The ultrasound tech said they couldn't see all the parts of my babies heart: Has this happened to anyone else?

My little man was crazy active and they had to do all kinds of extra scans because he wouldn’t stay still long enough for measurements

Please don’t stress out! This sort of thing happens often, especially in the early pregnancy! God Bless!

Happened to me just had to come back in a month he was positioned goofy he was still positioned goofy but he could see it all this last time everything was fine!

My sister had this with my oldest nephew. They did another ultrasound and all was well he is a healthy 11 year old

I had to go back 3 times for them to see his whole heart. His spine was covering it he was perfectly healthy.

I never had this happen, but I can tell you that I’ve been super worried about several things with my kids along the way - weird bumps in the neck, Spina Bifida, a bone degenerative disease, joint damage and a concerning newborn screen - every time, we’ve been scheduled for follow-ups to something that had me entirely freaked out, the specialist says “hey, it’s all good.”
So my advice as a mom is to try to take your mind off of it for now and go to the follow up appointment anticipating good news. There is nothing you can do to change the outcome at this point, so try to relax.

Same & everything was fine- just couldn’t get a good view. They were able to see it on my next scan~24 weeks.

Yes, happened not with the heart but other parts…both pregnancies. I just reveled in extra ultra sounds :blush:

Hopefully it’s nothing I had them tell me my kid would probably need heart surgery the next ultrasound was fine there was not actually anything wrong

Literally just happened to me today. Dr. said it had to do with the way the baby was lying. It wasn’t a problem, they just want to check back in four weeks to make sure.

That happened to me at my 20 week appointment. My daughter was being uncooperative that day. It took an hour to get her to move her legs so we could find out the gender. Nothing to be worried about, just the way the baby is laying.

Yep! My last 2 pregnancies! Sometimes the baby just needs more time in development and in a better angle or simply isn’t cooperating so they want you to go back in a couple weeks to rescan.

Happened with 2 of my pregnancies. One I had to actually go to a specialist cause baby was in bad position both times. It was just the way they were positioned though. They both turned out just fine.

Yep. Just had my 2nd anatomy scan today because of this. I have to go back for 1 more scan because they still could not see everything on my baby girl.

Yes I had to go back for another scan as they couldn’t do all the checks they wanted.
I went back a couple of weeks later, and everything came back fine x

They couldn’t see my sons lips at my 20 week because of his positioning. I had to go back 2 weeks later. Everything was fine xxx

That’s normal. Happened to me as well. She was just moving too much for them to get a clear photo in my experience.

I was told my baby was dead cuz they couldn’t hear s heartbeat. I was mortified and next time they heard it
First time, baby was under the ribs which caused them not to hear it
He was born healthy!

That happened to be twice. My baby wouldn’t move for her to see everything. We finally got it though at 27 weeks.

They scheduled a re-scan. If the OB isn’t worried, don’t worry. Worrying will do nothing but ruin your pregnancy. If the baby is growing normally, that’s probably the best indicator at this point. Try to relax and wait for a month

Yes, my daughter did this around the same time frame. Had to wait until my ultrasound two weeks later to get her valves.

If they think is okay it’s probably okay. Don’t over stress yourself worrying.

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Happened with both my babies
I had to go back 3 times with each of them cos they were so stubborn

The ultrasound technicians aren’t supposed to tell you if they see something. That fact that they did blows my mind. When I went for my 3D ultrasound to find out the gender of my daughter the technician found that my daughter had gastroschisis but didn’t tell me. She said the baby didn’t have enough fat so the scan wouldn’t work. But I knew something was wrong because she called in two more technicians to watch as she was doing it and I was in there for two and a half hours. All they told me was she was a girl. And being as this was my 2nd child I new the ultrasound should only take 20 minutes at most. If your doc isn’t worried I wouldn’t be. Best of luck hun

Yes. They flipped me every which way but baby was laying just wrong. I had to come back a week later to try again

Happened to me! I ended up having to go for a level II ultrasound everything was fine

They are looking for a clear view of all 4 (I think) chambers - it’s really detailed, so most likely the position the baby was in they just couldn’t see. Try not too worry too much (easier said than done) - I’m sure everything will be ok :two_hearts:

When I had my scan with my daughter they found some “missing” parts and issue with her lungs and heart that normally mean the baby would have Down syndrome or a heart disease. I went to a very prestigious hospital called Beth Israel in Boston ma. They did a two hour ultrasound and found that my daughter was perfectly normal she is now two and doesn’t have Down syndrome or any issues with her heart or lungs. Good luck to you and your baby :heart:

Same happened to me. All was fine with second ultrasound!

As a father I’m aware it is a child’s duty to literally do everything they possibly can to be difficult so this is actually the start of your child doing what they’re meant to do by nature

Same happened with my son. He was being a stubborn butthead and wouldn’t move. Barely got the heart pictures they needed at the next one because he really hates moving for the tech for some reason :joy:

It could just be the position the baby was in, and she couldn’t get the baby to move.

In my case, they saw issues related to my baby’s heart. We ended up having a higher resolution ultrasound the next day, as well and a consult w a cardiologist. He said we needed an echocardiogram- but couldn’t do it yet.

If you do need an echocardiogram, you likely may need to wait until a few weeks later. I cannot recall how many weeks later we had the echocardiogram- but I recall we needed to wait awhile for the heart to form more.

My child did have a few heart defects, but so far we haven’t had to have surgery or do anything but monitor it. She’s 14 now.

Call your doctor with questions, the tech cannot give out certain info, it needs to come from your doctor.

It’s likely it was just the baby’s positioning, but if there is an issue, it may not be serious- hang in there and take good care of yourself, stress isn’t helpful in any case.

Prayers in the meantime. :pray:t2::heart:

Yep. My 2nd pregnancy I had to go back 3 times because baby girl would be obstinate and lay in a way that the tech couldn’t see all parts of her heart. Here we are, at 4 months old, practically perfect.

This happened with my second. Everything was fine. Just the way she was laying.

It happen to me. My baby was being stubborn and didn’t want to move.

Same happened to me and when I came back 2 weeks later still couldn’t see everything but on the next visit it was visible…as advanced as our technology has become it still has limitations.

Ultrasound techs, are not legally allowed to share any information they see in an ultrasound. Because they are not doctors.

All they can say is the sex of the baby

I had this happen couldn’t see all 4 chambers had another higher tech ultrasound I think a week later and everything was good.

Yes same here.with my second baby. I go in next week for my appointment again.

It just means your little potato was being too stubborn to pose just right. Breathe, momma

Yes, came back about 13 days later when he was a bit bigger, all fine xx

yup. had to go back for more views. the baby just wouldnt position right. she is a healthy hard headed 11 month old now

Mine had a shadow it was three weeks of hell waiting to find out he was okau

Very common. My son his most everything including his sex until he was about to be born.

Yep just had to go back so they could get everything. :relaxed: You get to see your babes an extra time!

Its a pic. If the kid is laying the wrong way they can’t see it. I wouldn’t worry too much yet

Same with me! My little girl was being very uncooperative for the heart pictures and skull pictures

Why would they even say anything at all?? You sure don’t need to be worried about something that happens kind of often.

Happened to me with 2 out 3 pregnancies it’s just the machine and the way they are laying 99% of the time try not to stress

Happened with one of mine. Scheduled another appointment and everything was fine. It’s usually just the way the baby is laying.

Currently same thing Dr. Said it was probably the way the baby was laying try and relax. I freaked out too

I had to have a second ultrasound because of the same problem it’s the way baby lays

Remember: a tech is just a tech. Their job isnt to evaluate, their job is to potentially see anything off. Breathe and let the Dr review everything jump to conclusions.

Sure everything is fine but the technician shouldn’t tell you any kind of news like that

YES!!! its the position of the baby a that time made it hard for them to see

Techs aren’t supposed to say anything only doctors trained to read the recording or films

Usually technicians aren’t allowed to say what they can or can’t see.

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Happends, It fairly common it because of the position of the feotus.

Nothing to worry about Unless they specifically say theirs a problem with hee heart.

Yeah my 1st couldn’t see all 4 chambers. Saw high risk and he was fine

It the heart but the couldn’t see all his brain. He was fine at the follow up

Normal. Sometimes babies don’t cooperate!

Yes it happened to me… It was one of the 4 heart chambers so i had to have a more high tech scan the following 2 weeks or so. Of course they said not to worry but thats all i did. All was ok later x

She wasn’t supposed to tell you anything she could lose her job.

Same thing happened to me! No issues!

It’s the position of the baby. Don’t worry

This is literally exactly what happened with my current pregnancy. They just couldn’t get a good picture because baby was moving around too much. They did another ultrasound and saw everything just fine. I think it’s a pretty common occurrence, doesn’t mean anything is wrong :slight_smile: I would ask for another ultrasound

Stop worrying, its not good for you.

She shouldn’t have said anything and wait for a doctor to confirm it as she is just a technician. This pregnancy i have now didnt want to show at 25 weeks. I went in again this past week at 29 weeks and this time showed all parts. I had to wait for a doc to confirm that all parts are actually there, the tech didn’t want to say because he is not qualified to say so.

Tara Duranceau Mayle why are you laughing???

Probably the position. Don’t worry.

This happened to me with our first. She couldn’t see our sons entire heart to clear it for the anatomy scan so she had me come back two weeks later. She was able to see a little more at the next appointment but said that a portion of his heart looked smaller than it should and she rescheduled me back two weeks after that. At that appointment they confirmed my son had a congenital heart defect. I’m sure our situation is less common but I thought I’d share what happened to us when they couldn’t see the entire heart at our first anatomy scan.

Yes, one of my children was born with congenial heart disease. I suggest getting a feral echocardiogram from a fetal cardiologist/ pediatric cardiologist. You can find one at a childrens hospital.

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Um yeah a ultrasound tech isn’t supposed to tell you ANYTHING only the DR is


Happened to me, they sent me for another one in a few weeks and it was fine. He’s now almost 5 months and healthy as a horse

Same here… My nugget made them work for it.:joy::joy::grimacing:

My friend had this happen. Unfortunately, her girl was born with severe heart defects. Her baby was a bit blue when born, and then they discovered the problem. The baby had heart surgery and is a thriving, beautiful 6 year old girl today. Odds are good it’s nothing, but definitely get those future scans to be sure

I had a similar issue with heart and face. My placenta is typically in front of baby which makes it hard most times to see a lot of the stuff. At the time they thought my daughter had a cleft palate and issues finding/seeing parts of major organs. Between the crazy ways she was choosing to be in there combined with the placenta it took a few scans to get everything but they told me not to worry. I delivered happy and healthy with no issues. The cleft was just a shadow and all else was fine. My girls have all just been notoriously difficult in womb to the point that sometimes we couldn’t even get a gender on some until a month before I was due :woman_facepalming:t3:

My high risk ultrasound tech is state awarded and couldn’t get my daughter’s cranial vein for 3 months and I was going WEEKLY for ultrasounds, she just wouldn’t stop cradling the placenta and move. It happens. She’s about to be 4mths old.

The technician shouldnt have said shit to you bc that is not her job.
I was told my baby was weighing 1lb 2 weeks before my due date and the stupid technician said it was my fault my baby wasnt getting nutrients because i wasnt eating right. She told me not to be surprised if they induced me that night and get ready for the worst.
Obviously i was a mess, but my ACTUAL DOCTOR, said my baby was fine, doing very well, big and healthy as can be and she was sorry the tech said that…
so dont go by what this b*tch told you. If your OB is not worried, please fill up a grievance report and report her stupid ass for giving wrong info.
She has a job to check the baby, she CAN/ doesnt have to identify the body parts but it is not her job to give any diagnosis of bad news to you.

Don’t stress out, unless your OB says another scan asap but a month isn’t bad at all.

For me at my 20 week they couldn’t see everything they needed to see at my OB office so I was sent to and MFM, then referred us to a pediatric cardiologist where we found out our little guy on the way has a chd, that I have been to several fetal echocardiogram to determine. All is okay, growing right on track otherwise he will just need surgeries and heart health care as he grows but we have a wonderful team that loves our little boy so much already.

Tara Duranceau Mayle What could possibly be funny about this post

My sonographer wanted me in as close to 21 weeks as she could get me and I went in at 20+5 with my first pregnancy and 20+6 with my second pregnancy just over a year later and both times they couldn’t see all parts of the heart and I had to go back 2 weeks later for each of them and everything was fine. Its just that they have to check off that they have seen so many things and when they cant see everything they need to see which could be just because the baby isn’t big enough yet to be able to see it clearly or could just be on an awkward angle. Try not to worry x

The same thing happened to me last year when I was pregnant. I went back a month later and everything was great. Sometimes the baby is laying / positioned weird. Try not to worry :heart:

Yes it happened when I was pregnant with my daughter around 20 weeks. I was a nervous wreck until I went to my next ultrasound appointment but she was perfectly fine and it was the way she was positioned.

Yes. Same happened to me. I’d already lost my first born son neonatal so was terrified. Everything turned out fine though. My Daughter is now 4 x

They look to make sure they see 4 chambers, the outflow of the valves. Its common not to be able to visualize due to the position of the baby or if you’re on the heavier side-simple as that . If there was a “defect”- they would have sent you to a heart specialist asap. Your OBYN LVN…

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I’m 27 weeks with my fifth. I think each pregnancy Ive had something they couldn’t see and I had to return a month or so later . No issues just
Remember technology has limitations

Mine was slightly different. The doc called me and said they could see everything on the heart/get all the pictures they wanted but what they did see showed the left side might be small so instead of me going back for another they sent me somewheres else for a level 2 ultrasound and they got the pictures there. The tech left and the comes back with the doc to tell me my son had HLHS (a severe congenital heart defect). Confirmed 10 days later with a peds cardiologist. This was also 2 months before my son was due and at the anatomy scan it was never picked up/mentioned/noticed. I was told baby is fine and healthy at the regular anatomy scan. To this day I thank god I chose to move while pregnant because of I would have stayed where I was it probably would have never been detected or noticed until it was too late and he was coding/rapidly declining after birth. If I didn’t move and my doc not send all the paperwork down they probably wouldn’t have done another scan for the rest of the pregnancy.

The same happened to me, she could not get all 4 chambers of the heart. Right when she was about to give up and have me come in another day, he moved and she got the picture.

Yes this happened to me at my 20 week scan. I’ll have another ultrasound at the end of August to check the heart again.

Just had my 20 week scan 12 weeks ago she couldnt see the heart good bc the way the baby was laying

Same with mine. Sometimes their machines arent advanced enough and they would refer you to another tech place that has better equipment. And if they didnt mention anything to you odds are everythings ok

Yep. I just another view of the heart when I got another ultrasound.

It happened with my first went back 2 wks later all ok.

Just try to trust your doctors. If they aren’t worried, you shouldn’t be. Stressing yourself out won’t be able to help anything. I know easier said than done.

I had to have like 3 anatomy scans for them to get all of her heart. Then the fetal echo after. :woman_facepalming: All parts were there. She does have a murmur at a year old but nothing that would have been picked up by any of the scans and has no affect on day to day. She is happy and healthy!

This happens a lot. My second baby did this. I think I had to have 2 so the dr could see everything clearly.