I sure? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I had to explain to my son it is because I had him at an early age in life and that some people just don’t age as well as we do. :woman_shrugging:

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I had my daughter at 31, some lady at Costco asked me if I was my baby’s grandma. :roll_eyes: people need to think before they speak.

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Here is a pic of me and my babies there are times when my kids friends first meet me they think i am their sister… I had my oldest at 17 it’s hard at times when i have to explain to them i am their mother not a sibling and it can become frustrating… Stay strong momma and keep your head up it will get better :blush:

I take it as a compliment!


Me and those teaches would have had some serious words

SAme girl same… I had my oldest at 16 she’s now in middle school… and still get asked if I’m her sister… even a few of my younger kids who are school age are always asked is that your mom? And they are like no that’s my mom and I’m almost 30zzz

Better than them thinking you are the grandmother… lol


I also had my daughter at 15 she is now 16 and I still get asked if we’re sisters all the time, and she looks identical to me

I get teased allllll the time by doctors etc lmao my 9 and 10 year old are up to my eyeballs and I’m 5’4”
They are giant me and my girl share clothes lmao. But I just laugh it off I even joke around too but I make it clear I am the mother and not a sibling!

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I had mine at 16 he will be 29, still happens. It was rough being the youngest mom in HIS high school but just explain who you are the will eventually ft it.

That’s nothing to be ashamed of smh :woman_facepalming: or what if mom is old they think it’s grandma … say no I’m mom ok … they should know next time you go that your he’s mom

Hahaha omg I got yelled at by daughter’s science teacher because he thought I was her older sister …She must have a parent present . Another teacher pulled him aside and said that’s her mum :joy::joy::joy::blush::blush:


Not the same situation exactly but… I looked VERY young when I started teaching. My only solution was to dress more maturely when I wanted to be taken seriously.


My son is now 20 and I just turned 35! My son still likes to fuck around and introduce me as his older sister :woman_facepalming:t4: lol
We’re basically going to be in an old folks home together :crazy_face:
He’ll grow out of it! I’m glad I’m son embraced it.

I had my son at 16 we never really had that problem. He laughs now about it cause they would ask my age and he would say 23 and the kids would be like wow my brother 23​:joy: But he was never embarrassed. He thought it was weird that his friends parents were in their 40’s :person_shrugging:

A simple “I AM his mother” with a little death glare thrown in works pretty well. :slight_smile:
Chin up. It’s ridiculous you have to deal with it now, but shut it down the moment it happens. It really does dissipate as they get older.


The petty part of me says to say you’ve “got good genes, sorry they didn’t get any.”
But the better part of me says to just politely correct them. You’re setting an example by how you respond.
And if no one has told you lately, you’re an awesome mom. That wasn’t an easy path to take but it sounds like you’re doing an amazing job. You shouldn’t be embarrassed of all your hard work. Neither should he.


I’d be reporting the teachers unprofessional behavior.They can not just assume you are not the parent or guardian.Now days all sorts of people of different ages take care of children.


Giiiirl it does not get easier :pleading_face: u just get used to it and hope ppl understand once I was at a chinese place w my 20 year old I’m 34 this old lady kept staring at us just mad dogging us finally she gets up and says she’s leaving or needs to be moved to another table because she can’t take the disgrace of seeing how a grown ass women like me can be out in public w a youngster like that :joy: I laughed and said but I love him of course I wanna show him off to the world I’m proud of him she nearly fkn fainted :joy: then I told her he’s my son he’s my pride and joy lady chill she just rolled her eyes and left then someone mysteriously paid our lunch bill 🤷🏻‍♀

I had my oldest son at 16, im now 36 and he is just a cpl weeks shy of being 20, we still get the brother sister comments, he laughs, but I also now have an almost 5 yr old and if all 3 of us are out in public they assume my oldest is the father of his little brother and that im the grandmother… he has never been affected by ppl assuming we are brother and sister "thank goodness " but I can live without ppl assuming I have an almost 5 yr old grandson… good luck

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My daughter is 33 I’m 49 she told everyone I was her sister most of her life we have a great relationship

I had my son at 15 too. It worst when they get old, I saw a old boyfriend and he thought my son was my boyfriend…:woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::grin: went to court with him, custody of my granddaughter and tried to explain to the judge and she told me as his girlfriend I had nothing to do with the child when I told the judge I was the grandmother she apologize. Son 42 me 57…

As a kid of someone who’s parents had them young we grow out of that weirdness. I used to hate it because people thought I was dating my dad or my mom was my sister but now I just don’t even care. Its honestly on people and the assumptions they make, not on you.

You think that’s bad. I got an even better one for you. I was 20 when I had my daughter. I happened to be staying at my parents house when I went into labor. They drove me to the hospital. They made my Mom sign me in because I looked like I was only 16. The same thing happened at my gynocologist office the first time I went. I brought my ID in with me and my mother for my 2nd appointment and wasn’t even questioned! Still till this day I have people questioning my age. But most of the time it’s when I’m carded for alcohol and I love it! I’m 52 now! :joy::joy::joy::joy: I take it as a compliment now lol

If this is your biggest problem in life, then you are doing well. :rofl:


I got pregnant with my son at 15 too he’s 32 now but I always had people telling me I wasn’t old enough to have a son that old and it was funny

Lol I look younger at times then I look for my two oldest, when I would come for the interviews for the first time I think the teachers would all be a little shocked I guess I wasn’t what they imagined :woman_shrugging:t2: my kids are biracial and I had them in my early 20’s.

Had my first at 15 he’s now 23 his friends have hit on me not knowing I was his mom he takes it all with a grain of salt

This is me and my 8 year old. I’m only 4’9 and 90 lbs. happens all the time to us too. :rofl:

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I’m in the same boat i had my daughter at 15 she’s will be 13 next month i used to have to tell her teachers and kids i am mom all the time

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This is me and my mom. She had me at 16 and we always get asked if we’re sisters even though she’s 100% white, and I am very obviously half hispanic lol. She’s 44 now and i’m 27. I even get asked if I’m in HS or college at times if I’m not wearing makeup. Sometimes I’m super flattered, others I’m annoyed.

I was 16 and my son will be 9 in May and I’ve been asked too if I was his sister before lol

Take it as a compliment.


Just smile and politely tell the, you are his mother and you have the documents to prove it. Then ask them to continue. You can’t let other people bring you down, and you can handle it gracefully. And if they get shitty about it, let them know that when they’re dealing with kids later on in their lives, yours will be grown and you’ll be the young hot mom on vacation.

Well I was asked if I was my 15 year old sons grandma the other weekend . by a Lil girl I didn’t even know I laughed n said no I’m his mom but I am a grandma .also :joy::rofl: I’m only 42

My son is 14, 6’4 and 300lbs. I get I.D.'d all the time and people think he is my brother. I had him at 18. My son is starting to not like it either, but I proudly correct people that this is my son! They are shocked yes but then I say something nice about my son when they say I look young. So I keep my son in positive spirits.

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I’m a white women with mixed children , try being asked several times in a row if you’re the mother and when you answer yes several times you get a dirty or shocked look from their face.


Its nothing you really can do. I mean you had a kid young and probably still have a baby face yourself. Trust me, your son will get over it and be fine. I had a son at 19 and he’ll be 23 in may. Wait until he’s grown then it will REALLY be awkward when people think your son is your mate​:woman_facepalming:t4::weary:


Tell him he better be glad you dont look like his grandma​:rofl::rofl:I had my last at 40 and I’m sure I’ll look like the grandma soon​:rofl::rofl:


I was 19 when I had my first. He will be 17 in just a few days and he went through this while in middle school. Everyone assumed I was his sister. It never bothered him though he always just said I looked young.

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Just wait till they bout 20ish and their friends start hitting on momma…oh man that’s when they get really mad…my son is 29 now I had him at 16…

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I had my son at 17, he is 6 now and in grade1. His teacher literally won’t even give me the time of day. It’s one thing to be judged by other parents but by the teachers :joy:


I was 14 my son is now 13, we get the same assumptions from people

People use to give my oldest sister dirty looks and rude comments about “having her hands full” she is 19 years older than me and has a son 1 year younger than me. She was a 20 year old single mom. People would assume I was her daughter.

I had my first at 18 hes going on 11 in august…i dont look 28 at all and hes almost my height. We all go places with my dad sometimes an people will assume im his sister im like no im his mom an they just look at me funny…my son an his uncle are a year apart my little brother is a year older than my son they go to the same school and the teachers always say oh your brother to him an he goes no thats my uncle…the teachers called my mom asking why my son called him his uncle my mom was like um well he is :rofl: all i told my mom was see what u get for having a kid when im 17 & then have my own kid a year later

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Yes always got mistaken for my daughter’s sister.

I guess I look old for 30 because I had my daughter at 21 and have never been questioned the same way some of you have. But if I were questioned I would proudly let them know I am her mother, and yes I was young when I had her but that shouldn’t matter!

I’m 30 years older than my oldest child. I get the same comments. He called me mom once & this woman said “he called you mom” & laughed. We also get a lot of people who think he’s my boyfriend/husband. Had a neighbor who insisted it (she’s a piece of work anyway). Idk what to tell you. Eventually both of you will just learn to laugh it off.

I have 7 kids. My oldest is turning 13 this year. I had her when I was 17. People like to assume that I’m a nanny or other stupid crap a lot. It is frustrating but there isn’t much I can do about it. People like to say “well they couldn’t all possibly be yours!” And I say “okay well you are welcome to try to tell my vagina that, but surely she will disagree with you.” They usually shut up lol

They always ask me if my daughters are my younger sister

Just politely say I’m his momma, ur doin great, ppl will talk just kill em with kindness. One day u both will have some laughs… and to the rest of u dealing with the rude ones, I’m sorry u have to… u are all doing great mommas!

Live & love it. I had my daughter at 34, I’m 43 now and people call me grandma. (my daughter yells & says my mommy is too young to be a grandma) I want to crawl under a rock & die.


I had this had my son at 17 hes now 18 soon to be 19 and apparently I look like his sister haha. He used to get mad but now hes used to it x

I always had the problem n actually to this day still with my grandkids… “Oh, your not the mom“ (when I’m out with grandkids) Wow, you like them young” (when out now with son)… lol
I just laugh n say thank you n yes I’m old enough to ground them… My son n his friends find it funny n grandkids just smile…

I had my first child when I just turned 17. I get a lot of “you’re not old enough to be his mom” comments but what can ya do :woman_shrugging:t3:. Just let it be known ahead of time you are his Mother and be the best mom you can be.

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Just smile and gently correct the person that you are his mother but appreciate the compliment. I had my son at 16, so I dealt with it a lot. I had a friend who had the opposite problem, as she was prematurely gray lots of folks assumed she was grandma. Her son went out of his way to introduce her as “this is my mom, not my grandmother.”

Girl , hold your head up high

This happens to me a lot! I’m 5’3” so everyone just assumes I’m a young teen… I just laugh and say I am the parent! Sorry I look 12 :upside_down_face:

Try being the mom who’s boys friends are already saying “your sister is hot. Is she single?” :joy::joy::joy:

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Take it as a compliment and if there nasty about it ask them is it because you don’t have wrinkles like the other mums :man_shrugging:


It’s so funny my son’s wife she’s Hispanic he’s white she has three Hispanic kids and then she had his son he’s white too people think she’s trying to steal them but when she would buy cigarettes they would not sell them to her unless she got her ID and show them they said she looked 14 and she was actually 30

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I look younger then I am and when I tell ppl I have an 8 year old they look at me with that really face! And I’m like yup I’m 29 had her at 21 don’t look that old. My dads friends ex girlfriend when she was enrolling me in high school they thought she was the one enrolling she got so mad too of course at 17 I thought it was funny as crap. Just tell him he’s got a young cool momma

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Oh man I wish I had that problem. I had my kid at 40 and I have got mistaken for Grandma. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:WTF


I’m almost 30 (5’3 and 130 pounds) my four year old is 108 pounds and 4’3. I get told all the time that I have a cute little brother while shopping.

Show up with a cigarette and a beer in your hand beer :beers: Instant ice breaker! If nothing else they’ll have something else to talk about. jk :upside_down_face:

Seriously tho, I was 15 when my oldest was born. Honestly, I’ve never had that issue. For me, the parents and teachers who treated us differently (silently) without acknowledging their assumptions was quite difficult. The way that I handled it was to be honest, not be afraid of the Q’s, and command respect by the way I either approached them or carried myself and made it a point to be directly involved at school as often as possible. I also learned that most of those parents had more issues in their personal lives as average age parents then I did as a young mom. Personal insecurity as parents is a huge thing to overcome. Add 14/15 yr old pregnancy on top of that… At 42, I wish I had cared WAAAYY less what others thought of me back then.


The dentist thought that I was was my daughter and my daughter was my mother I just kinda laughed it off take it as a compliment that is what I do

Just reintroduced yourself as mom!

And get used to it because when he has a child you will be mistaken as mom

Had my daughter at 15 she had a child at 22

Get it all the time

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I had my daughter at 17 and I’ve gotten that alot as well. No advice though as it has never affected us in a negative way.

I had my daughter at 16, she’s turning 2 in 2 days time.:heart: Haven’t had these questions yet but I assume they are still to come.:hear_no_evil:

I was 17 almost 18 when i had my daughter. I get told im her sister- especially when im 5ft tall with anti-aging face! Shes now 7 and im 26. Its gotten to the point where she rolls her eyes n proudly pipes up like" yeah i know my moms awesome. Thanks for noticing" shes a bit sassy but still respectful. :joy:


I had my son at 17 :slight_smile:

I had my son at 15, I’m now 47. We got this a lot and still do, lol. He used to get so mad, especially in his teen years. His friends would tease him about his “hot mama”. I’m now recently divorced and dating. He’s a 31 year old lifetime bachelor with no children. We have become great friends and he’s very accepting, often in a teasing way he will introduce me as his sister, lol

Last time I took my 14 year old to the ER the dr walked in and asked me where her mom was- my daughter said umm sir that’s my mom thank you very much. She was very offended. I was too busy laughing because I have a 19 year old daughter as my oldest and I was thinking man if he doesn’t think I’m her mom what about the three older than her?! :woman_facepalming:t2: my oldest gets referred to as my sister all the time. But to answer your question I stop people right there in their tracks and correct them.


I’m 31 my daughter is 12. I went to her class for a party and all her friends thought I was her sister. She just laughs it off and it doesn’t bug her.

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You will always have idiots. Just reassure your son on how much he’s loved.


I’ve had it happen. Granted my sons only 2 but when I was taking him to daycare for the first time, I got told “will y’all’s mom be coming in too?” They assumed I was 14 years old and didn’t believe me until I showed my drivers license​:woozy_face: when I’m with my mom and my son, everybody assumes he is her kid as well :roll_eyes: I guess they assume my tattoos are fake or just drawn on by sharpie because they are very visible and I don’t try covering them​:woozy_face:

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I had my oldest as a very young teenager. I was always mistaken for a sibling as well. I always introduced myself as the parent.

When my oldest was in grade school I was in my early twenties. We went to a Girl Scout meeting. The lady in charge came over, tapped on my shoulder and said “sweetie the 5th and 6th grades are over there”. I was mortified and the poor lady was so embarrassed after I explained who I was. Now it is a funny story in the family.


Oriana Wallace-Edwards does this ever happen to you :rofl:

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Sammi Chu-Youde your tribe :joy:

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I wasn’t much older than you when I had my son and he’s now almost 13 never had an issue. You know your his Mom and he knows your his Mom. The teachers need to more respectful


It happened to me couple times with my oldest. She’s almost 17. I had her at 25. Her teacher thot I was her sister…lol.

I was 17, my son used to get so mad, everything though I was his girlfriend. He got used to it and would Say t hat’s my mom all proud

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I also had my Son at 15. He is now 21. I also have a 2 year old. I’ve had people think we were a couple and that my 2 year old was his. Its definitely an awkward feeling

My mom had my sister at 19 and would always get called our sister, she typically just laughed it off and corrected them if we were with acquaintances or doctors, etc. Your kid will get over being bothered about it once he learns it’s really not a big deal. I was bothered by it till I was a little older and noticed how good it made my mom feel when others thought she was so young.


Aw try not let it get to you and just remind your son people make mistakes. I was a little older when I had my first…but I am 31 with a 17 year old sister and people assume I’m her mum! Which would make me around 14/15 having her. I guess what I mean is it can go either way. It’s very normal to have a child at that age now, and less common to be older. I hope once these people know your his mum and are respectful of that x

Hey…own it! Yeah you had him young. And you’re rocking it. When people question you and ask for a parent, stand up tall and correct them. You have nothing to be ashamed of and neither does your son.


I’m really little and look younger than I am and this happens to my son and I often (he’s 11) he thinks it’s funny when his friends think I’m his sister. But I hate when teachers assume I’m his sister.

When my oldest son was in kindergarten, the other moms (roughly the same age as me) thought I was a teenage volunteer from the high school on campus. I was 25. People always thought I was my son’s older sister, since he was 12ish. We just corrected them. Idk what else to do besides gently correct those for whom it’s an honest mistake, and chide those who do it maliciously.

As for your son, listen to him and acknowledge his feelings. Perhaps ask him if he has ideas, and tell let him know you’re willing to at least give something a try, if it’s something you’re comfortable with. Honestly though, kids that age will be embarrassed of their parents for one reason or another. Don’t take it too personally, and just do your best to be respectful of his feelings.

Wish that happened to me! I had my daughter when I was 17 and she’s now almost 13 and I’ve never had that issue. I’d be chuffed! :joy:


LmFao… I get the same. Enjoy it while it lasts.

I was 15 when I had my 1st also. However neither of the kids ever had a problem with it. In fact they both say they can’t even imagine having older parents. & my kids are now 30 & 26, my oldest granddaughter is 12 (I was 33 when she was born).


Just own it :woman_shrugging:t5: I actually had my daughter in my 20s but im really short and still look young. My daughter is almost 13 and she’s taller than I am. We went to taco bell awhile back and she places her order. The lady at the counter was like “what does your sister want??” :sob::sob::rofl: the look on her face when my daughter said that’s my mom was priceless