The guy I was casually seeing is trying to get full custody of our daughter: Advice?

I’m super curious as to what you would consider a serious relationship

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The only 2 reasons men ask for full custody is because the mother is unfit and he wants what’s best for his child or tax credit. Given that your clearly a woman of loose morals, you already lied on her birth certificate, already have another kid outta wedlock, and want to separate your daughter from her biological father for selfish reasons, I think he has a solid case to receive partial custody. He’s been in the babies life without even knowing if she’s his or not. If you were not together he obviously wasn’t planning on you getting pregnant. He had ever right to be upset that you got pregnant but he clearly got over it, manned up, and became the father his daughter needs. If he is indeed the father he should take you to court and im sure he’ll get custody. You need to remember that your children are most important not your wants, you shouldn’t have gotten pregnant with a man you didn’t want to raise kids with. This is what happens when you do.


Don’t let anyone disrespect you. It’s not your responsibility to obtain or maintain a relationship with your child & his family. If she can’t respect how you parenting choices then she doesn’t get your daughter. Arrange with your other daughter’s daycare & gma to watch baby too? You’re already paying. It shouldn’t be financially. It would be easier on you to have them at the same place.

As far as him taking your baby from you. That’s a common threat of fathers & grandparents. He’s just trying to scare, manipulate you into doing what he wants. First of all legally speaking he’s not the child’s father. He has no rights. You’re no obligation to allow him contact with your baby. He would have to file a petition in court & establish paternity. Both would cost him money to get any form of custody, rights to her. You have been taking care of her by herself for 5 months. He hasn’t attempted to obtain rights or supported her. That’s not going to help him. So far I’m the eyes of the law he is irresponsible. He’d have to prove you unfit to completely take custody. If he petitioned the courts he’d probably get joint legal with you as primary. The longer he waits the more leverage you have to ask for sole custody. My kids were 6&7 when their father asked for rights. Judge granted me sole custody with a lot restrictions on him. I didn’t even ask for it.

Anyway I’d just cut him out. He’s not her father legally so you’re not obligated to be in contact with him. Change your phone number, block him on all social media etc. If he wants rights he’ll contact you through the courts. If you want child support, go for it. It doesn’t give him rights. He’d still have to apply for visitation. CS would make it easier for him to obtain rights & harder if there’s an order & he’s not paying. They say it doesn’t. But in my case his failure to support his kids was a huge part of the judges decision.

If he does file for visitation get a lawyer. Since he’s filing you can ask the judge to order him to pay your legal fees. Ask your lawyer to put it in the judgement that he can not change her physical appearance. If he gets her ears pierced or anything take him to court for violating the court order. Show your lawyer communication you’ve had between gma & him in which they critise you, threaten you.

if this is truly his baby, whether you think you didn’t have any sort of relationship for 3yr !!! That alone is funny. Even though his name isn’t on the birth certification he still can get a DNA done. And he can try to get custody of this baby whether you like it or not… And if he doesn’t get full custody, he can get partial custody or visitation rights. part of what you wrote really doesn’t make sense. And that alone he could use against you. The fact his mother is watching the baby & you are getting some sort of financial support from where every you live, so that means you lied to that agency that you don’t know who the father is or where he is, so they can’t go after him for support…that alone could land you in deep trouble, Find a lawyer, that’s the only advice I can give you now, Get your life in order. And do it now

Honestly, if it is best for your daughter to be with her father then you should give her to him. If you are tired of her nagging then maybe you should really take a step back as your role of being a mother. We all get tired stressed and whatever else in between but it’s part of being a parent…you put your big girl pants on and address the situation.

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Go to court fight for custody even if it’s split… as for the nagging… find a new sitter for the baby so you don’t have to deal with the mother… as for stepping back as your role of being a mother: Never do that!!! That has nothing to do with what your going through… they are just trying to break you!! You have been their sole provider and clearly you love your children very much… you just need out of that negative situation!! Best of luck to you!!

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I would take my baby to another sitter cause she can say anything in court, but he has to prove your unfit before he gets full custody. But fight him

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I believe if a father is willing to be a part of a child’s life you should let him. You don’t have to give your child up completely. Part of him claiming paternity is also helping out with some of the bills so you can go to a regular daycare so and not have to be nagged by anybody. Listen to your gut, you are the mom and you know what’s best for your child. Get things straightened out with the court. Parental time, child support, etc. After all that is settled, if he has something to say he can bring it to court.

I think you need to get your daughter in a real child care setting, and file for full custody asap then when you do go to court ask for mediation because children need both parents in their lives so the both of you need to work out a 50/50 custody agreement.


I’ve been dealing with issues from my ex husbands family for 6 years It makes me crazy! I believe that if the dad is trying than he should be allowed to be a dad. And find a new sitter !

Nope - leave off the birth certificate. Keep your rights -
He only has till daughter year old in most state to proof paternity. Without being on birth certificate he had no legal right - see a lawyer immediately!

Can’t fix crazy - you and baby better off - find a different sitter -

Freedom is priceless


You sound very immature & your story makes no sense

Simple!Get rid of him and you will get rid of your problems!

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Leave the grandma alone she’s mean and is trying to take control of you and your daughter


first off find another sitter
Then go to court

Sounds like hes doing a lot of talk… most men will say this but never follow through. Get your dna test for free and file for child support.