The weather is bad, should I still send my kids to their dads?

So call him & figure something out. Maybe they can go a little earlier than the scheduled time. He only gets them every other weekend. I think you guys could figure something out


Why is it your decision to make only? It’s his day, his opinion matters.


if it is court ordered you have to obey the court order period


But will it stop you from leaving the house for other reasons till it is gone?


Try to do good communication with your ex and your concern about road safety give him an extra day next week when the weather let’s up there’s always a solution and kids need there dad to. If it was me and it was advised to stay off the roads stay off the roads :smiley:

Really conditions bad grow up

Talk to him. Weather doesn’t always mean no visitation. You’ll be held in contempt if you don’t abide by the court order. Inmates don’t have to worry about weather🤷🏻‍♀️


Talk to the father if possible. See if maybe you can switch it to Saturday.

I live in Canada so 7 inches is minor here lol. Roads get cleared and salted when storms hit here. Yes Part of the day the roads could be bad but the plow trucks are always on the roads when it’s snowing. Is that not the case there?


If its his weekend why isn’t it on him to grab and take the kids back? Court ordered is tricky because idk who your dealing with right does this mean you’ll land back in court or will it be just acceptable

In the end its a court order. However perhaps have a civil conversation with the father and see if he would be willing to “swap” a day to one thats a little safer. Oh and p.s. its not “your” child…its BOTH of yalls child.


See if you can switch weekends… maybe he gets next weekend instead and he gets them back to back for the switch, I would call and ask him, if your car isn’t gonna make it I wouldn’t risk your or your kids life’

Nope. I’ve had custody of my daughter for 12 years. If the weather was bad, or on its way to being bad, I cancelled with her dad. Communicate with him, allow him to make up his time the following Friday.

Lmao that is nothing get that child to their father or see if he will come get them if your that worried. But based on your language you give off the vibe that you are difficult to deal with in this regard, just my take though.


When my oldest was going to his dads before his dad passed away from cancer me n his dad also talked about if it was safe for our son to go out in the bad weather if it was to bad we wouldn’t travel back n fourth on a Friday if we knew like a Sunday when he was supposed to n be home he or I would make sure to have him here with me before the weather got bad

Communication is key with co-parenting. You must communicate. Call him and talk to him about the weather. And no matter what, any judge or law enforcement will want you to take the risk, so don’t call for any help there. But yall could talk and arrange either a different day or time.

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If you wouldn’t drive anywhere else in this weather then no do not risk your child’s life to get her there. Let him know and plan another day they can make it up

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I love the bashing of the mother as If any of you are going to risk wrecking just so your child gets to the other parent lmao court order or not I’m not risking my child’s life. No judge is going to punish her because there’s snow and unsafe roads.


What if he would try to pull this on you when he had to return the child? You’d be having him risk it all to get your baby to you! It’s only WEDNESDAY…


Court order, you have no choice. Communication may help, offer him another day.

This is when it helps to be an adult

Hey dad the weather is terrible today can we organize for tomorrow?

Now if you respond back I don’t want to give up my time you are part of the problem.

Side note these are pls winters problems all the time and life goes on

Court ordered yes child goes otherwise you can be held in contempt


Take your child to see their father! How would you feel??

Why don’t you talk to their father and not the internet about it. :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:. Court order is court order.

If your somewhere where it doesn’t snow, i understand the concern. But if your somewhere where is snows every year…grow up and take your kids or be held in contempt.


Court order or not…if its not safe you don’t go but communicate. Dont just say no…you call and explain the weather situation and agree to make up Dads time ASAP.

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If you have a court order unfortunately you have no choice. If you think you can communicate, reach out to dad and ask if he would like makeup time when the roads clear.

I would text your X and discuss it with him and see what his thoughts are.
Also think about if he did this to you if the table was turned

What you need to do is contact her father, find out what other arrangements can be made if you’re concerned about the safety of the child. That’s all you can do. It’s not that you don’t want to, you’re worried about the safety and because of the weather.

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Girl why are you asking us? Talk to your baby’s dad lmao


If it’s court ordered you have to let them go

What we do if the weather is bad is talk to each other and arrange for another time for them to go to make up the time. Safety is extremely important and driving in bad weather is not worth anyone getting hurt or in an accident.


I’ve been in situations where I literally drove to the interstate ramp and it was iced over & I knew I’d wreck. Talk to the Dad and if it’s too dangerous now, switch weekends. The time can be made up.


If the weather is literally that bad that you can’t drive, let the father know that. Maybe he can do the driving or re schedule for a different day.

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If you have a court order you have to follow it. Unless your area closes the roads, you have to.


Explain to him you’re not comfortable driving in the weather. Give him the option of picking the kids up if he feels it is safe or making up the time that he misses due to weather. Work with each other, not against each other. Makes life a whole lot easier for everyone!


My son’s father and I would switch days if the weather was crappy when I lived 30 minutes away. But ultimately yes the child goes with dad. You can always ask him to come get her if you’re scared to drive

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My child’s father gets my child… ? Gets his child too. Maybe talk to the court about a different meeting spot. If they don’t do snow emergencies is it some place that has snow weather often and are use to that type of weather. You might not be but for example places up North have snow trucks. Salt trucks… sand trucks or whatever… I’m South of the South so we get snow emergencies and shut down and told not to get on the road. We don’t have the type of equipment for snow. Talk to the court about a different meeting spot

Call dad and raise your concerns. Surely the safety of your child would outweigh court orders.


If the weather is to be that bad, talk to her father about the weather and safety concerns for all. Ask him if he will agree to start next Friday? Don’t freak out in him if he says NO. Keep it as record. Also, today is only Wednesday, by the time you ha e to meet him on Friday, the roads should be good to drive

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Talk to him about it. If a travel ban has been declared and nobody is allowed on the roads then obviously you can’t take them. You have to make the best decision for you and your kids and everyone’s safety. If you’re not comfortable driving in bad weather maybe he’ll offer to pick them up at your house. If you’re concerned about bad weather that hasn’t started yet then ask if you can meet earlier so you can be off the roads before it gets really bad. Any way you look at it it’s something you need to discuss with him and figure out what’s best.

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I told my husband if we ever split my kids stay with me on bad weather days and I’ll make up the days he missed due to the weather. Maybe see if he will compromise with you on it . Maybe on a holiday or when they are out on break maybe let him have an extra day on one of those days if she is in school


I called him and told him I couldn’t drive in ice , he will have two weekends to make up for this past week :blush:


If you feel like it’s too dangerous and so does dad. As long as you communicate with the dad and maybe switch for another day it shouldn’t be a big deal.

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Talk to the father and see what you can work out. Unless he’s being completely unreasonable I don’t see why you can’t work it out for another time when the roads are safe.

If no travel advised, it should be a no Brainer for both parents. Just allow him make up days.

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When our Youngin’s were little and we knew that bad weather was coming in, he would call me and say that he was going to come get them a day (or maybe 2) early. I would say What about school? School will be closed. Okay, to it is not you have to take. Okay, I’ll will.

Call dad and talk to him about it. Ive taken my daughter to her grandparents/dads in much more then 4 inches of snow. And when the temperature was -17 or lower. And that’s without a court making me take her at all.
If it is to bad out for either of you to drive then he gets “extra” days go make up for the weekend he missed.

I feel like most of these need to just stay off online and communicate better. Call him, say with the weather being horrible I don’t want to drive in it. Ask if he can come to your home or switch the days.


Make a list of concerns. Call the dad and TALK calmly with him about it. If he doesn’t want to work it out for another time, then try to coordinate for him to get them before the bad weather arrives, so they will be safe at his place before it hits.

Just reschedule a different day when the roads are safer

I know someone personally that just had this EXACT situation. The attorneys told her the visit needed to be rescheduled. However, you need to communicate with the father. This may be a non issue because he knows it’s dangerous :woman_shrugging:

Just communicate with him. Switch weekends

My grandchildren use Zoom or video chat to spend time with their dad when it is bad weather on his weekends. My daughter lets them use her laptop and they go to one of their bedrooms and close the door for privacy on those occasions.


Yaaaa you gotta talk to dad. Maybe y’all can arrange he pick the kid up for a couple days when the weather clears up.

That’s when the phone calls start. Do you feel safe enough to drive ?? Then come over and get them. Or we reschedule.

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Just had a similar situation this past weekend that was “dad’s” weekend. Dad offered for me to keep kids to keep them safe and I gladly accepted. Had he not made that offer we would have been meeting in the snow as court ordered

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If weather is coming that will challenge a parenting time exchange, my ex and I try to work it out together. As he time is very limited with our children, I usually have him pick them up before the weather starts for safety reasons. We recently had a snow storm that was starting late Friday night/Saturday morning where is patterning time with our children was supposed to begin Saturday morning, as he only has them 4-6 nights a month, we worked it out that he picked them up on Friday evening and everyone was in safely before the storm started.

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I live in Canada and that would not be enough of a reason to keep the kids from their father. Maybe change the meeting place for the winter to somewhere youre more comfortable going to? I would see how dad is feeling about the weather as well amd see if you cant make an agreement to either make up the visit another day, like a rain date, or move the trade off place to somewhere youre comfortable with if dad is comfortable with the weather.


Must be nice to have a choice to stay home. If Alaskans had to stay home every time it snowed we wouldn’t go anywhere for 7 months of the year lmao.


See if he’ll switch days and be okay with Zoom. If he won’t then you need to make sure you go or he can get you for contempt of court.


We always do our best to make it but if the roads are absolutely to bad then just schedule a makeup visit

Hopefully you can communicate this with him and maybe tell him you’ll give up one of your fridays so he gets them two weeks in a row to make up for it if you’re comfortable doing that. Something to maybe make him wanna compromise more since you’re willing to compromise and give up a Friday.

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My kids stayed with me last wk and this past wkend bc of the weather and bc it was my turn on the weekend. My kids went with their dad and his mom this Monday bc I had to work til 8 at nite and I didn’t want me kids out that late. The weather wasn’t super bad here in st Louis. We co parent. Sometimes on his weekends he needs me to keep them which is fine. Or if I need him to keep them on my time he does we talk and work it out. Today they r going with him also bc of work and they will go with him this weekend. Communication is where it starts. Mabe u can see if he is willing to visit Them at your place.


I was concerned for my child’s safety when the pandemic started that her father would just take her around all these people and not take the safety precautions (he also gets sourt appointed every other weekend visits) so I contacted a lawyer I could talk to online and he informed me that if you have concerns about her safety I could keep her home. I’d rather risk being held in contempt of court than something happen to her. You could also ask to switch weekends for this one time or give him am extra weekend somewhere down the line


I would just say I don’t feel comfortable driving them and give him the option to come and get them.


So If he has the kids and he says the weather is too bad to bring them back, will you accept that?
If yous come to a mutual agreement that it’s best not to drive, then okay… but yeah it’s not really an excuse unless they close the roads etc… I’m in Canada and 4” of anything is nothing… you have to learn to drive in this stuff. It’s life.


If the weather’s bad we just switch weekends

Talk to him and see if you can work something out, explain that you aren’t a confident driver in the snow, maybe you could offer petrol money for him to come all the way… there has to be open communication


You need to talk to the dad.
You can’t just change a court order because of the weather. Unfortunately. He could make a huge fuss. And it’s a court order so he’s .’ right’

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Yeah you guys just need to talk about it

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Seven inches of snow is shopping weather.

I drove 45 mins in it to drop mine off and he was nice enough to keep them an extra day so we didn’t have to get out in it again. Make it work, it shouldn’t be an excuse. Take them early or wait for the storm to pass and give him an extra day. Talk to dad! He doesnt want to put his kids at risk anymore than you do, theyre his kids too.


Sounds like a excuse


Just talk to the dad about your concerns and ask if he minds postponing his weekend and offer the next two weekend or a make up weekend convenient to him �


Switching weekends is in the kids best interest bc sleet & ice are dangerous. I am with you momma, he can make it up. I am guessing he is going to make a fuss. Oh well. The court isn’t going to do anything so don’t worry about empty threats. If he wants to pay to complain about weekend that you offered to switch due to dangerous road conditions then he is petty and isn’t thinking of the kids and its more about trying to get you.


Communicate with your children’s dad. That is the best thing to do always. As long as you both put the best interests of the kids first working things out like this should be simple.

I live in Minnesota so you don’t want my advice.

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I live in Florida and have had to meet during a hurricanes each year, 2016 and 2017 being the absolute worst!
What’s the worst he could say, no?
He wants extra days because you don’t want to give him the kids during his day?
Heck, give him the kids the day prior to the storm so “you” don’t have to go out in the storm.

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Sounds like snow is common if they don’t do snow emergencies. Unless they live ridiculously far you need to take the kids to their dads. It’s not fun but I have to do it too.

Ok talk to dad
Also how would you feel if it was other way about and dad was to drop off to you but used the weather as an excuse?
You wouldn’t except it rite? So why should he
Of you drive you should drop off If he drives he should collect or both meet at meeting point
Or give an extra day if your going to drop off tomorrow instead