Thoughts on allowance for kids?

What do you all think about allowance for kids for completing weekly chores?How does everyone feel about allowance?

Every teen needds some mad money …for weekend or just spend it how they want absolutely give them chores it will also help them when they’re older they will know what to do

We had to do chores but we never got paid for doing them

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My kids are 9, 8, and 5. They get $5 a week for doing chores. Essentially a dollar a day cuz weekends aren’t included. But their chores are just picking up after themselves.

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Depends on the age. I’m don’t pay my kids for doing chores in a home they live in for free. When my son started high school (before he got a job) I gave him $40-$60 a week. But he had to do extra around the house (not standard chores)

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I don’t so much pay for each chore but I give them a monthly allowance so that they learn money management now that they are young. My 12 year old get $30 a month and the 16yr old gets $70. They must use that for their wants and they don’t get any extra.

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My kids do chores I don’t pay them for doing them. But I buy them almost anything they ask for

U can make a chore chart and every complete chore they do pay them so much. Like a couple bucks. Not too much.

My 14 year old gets $20 a week for chores. He has to clean the kitchen/dishes every night clean his bathroom x2 monthly. And whatever else is needed. $5 goes to his spend anywhere and $15 to savings that if it’s a legit reason he can pull from but has set goals for what he wants to use his savings on. Ex. gamming computer.