Question: I bought a kiddie pool for my kids to play in. I found out today that kids from around the neighborhood are getting in the pool while no one is outside with them. It frustrates me because I don’t want the pool popped, and I worry the smaller kids could drown. It’s not too deep, but definitely deep enough. Maybe 1.5- 2 feet deep. I’ve also had issues with neighborhood kids bullying my kids, and that’s another reason why I got the pool, so my kids could stay at home and have fun and not have to worry about bullies. Now there are NINE neighborhood kids trying to get in my pool. Even after I told all of them, no one is allowed in the pool unless one of my kids is in there too. And only four allowed at a time. Little pools are expensive, and I don’t want the pool broke, it’s only been up for one day. What should I do?
Tell their parents and tell them that if they don’t stop getting on your property you will be forced to call the police, if one of the kids drown in your pool you will be held responsible.
I hope your yard is fenced with a locked gate. Post a no trespassing sign and inform the parents they have been sneaking into the pool and warn them you will report to the police that they are trespassing!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. The neighborhood kids keep sneaking into my pool: Advice?
Bring it inside somehow when you’re not using it.
Go to their parents.
Fence that part of the property in if possible & keep the gate locked when not in use by you or your family.
You need to check with your local jurisdiction, most of them do not allow pools without a fence around them. You could get in legal trouble if something goes south.
Go talk to their parents
Enough is enough !! Why the heck are they even in your yard to begin with?? Complete disrespect!
Put a small fence up
Thats why they call pools attractive nuisances!!! Put a temporary fence up and speak with kids mothers. U r not the neighborhood babysitter but could be liable if something bad happens.
You need a fence. There’s no way I would have a pool without a fence. ANYTHING can happen.
Confront the parents. If their kid drowns on your property you could be liable.
I’d be more concerned about them getting hurt or drowning and you getting in legal trouble Bc it’s on your property and they’re unsupervised.
I’d try to speak with parents first if that doesn’t work I’d contact the police and have them come out and see what can be done with the parents if they can’t keep their kids in line. Definitely get no trespassing signs as well.
Could cover with a large tarp when not in use. Weight it down all around!
I would talk to their parents and if they dont do anything about it I would straight up take it down.
Let their parents know they are trespassing🤷♀️
Either talk to the parents or call the police.
I live in apts in Oregon and since our porches arent gated we have to empty them when not in use
Any state/town I’ve lived in it was the law to have a fence for the liability reason if you have a pool or trampoline
As annoying as it may be, empty it when your kids aren’t using it.
Don’t think the worst. Maybe they are having problems at home and that is a getaway place. Talk to them. Talk to parents
Do you have a fenced yard? Maybe lock the gate
Get no trespassing signs, talk to the parents of the kids. More than anything I would be worried about someone getting hurt or drowning.
Um why do you say that they keep sneaking into the pool when no one’s outside and then turn around and mention the pools only been up for one day, sounds like you have some time yo correct the issue as it hasn’t been ongoing
Put it away when you aren’t using it.
I would call the police and have them tell the parents they are not aloud their with out your permission
You need a fence, and insurance. If anything happens you can be sued. Wrongful death happens a lot. You can put up signs, like No trespassing, and private property.
No trespassing sign so you cannot be held liable and also buy a cheap outdoor camera to install and aim it right at the pool so they know you can see them if they are bullying your babies
Put a camera up near the pool so you can show their parents the footage showing their kids are getting into your pool without your permission or having you or your children around. Get a camera that has a talk option so you can tell them to get out or you’ll call their parents to come get them.
Put up a no trespassing sign. No kids except yours in that pool. Maybe invest in a cheaper outdoor camera too? If they trespass then call the cops. I’d also give the parents a warning of if their kids trespass then cops will be called and if it continues to happen then charges will be pressed(give them a little scare) because if anyone gets injured or drowns then you are fully liable, even if you have a fence and they jump it.
Dump it out when your kids aren’t using it. That’s what we do. Also talk to the parents about maybe telling their kids to stay out of your yard unless invited. It makes no sense for them to be in your yard when your kids aren’t outside playing with them.
Empty it and stand it up on the porch unless it’s in use…
Personally I would speak with there parents next if it keep happening I would tell the kids if you find them in your yard again your calling the cops to have them removed and to speak with there parent about trespassing. Some time you just have to be that mean neighborhood mom.
Buy one of those alarms to put in it that goes off when anyone gets in, maybe that will deter them
You are going to have to empty it after every use or get a fence with no trespassing signs.
Put a lock on your gate
I’d assume because you said you don’t want the pool popped it’s inflatable? So I’d just deflate it and put it away?
We have a Intex pool and needed a fence up to have it up. Kiddie pools didn’t require a fence. Is your yard fenced in? I would file a complaint with the police. WTF is up with parents not watching their damn kids? If it’s a kiddie pool you could always fill it up and then dump it each day after your kids are done. But I feel like you shouldn’t have to do that if you’re on your own property. I’d report them, especially if you’ve already had issues with the parents not caring about watching their own kids.
Talk w/ the parents - some times they know (and don’t care as they obviously don’t know where there kids are anyway) and sometimes they have no clue
I would then suggest some type of cover
I would also put up a small sign that says No Trespassing - Not responsible for accident or injury
I have an above pool w/ a fenced deck - several yrs ago I came home & found several of the neighbors kids in it. I 1st talked w/ the parents who knew the kids had come to our house but didn’t know they were swimming w/ no one home.
We then talked w/ Ins & they said to put a sign up so that’s what we did
Technically pools are supposed to be in a secure(fenced in) location if anything happens you’re liable.
Put up a temporary fence for starters, talk to the parents, if no one is doing anything then you’ll have to decide to either take it down or pursue legal action. I know in my area parents whose kids were trespassing have sued the homeowners if their own kids got hurt. Even though their kids were trespassing they lost b/c they didn’t have no trespassing signs & preventative gates/fences around the pool or trampoline in question.
Don’t dump it😂 filling it up every single day can get pricey. Talk to the parents. If you have a fenced in yard, lock the gate, and if they still come in, they’re trespassing, and their parents need to be informed. The parents also need to be informed of their kids are bullying yours.
I’d rush them with the water hose
Put up a no trespassing sign for sure. So if something happened you’re not liable. And if they continue to do what you told them not to… go tell their parents!
Having a no trespassing sign won’t stop you being liable if someone drowns.
Inflatable pools aren’t made. To stay up all the time and even the small sandpit shell pool by law need a fence around them or tipping out after each use.
You need to empty to pool when you’re not using it
Empty it every night and put it up.
Talk to the other parents & put up no trespassing signs
Get a dog kennel for large or extra large dogs. Place the pool in there when not in use & pad lock it shut.
Talk to the parents, first off. Or put it in a place they don’t have access like the back yard.
I have similar pool with no fence. It makes me nervous so I put a cover on it if we plan on using next day if not I empty it out.
Go to YOUR yard when you see them and tell them to get out of YOUR pool
Be careful. If they get hurt it’s on you.
You should have a fence around it… You are liable if something happens to a child in pool if there is no fence around it…
I would be super cautious because even if they don’t have permission to swim you are liable if something happens to the kids because there is no fence or protection to keep them out.
Tell them to ask you first or just say NO VISITORS!
Tell the parents, buy a cover, put up no trespassing signs if locking or fencing isn’t an option then all your bases are covered if anything happens it’s on their parents to take care of their own.
If you know who their parents are, have a walk over there…
I’d be quick to talk to some parents.
Where I live anything with 24 inches of water requires a barrier
When we set up a nice (and somewhat bigger) kiddie pool, a kid I’d never seen before showed up one morning with a beach towel and sack lunch, and said his mama told him he could stay all day. Turned out he lived on our street, but way down the block. I sent him home. Some parents are unbelievable!
By some fake rubber poop or barf and put it in the pool. Then post a sign, unsanitary!keep out, entering at your own risk makes you liable for loss or damage,not the owner.
Uhm momma stand your ground and yell at them kids to leave your pool alone !! Go get your momma ! I said what I said ! Absolutely not .
Get off my property please and thank you!
Send there ass back home. They bully your kids?? Hell no they don’t get in there pool
Tell them ya peed in the pool- and toss a mounds candy bar in there too and say someone pooped.problem solved
Put extra chlorine in when your kids are not swimming
Call the cops have the cops run them off trespassing is a crime, you could be sued if something happens. Call once and I bet they won’t come back.
I’d empty it every time were not using it. If not I’d go out yelling that I’ll call the police cause they’re unsupervised and could drown
The kids next door to me stabbed my $60 pool.because i said noone allowed but my kids…so now we bought a stock tank meant for cows…lets see these little bastards pop that.
Put a sign out saying this "if your kid/s drown in my pool or get bitten by my dog I will call the police and hold you the parents acountable since you can not keep your kids home and don’t care where they are at " I promise you you won’t see the kids in the pool anymore and if you know the parents put it on their door
All that in one day of having the pool? …if anything, maybe it will help your kids make friends:man_shrugging:
Buy and cover and maybe post a sign for No Trespassing or put a camera on the pool, just to cover you legally. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it may save you from being sued if it’s clear that you didn’t invite them to your house and they get hurt in your pool.
Talk to the parents, put a cover over the pool, and post a sign that says no trespassing.
Fence it in. Put up a no trespassing sign. Put up a camera. Send all your neighbors a little letter stating for safety reasons you cannot have people allowing their children into your yard and into your pool without permission and without you being home.
Drain the pool. Tell their mothers. They shouldn’t be left unsupervised walking around the neighborhood either.
Tell them to hit the road. I’d yell at them I wouldn’t care haha. If they won’t listen then that’s what they get. Yelled at!
Empty the pool daily and put it up until ready to use
Where I live you can’t have a pool of any sort without pool safety fencing to stop little kids getting in. I know that isn’t something each country/state has but your fears are real and good on you for being concerned about kids around pools without an adult. You need to drain the pool when not in use.
Sounds like a good way for your babies to make some new friends…I would maybe talk to there parents and make sure they are ok to come swim in your pool maybe even agree on a time and day. I definitely wouldn’t get upset about it…they are children
Talk to the parents how old are all these kids that keep sneaking in your pool alone?
Put a sign up … piss off otherwise our dog will rip your head off
Put it up when you’re not out there. Or move it somewhere
Call the cops on them for trespassing
- Talk to the parents. 2. Talk to the parents.
Post a no trespassing sign and call the police every single time uninvited quests show up. You may have to dump it every day, just for the liability issue. You might talk to your insurance agent to find out exactly what your responsibilities are.
Drain it after every use. Its a pain, but will solve a lot of issues
Drain it or put up a fence I would also be worried if someone drowns of a lawsuit
Talk to the parents and put up an no trespassing sign that way if one does drown they cant blame you
I drain my pool every time I’m done.
Talk to their parents and make it clear that their kids are not welcome unless you are out there and approve. Then make them sign something saying you are not responsible if something bad happens to their child. Do this with every single kid around you.
You could have a liability issue if you don’t have a fence. If a child drowns in the pool you can be sued. Maybe call your insurer.
You are always responsible if some drowns in a pool you own.
Even if you rent.
Go see their parents
Drain and put it up when you’re not using it.
Also you need to make sure you’re allowed to have the pool without a fence. Where I live it’s the law. I’m assuming there no fence since kids are getting in easily.
I’m shocked there are people that let their kids run around and play in other Peoples yards without asking!? I’d definitely sit out and monitor it and talk with the parents
I’m sorry I would drain it after each use or put some sort of covering over it & then let the parents know. I will not be responsible for anyone else’s child. You can’t put that stress and responsibility on someone else, no way.
Do u know the parents, tell them that they are going in the pool and you are worried incase one has an accident. If that doesn’t work buy some fake poo and throw it in when your kids aren’t in it, might put them off lol
Go to the parents and if they don’t care call the cops to scare the shit outta them I know u don’t want kids drowning in YOUR pool so I’d go all out with cops if the parents don’t do anything
Empty the pool after every use, problem solved if you don’t empty the little pools often anyway they will get slimy and dirty.
You need to make sure the pool is drained…at all times.If some kid that “wouldn’t listen” ends up in your pool and he drowns that would be a terrible tragedy.I know it’s just a kiddie pool,but you just never know.I can’t even imagine a random kid jumping in my kiddie pool, I’d go right there an drain the pool immediately lol and make sure they know to stay TF away from my yard.
I would empty pull are put up a sighn
I would sit there and wait for them and then come running out of the house screaming and yelling