My sister and I are pregnant at the same time. She’s talking about labor and what hospital she chose etc, but I’m completely just… not there. I’m a month ahead of her, and soon to have baby. I can’t pick a hospital (I have a midwife), I think I want a birthing centre but I’m traumatized at the thought of not having an epidural accessible. I’m not wanting to think about labor AT ALL. I can’t pack my bag. I have struggled to buy anything to prepare.And it’s obviously all happening whether I want it or not… I just don’t want to think about it. I was traumatized by my first experience, and I’m so bothered by my sister talking about it all, planning for her labor as if it’s no big deal. I hate pregnancy SO much, but we did want this baby. I know she’s right and I absolutely need to prepare, I’m just frozen whenever I think of it. I just needed to air this all as I feel so alone.
I had an awful experience with my first child. Everything was going on planned but once at the hospital it was my worst nightmare and I had an epidural it was bc of the hospital. An epidural isn’t everything!! My second one came so quickly I barely got to the hospital in time and my experience with my second child was far better! She was 10lbs all natural, yes it hurt but it’s pain that doesn’t last , that’s what got me through it! There is an end to the pain. PICKING A GOOD HOSPITAL/ BIRTHING LOCATION is soooooo important
Epidurals are not just a way out of labour they can leave you with severe back pain for the rest of your life I was a young mum I now have 6 children all vag births with little medication pills n sometimes not even gas and air because it made me fill sick x
Epidural left me with back pain, still 21 years later, i suffer!! I wouldn’t advise it, i had it with my first but chose to have gas and air with my other births because i didn’t want to make the back pain any worse, epidural only if its absolutely needed, the pain isn’t that bad, gas and air works well, listen to your body and what your midwife tells you and you wont need epidural
Labor and delivery is a breeze…raising them is the ultimate challenge!!
Have you considered a doula? Doulas can help you work through the emotions of your past birth experience and build confidence for the upcoming delivery. If you haven’t thought about it, look into options near you.
I’m sorry you’re struggling with so much anxiety. You’re not alone- I was terrified with both kids.
Hang in there.
Honestly, I’d love to give you advice, but the only thing I can say is my 2nd was far better as I had a very supportive partner. It made all the difference.
Oh man. I have nothing cause my first wasn’t the best experience. My water broke 8 weeks early & I was hospitalized until they induced me at 34 weeks. I was 20 & had no idea of anything. It is scary, especially your first time. I was terrified of giving birth, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Just breathe, you got this. Stay strong!
See if you can get hypnotized to spare pain. Or acupressure.
Talk to your doctor about what you can take for anxiety. Also look into meditation or tai chi or yoga for pregnancy. Also look into therapy.
Talk to your midwife about your anxiousness too so she knows how best to help you now & when birthing. See if there are other pain relief options available, and go with a midwife in the hospital. I had a good experience with an epidural and no bad effects other than I had a big baby & when it wore off I was sore. Also I’d want to be at or near a hospital just in case there are any complications.
Also, if you’re feeling paralyzed, see if someone else can do the work and packing a bag for you.
Hey hun if u would like someone to talk to send me a message. I have had 4 births and each one completely different. My 3rd delivery traumatized me. Sometimes having someone you can talk to about how your feeling can help. Send me a message at anytime.
After my bad experience I read the book birthing from within and it really helped me. My next birth was so simple and nothing like the first