The School Didn’t Call Me, What Do I Do Next?

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"I have an 8yr old in 3rd grade. I picked her up from school yesterday and she told me that another girl tried to fight her in the bathroom. The girl even went as far as to kick my daughter in the chest, close to her throat. My daughter is okay and only had a red mark on her chest that hurt for a little bit. The school never called me. I sent her teacher a message and her response was that she is still investigating..? And I left a message for the principal. Haven’t heard back yet. How else can I handle this situation? What should I do next? The school has a history of sweeping things under the rug and I’m not gonna let this slide. Thank you!"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"If you’ve called and not heard back I would personally go down there. They can’t ignore you if you’re standing in front of them"

"“Still investigating” my foot!!! Idgaf if they are still investigating! Your child was hurt and you should have been called immediately! I switched to a charter school for similar issues! I was beyond done with the school and school district! Best decision we’ve made for our daughter! She literally came home every day for months saying, there’s no bullies at my new school mom!?! So sad and disgusting the things they allow at that school! Of course, every school has issues but we have been at this school from 6th to 9th grade now and it is way different. So much better"

"Keep asking, keep calling, write emails. If still nothing in a week call the board of governors/ pta meeting"

"Call the parent and have a face to face conversation"

"Teach her to fight back. A bully bullies you because they think you’re weak."

"Stay persistent. Keep detailed logs of all communications with all school officials and go to the next school board meeting! Whether they are still investigating or not they should have contacted you over the incident and mentioned it's still under investigation."

"Go to the school and demand the principal and teacher talk to u and the other girl's mom"

"Get in touch with the school board, if the school isn’t doing anything."

"This happens to my boys quite often. I tell them to tell the teacher and so on and if the kid touches my kid after so long I tell my kids to defend themselves. I contact the school. We come up with other solutions to have a more positive approach but I won't allow my boys to feel tormented"

"Take pictures. I was always told to take it to the school board."

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My next call would be to the police. This is assault. If the school is ignoring you take it to someone they can’t ignore.

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