Opinions on co-sleeping? My three-year-old sleeps in a toddler bed in the same room as me, but I hear a lot of single moms saying that they let their toddlers sleep with them all the time. I do let my son come sleep with me if he doesn’t feel good and if he gets up early and wants to get in my bed. He doesn’t have any issues with sleeping alone. He sleeps great! Just wondering what other single mamas have done.
I co-slept with all of my kiddos.
If your child is sleeping fine on their own there is no reason to change that … sounds like things are good it’s really all a matter of personal choice
Omg. I FINALLY got my oldest into his own bed. (He’s 9!!) My other littles sneak in my bed in the middle of the night but start out in their own beds
If your kid sleeps alone okay I’d personally leave it like that. Once you co sleep its gonna be hard to go back to that. However, I co sleep with my daughter and absolutely love it. I just dont get the decision to sleep alone if I’d like to is the only downside.
Definitely don’t change anything. It’s a good thing if they sleep in their beds just fine! You’re blessed!
Don’t start now its definitely not worth it really at 3 he needs be in his own room or your heading for disaster
I co sleep. I’d like him to be in his own bed in my room but that hasn’t happened. I wouldn’t change what you’re going.
Its hard to get them in their own bed as they get bigger
I co sleep and love it…eventually they won’t want to sleep with you anymore so I treasure these moments while I have them
Mine has been sleeping alone since a few months old, and it’s amazing. He MIGHT sleep with mevonce every 6 months?
It’s a personal choice. It really doesn’t matter what others do. As long as you and your son are comfortable, you’re good.
And my my older 2 transitioned just fine.
I’d continue with your current routine since he’s sleeping fine on his own. Co-sleeping can be so great, but just because it seems like “everyone’s doing it” or whatever doesn’t mean you HAVE to
If your child is sleeping fine on their own I wouldn’t try and switch them into your bed. One it will start a habit that will be hard to break and it may disrupt their sleep while they are getting used to sleeping with you.
Im not single but my toddler sleeps with us lol i personally love it him not so much
My daughter slept with me for yrs she is now 4 1/2 she told me she ready I lay down with her in her room till she goes to sleep and she comes and get in bed in the morning and very rarely in the middle of the night
It’s not bad especially if the kid loves to sleep beside you every once in a while. He will not want it sooner or later, lol. Just cherish each moment that he chooses to snuggle right beside you.
My guy sleeps fine on his own or with me. We still sometimes co-sleep (I’m not single) in our King size bed and I am happy that we do- my guy is almost 2 now. I love the nights he cuddles into us but I also love that he is able to sleep on his own too
Dont start it if he is fine with sleeping on his own!! With my 3 year old i wish i had never started it! He was a year old and i was just exhausted and started bringing him in our bed at night when he would wake up. Im almost 37 weeks pregnant and i wish he would stay in his bed all night. I dont even want his dad in bed with me let alone him kicking me and laying on me. Its uncomfortable and i dont think any size bed would be big enough for all of us because he has to be right on me. I mean its up to you but i wouldnt
I didn’t let my daughter co sleep with me until she was 1. And that was because we were on vacation.
She’ll now do it from time to time.
Just don’t start a bad habit.
I’ve seen some kids still sleeping in their parents bed when they’re like 10😬
My oldest is 4 and hes been on and off Co sleeping with me since he was an infant. I get him into his own bed for a bit and then he has a bad dream or is sick and ends up with me all over again
If you have a good sleeper, keep things as they are. You are very lucky!
My oldest always slept in her bed. My middle child sleeps with me. My youngest sleeps in her crib majority of the time.
Pros: great bonding, their little cuddles are great, you always know where they are and that they’re ok.
Cons: sucks having to lay with them to get them to sleep for naps and bed if you aren’t ready to lay down yet, can get crowded, hard to be intimate with your spouse.
I’ve always had my daughter in her own bed. Same here though, if she wakes up early or doesn’t feel good, it’s cuddle time.
I hate sleeping with my toddlers lol I never get any sleep with a butt on my head and a knee I’m my tummy or just a 20 lb weight on my chest lol not awesome…they have slept with me on occasion thus why I know I hate it… I let them if they ask…thank goodness they dont ask often!!!
Children sleeping in your bed once in a while, especially when they feel ill is perfectly fine. When my kids were little every Saturday morning we would have cuddle in my bed time the only day we did not have to get up and get out the door. To me the term co-sleeping is about sharing a bed with your child every night, not the occasional night here and there. Also many single mothers cannot afford 2 bedroom homes this day and age and have to share a room with their child, there is nothing wrong with that.
My kids slept with us as toddlers. Around 3 & 5 years old they started sleeping together in one room even though they each had their own. I missed them so much Now they are 9 & 11 and still sleep together and sleep with us on Friday & Saturday nights. It’s tight but we love it & some day they won’t want to do it anymore.
We co-sleep (he’s 3) and I love the cuddles. If both of you don’t mind it then why not?
My little one has always had his own room since he was 3 months old. But to this day (he’s 7 now) he will come in and ask to crawl in bed with me and dad around 4am, 3-5 times a week, I still say yes. Someday he won’t want to.
I always let my 3 year old sleep by me
You do what works for you but I think if he is already used to sleeping in his own bed then let him because one day you will want your own bed and it will be hard to break the habit you can continue like you are doing
Dont do it! If they are fine in their own bed,then leave them be. My first was fine in her bed. Then my husband started letting her sleep with us at age 2 and she was stuck in our bed until age 5! Took two weeks to get her comfortable in her own bed again after so long in ours. Didn’t do that with the second. She slept in her own bed and moved on her own into the lower bunk bed in her sister’s room. Came in one day and instead of napping in her playpen she was in the lower bunk. Now sleeps there all the time and won’t sleep anywhere else. Love having my bed kid free for me and husband to have bonding time away from the kids. Having kids around u 24/7 and married to where it is hard to be intimate can strain a marriage. If a single parent, then probably little to no cons with it, but if have a spouse…I would keep the kids in their own beds. The private time with your spouse is important
I wouldn’t force co sleeping, it’s hard to break. But you do you.I coslept while nursing, and encouraged sleeping on their own when they slept through the night. I always started the night in the crib, and tried to get baby back to their crib after a feeding/diaper change, but I needed sleep too, and let my babies sleep with me if they were being fussy about laying in their crib.
If your kid sleeps in his own bed that is 100 % a good thing. Being able to do that is very important and saves a lot of stress trying to get kids to sleep in their own bed later on
Don’t start it’s hard to get them to transition out
I’ve co-slept with my daughter since the day i had her. She will be 2 years old in 3 months and just the happiest girl. It helps her sleep better knowing mommy and daddy is close by.
I’m a single mom! My baby sleeps in his crib in my room… I get him to sleep every night in my bed then move him when he’s asleep. No issues here!
If he’s already in his own bed I would not start this habit. It’s incredibly hard to undo. I’ve been cosleeping since birth with both my kiddos and I want my space back. They are 3 and 5 now.
I’m not a single mom but I let my 7 year old sleep in my bed until she started school. Right now it’s been two nights in a row my almost 5 year old has slept in her own bed. She’s gonna starts school in September so it was time for her too. I loved cosleeping. I will still let them sleep with me once in awhile but I won’t miss 6 inches of bed space and knees and toes digging into my back and butt crack
I live co sleeping. My oldest 2 still sleep in my bed. My youngest does only every once in a while.
I’d go with what your little one feels comfortable with.
Not a single parent but we bed shared with all 5 of our kids from birth Until they were ready to sleep alone (although they still bed hop most nights )
You’ll be sad the day it stops. That what my mom always told me. I slept in her bed till I was like 13 lol my daughter is 4 and we sleep together every night. I love it and so does she so why not? Its honestly what ever works for you
Shit, mines 7 and sleeps with me. I’ll have a harder time getting her out of my bed than she will.
Never did it with mine and wouldn’t suggest to start .
My 3 year old only sleeps with me. I love the cuddles! But I just had baby #2 and baby wakes him up when he crys at night. And now I’m to busy to try to get him in his bed! I wouldn’t break a good habit
My daughter slept in my bed with me until 5 months old she had a crib but I felt safer with her next to me and the only reason she stopped sleeping with me after that was because we moved in with my boyfriend now she sleeps in her crib no problem but usually when my boyfriend goes to work she’s in bed with me and if I go to work she’s asleep next to him until he’s ready to get up.
I’m a single mom and my daughter sleeps with me when she wants or in her own bed when she wants. I dont pressure her either way. Its just the two of us anyways. Just keep doing what your doing, its perfectly fine!! Your doing great
If he’s not sleeping in your bed now, I wouldn’t start letting him do it except on special occasions. You will grow to really want the space because toddlers are not good bedmates. My 2 year old has had so many sleep problems; when she was younger co-sleeping was often the only way any of us survived the night. Now she’s finally starting to sleep through the night by herself and it’s such a relief. I think it’s fine to let them in occasionally and nighttime or morning snuggling is really nice, but I wouldn’t start co-sleeping with a child who is already successfully sleeping alone. It’s a good thing that he feels secure and independent enough to do that.
My daughter just turned 6 today. She still sleeps with me most nights.
My almost 3 year old does too
I co-slept with my son when I was a single mom until he started kindergarten. It wasn’t really that hard to transition him. I think it was harder for me than for him.
I’m not a single mom but for the past two and a half months on and off in the beginning but recently every night our 6 year old has been coming in our bed. She sleeps in her own bed she has a twin size bed and about three to 4:30 in the morning every morning she comes in here crawls into bed and goes back to sleep. We’ve tried everything night lights sound machines a weighted blanket that weighs 5 lb. But nothing seems to work right now. So me and my husband said oh well and we just let her stay in here. My feeling is they’re only young once and they’re going to eventually grow out of it.
Don’t do it it’s a trap they never leave… my 11 year old still sleeps in bed with me sometimes an so does my 8,6,5 year old
My girls sleep in there own room. They share it my oldest is 13 an started sleeping alone at 5 she was always in the same room with me till then an I let her sleep with me when she was sick an not feeling well but it was a fight when she was all better to get her back to her bed my little one is 5 now an she slept in her toddler bed an with me when she didn’t feel but she use to get up in the middle of the night an climb the toddler bed an get in with me she started share the room with my oldest when she was 3 1/2 and every once in a while she wakes up in the middle of the night with a bad dream or she can’t fall asleep an I let her come to my room if I were you I’d leave it just the way ur child is because trying to get them in there own bed again after they get use to sleeping with you is hell
It’s not for our family. Both my 3 yo and 7.5 mo sleep independently in their own rooms. I understand that not everyone has the space to do this. Do what is best for YOUR situation. I personally would not open that can of worms if it’s not already happening.
My nearly 5 year old daughter sleeps with me she has done since being 4 week old but I don’t let me nearly 5 month old! She comes in bed for an hour in the morning that’s it but she’s in a next to me so it’s like she’s in bed with me but she’s not hahaha, I love them being so close to me! there is nothing better! Their not little for long they soon grow up and move on with their own lives then you don’t have that chance to cuddle them all night again! I cry every time I think of it:joy:
I slept in my mums bed till I was 15… soon as I found a boyfriend I stopped!
Now I’m 25 nearly and she says she regrets ever saying to me to sleep in my own bed and kept trying to put me in my own bed! She said because now them days have gone and I’ll never get them back x
Cherish every moment you have with your children! And if you want to let them sleep with you then you do that! It’s not up to anyone else x
Tbh if he’s sleeping fine on his own i would leave him, my daughter won’t even go in her room she says she’s scared of it
I’m not a single mom
But I did co sleep and still do he’s 2 now
But we have recently got him a real bed and now he will stay in his own bed all night but his bed is still in our room
I don’t think I’m comfortable letting in sleep in his own room yet
I co-slept with all of mine. They all now sleep in their own rooms on their own beds. Well except my 7 month old. I enjoy his cuddles. I will definitely miss it when he no longer is in bed with me.
I’ve always had my kids in bed with me until they were ready to go to their own beds.
I’ve never let mine sleep in my bed, but all have slept for 12hrs from 6 weeks old. Co-sleeping doesn’t work in our household, but it does for some, so do what works best for you. Only advice though is if he is use to sleeping in his own bed, maybe it’s a bit late to co-sleep in the sense that it may disrupt his sleeping routine. Maybe just stick to special occasions
Keep in own bed as much as poss, saves issues later on and when more kids come along. Nothing worse than 6 yr, 3 yr and newborn in your bed
I personally hate co sleeping with my lil man! Hes a wriggler, kicks me in the face, pulls my hair and sticks his butt right under my nose. He sleeps fine is his own bed, so why co sleep? Unless when they’re poorly, or early morning ect. That’s how we do it x
keep in own bed its better that way
I co slept with my first because I was a single parent… but when you find a partner and all that - it’s hard to get them to sleep in their own bed I had to pretend the fairy’s left pennies for her for sleeping in her bed I haven’t co slept with my other 2 though as their wouldn’t be room in the bed, I only do it when they’re ill now and dad is evicted to the sofa or when he’s gone to work they’ll come in a watch tv xx
I let my kids come in anytime any age.they are now 13 and 17. And if I went to my moms and she happened to be laying down I’d lay down with her I’m 45 and she’s 65. Once you bond it’s not broke no matter how bad of a kid you were. Or young adult
My 9 year old has always slept with me. My 10 year old and my 13 year old slept with me when they were babies but transitioned into their own beds with no issues.
My 9 year old has disabilities so it’s just a habit we got into and I feel better when she is with me
When I was a single mom, my then 3 year old and then 5 year old slept with me. I lived out in the middle of nowhere and was terrified I wouldn’t get to them in time in the event of an emergency. But since he’s in your room, I’d leave him be. Enjoy your space all stretched out in your own bed.
I co slept with my newborn up until he was 4 months old. He’s finally in his crib all night. Some night he wakes up and refuses to sleep in his crib so he comes back to the bed with his father and I. But girl you’re lucky you get to sleep alone. I wouldn’t start it if you enjoy your bed to yourself. But everyone’s different. I slept better with my son in bed at first. But now that I’m more comfortable with being a mom and not worrying so much at night, it’s nice to have my bed back.
Nope not in my household just how I am tho I am a really deep sleeper and I move alot so not compatible in my household
I co slept with my oldest till she was 6 my second son would not sleep unless he was in his crib and my 2 youngest co slept
My son turns 8 in a few days and we still cosleep for naps because well honestly we cuddle up on the couch to watch a movie and fall asleep its kind of part of our weekend routine now we get up jave a rwallt big breakfast and the nap on the couch lol
My daughter is 7 and her bed is in the same room as mine and we still cosleep and have since day one. She sleeps in her bed just fine whenever she wants her bed. But if she wants to snuggle I let her in my bed because one day when she’s older she’s not going to want to. So I’m soaking up as much as I can now.
Mine sleeps with me. We are their safe zone
We swore and agreed that we would never co-sleep, but the moment we broughthim home from the NICU at 1 month old I immediately knew i couldn’t be apart from him any more than we alreadyhad been…I get a ton of crap from people about it but I can laugh about it now and as I took this pic I can hear him breathing. and feel if he moves around too much. (My mom super powers of light sleeping kicked in immediately we cuddle. And tho I get kicked and punched, I feel the closest to my family when they’re safe and I’m able to just relax, k.o and feel at peace. I have a feeling I’m going to have a harder time transitioning my son to his own room than he will