my son is 10 weeks old and has oral thrush on his tongue… we have been to the doctor and they have prescribed us nystatin for him and cream for as I am breastfeeding… we cannot get rid of it, he is taking all of his meds, I’m applying the cream after every feed we sterilize everything! I can’t save my milk for my stockpile until we get over this as freezing only deactivates the yeast and doesn’t kill it he’s had this since the end of August and nothing seems to help?! how do we get rid of this?!
Try softly wiping with a warm rag as well. If that doesn’t help I’d be taking him back to the dr
This is what we used beware the mouth does turn purple! if your nursing put it on nipple as well!
Gentine violet! It will for sure turn baby’s mouth and anything it comes in contact with BRIGHT purple, but it works wonders clearing up thrush. Anything you are treating his mouth with you should also treat your nipple with.
Make sure you shower daily
If you’re able to go back they should be able to give you guys a drinkable medicine. The stuff you just put in their mouth wth a qtio or whatever never worked for my daughter. Nystatin cream only ever worked for a diaper rash version of a yeast infection
Once the first meds don’t work they will give you an oral that’s once a day. It cleared my little one up in 2 days after we used nystatin for 2-3 weeks with little to no results. Just go back to the pediatrician and let them know it doesn’t work and they’ll prescribe him fluconazole
Gentian violet will take care of it ! Sold at health food stores etc . I used everything for my first born and me and finally someone suggested this - cleared it right up ! He had thrush for months and it was just awful! You paint the gentian violet in the sides of the babies mouth etc . The baby’s mouth will turn purple so may not want to go anywhere . Use for a few days and should clear it all up !
Acidophilus. My midwife advised me to open a capsule and put it directly on my babies tongue (as well as my nipples as I was breastfeeding, and take it myself) and it worked perfectly! It’s a probiotic
Have you tried gentian violet?
Have you added bleach to the loads with your bras? And wear disposable nursing pads to keep your bra from getting purple stains.
Go find a mom and pop pharmacy and get genetian violet. It’s a liquid and be prepared for everything to be purple you also need to treat your breast because if you get it you will pass it back and forth and it freaking HURTS if you get it
Put nystatin on your breast and also get new bras and maybe stop breastfeeding for a bit and only pump