My mom had me vaginally, my brother was a c section, and then she had 4 successful v bacs and then a final c section because she swelled shut when they put iodine on her for the catheter so my sister couldn’t come through. They just monitored her during labor like a hawk
I had a wonderful vbac last October 17 months after an emergency csection!!! Best decision I ever made!!!
I will say this…. Find a doctor that fully supports vbac. A doctor that’s says “you might be able to” or “we will play it by ear” or “it could happen” they are not as supportive as they pretend to be. I left my ongyn at 20 weeks pregnant when he told me to mentally prepare for another csection which I was wholeheartedly against. It floored me. He had no faith in me or my ability to birth my child naturally. Find some one who supports you and find a birthing doula!!! Do NOT let them induce you as this automatically increases the chances of a repeat Caesarian. The best decisions I ever made and I had a fantastic vaginal birth without any medicine and would do it a million times over. The recovery was so much better and quicker than the caesarean recovery.
Educate yourself. Do research. They will try to scare you with uterine rupture stories but it is less that 1% chance of uterine rupture.
My Dr told me no when I asked about it but my baby had other plans. He came early (34 wks) in the middle of the night. Had Vbac in the operating room. Both baby and me were just fine. Every birth is different though. Good luck
A lot of women do it. It’s actually pretty common. Any other underlying conditions will ultimately determine whether you need another c sec but the big issues lie in any scar tissue and core weakness you may have leftover from your last pregnancy. If you feel like you need these things looked at then get a referral for Physical Therapy. We can work on decreasing scar tissue as well as strengthening your core and pelvic floor strength to get you prepared for vaginal delivery.
I had my first baby via emergency csection. 4 years later, I chose to attempt a VBAC. Only complications - my baby swallowing meconium and I had a 4th degree tear due to 20ish minutes worth of pushing). My 3rd baby was born via scheduled csection because I became pregnant so quickly after my 2nd was born and they didn’t want to risk another 4th degree tear.
All of that to say, I’d rather do a VBAC with a 4th degree tear instead of a csection. Hands down. Both of my c-sections were so difficult to heal from.
I had a successful VBAC this past December.
Positives: MUCH faster healing process & being able to hold baby almost immediately. I had a very easy labor after epidural was placed.
Negatives: I HAD to get an epidural, in case emergency c-section was needed, which killed my plan for unmedicated birth. Also, can’t use regular induction methods due to increase risk of uterine rupture.
I wanted one so bad but we thought because I had big babies before that my last baby would be big but turns out he was my smallest and I could’ve definitely pushed him out but I did get my tubes tied so that was my plus side
My sister had 6 kids in the normal way after having her first by c-section. Don’t be afraid.
I had a csection with my first child, after that I had two successful VBACs! Labor was faster each time. Go for it! You have a better chance of no complications if you go into labor on your own as well. The biggest risk is your csection rupturing, but it’s a low chance and even lower if you go into labor naturally instead of being induced.
I had a perfectly fine vbac 4 years after csection, no problems whatsoever
It depends on why you had to have the csection the first time, and how far apart from first pregnancy to the second one. I didn’t have a choice in my second csection!
Had an emergency csection with my second child was induced with him as well! a year later had a Vbac with my third child went into labor naturally! No complications and honestly was the quickest pushes out of all my babies! Dr never even suggested a second csection! I would definitely say go for it let your body do it’s own thing! But everyone is different.
Nice to see so many vbac success stories. Scheduled second csections are super easy, too. Either way is fine if it suits you.
I have 4 kids my first born was born via C section I had a vbac with my second born c section with my third and another v bac with my fourth. Honestly I prefer vaginal birth its a much less painful recovery. I had no issues and no tearing. Oh and don’t let your doctor bully you into a c section my doctor was originally against the v bac I had to put my foot down in order to get my doctor on board. They also induced labor on all my children except my first born. So it depends on the doctor on whether or not they will induce.
Definitely depends on several factors. How long in between pregnancies and why you had the first c-section. My first was an emergency c-section after I was getting ready to be induced at 35 weeks and had severe pre-eclampsia. As they were about to induce they noticed my baby was in distress and my doctor didn’t want to wait and risk his life since his heart rate stopped fluctuating like it should. I got pregnant again 6 months later so no choice but another c-section which I had at 37 weeks due to pre-eclampsia. I had a choice with my third but since I had a miscarriage in between my 2nd and 3rd with only a total of 14 month gap (from when I delivered my 2nd, miscarriage, and then my 3rd) I decided it was best to opt for another c-section. It turned out to be my best pregnancy and probably could’ve done a vbac. I did have some preterm labor but I was only dilated 1cm at 39-1/2 weeks when I had my last c-section. Worked out too because I got my tubes tied while she was in there.
My doctor said I could do a vbac after 5 year and things should be fine. My son was 7 when I had my daughter. He decided on another C-section before I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and ended up taking her 3 weeks early. It ended up being a great decision because of all of the scar tissue I had. Side note: I’ve since switched doctors.
I had a C-section in May 2019 and had a VBAC in Feb 2021 there was no complications I was in a very long labour (25 hours) because I dilated very slow until I reached 6cm then it was 10 min and my beautiful baby girl was born and on my chest…
I would really recommend a VBAC with my first I didn’t even get to hold her they showed her to me and took her away, with the VBAC the immediately put her on my chest when she was out they cleaned her and cut her cord all on my chest… It was the most amazing feeling ever to know that we had that immediate bond…
The negative side is that there is a possibility that your uterus can tear open on the incision sight from your C-section and then you have to be rushed in for emergency surgery so they can close everything again…
So it’s a very big risk but believe me it’s so worth it…
Good luck on your decision just know whatever you choose it will be just as amazing because in the end you will get to hold your beautiful baby…
My sister tried but failed and had a belly birth instead! It’s always worth a shot as long as there are no medical reasons not to
I had an emergency c section and had general anesthesia. I didn’t see my don being born and neither did my husband . I was going in for a planned c section with my daughter because she was breech. When I arrived they did an ultrasound and she flipped over. I was 4cm dilated so my doc just broke my water and I had a successful v bac. It was all around a better situation and the healing was a breeze. I highly recommend a v bac
I had a VBAC with my second child, and it went very well. Zero complications. But I also had her almost 3 years after my first child(cesarean). Everyone is different though.
I had my vbac in July last year supportive provider is a big deal, so I’m glad to hear your dr appears on board.
my first pregnancy was vaginal delivery, 2nd was a csection due to breech, 3rd was a planned vbac, and 4th I was actually planning a csection but she came early and fast so she was a vbac. its definitely a faster recovery and the healing process is alot better than csection if your doctors on board and you are comfortable with the decision definitely go for it
My SIL had a VBAC with my niece in November. It was 2yrs after she’d had an emergency csect with my other niece. My sister had a vaginal birth, then csect, then went on to have 3 VBACs before having another csect for the youngest. Definitely possible.
My sister had a C-section with her first and VBAC with her other 3 and she prefers VBAC she said healing time was so much better after VBAC
I’ve had a hbac (homebirth after cesarean) , vbac and an hbac… my first was a homebirth transfer resting c section so I’ve always been a homebirth/natural birth mama. My first was very traumatizing.
I had 3 successful vbacs… I say go for it. The experience is worth it. 100%
I had 2 vaginal births then a c-section then a VBAC and I’m due next month doing another vaginal. There was nothing negative in my experience everything went as planned
I technically didnt have a “normal” birth I was induced and it was a successful VBAC I had a 80% success rate
Hope everything goes well I did just 7 week ago after c section 11 years ago it went fine for me
I had a c-section then a VBAC 17 years later. I am soo glad I was able to do it.
I had one at 41.5 weeks with no epidural, and I’m so thankful I tried.
1st was a c-section she was breach and 10 days past due. 6 successful vbacs after that one.
I had a VBAC after 1 c-section 19 months apart!
Join the group The VBAC Link Community
So much information and multiple success stories of women who also had VBACs!
My mother had 7 kids. #2 was c section. The next 5 were all VBAC. It’s totally possible
Five kids…third was emergency c section bc she got tangled in the cord at 9.5 cm. Two successful vbacs no issues following
I had a vbac 22 months after my section. Everything went fine.
To add… the doctors tried to scare me into another section, even telling me the baby would die… but the midwives said they do this often just to make their days easier.
I did! I was 26 months PP when I had my VBAC then I had another 22 months after that.
I tried to do that and was in labor 27 hours before ending up having a c- section anyway…its possible but risky.
I have! It was the easiest birth I’ve had honestly
I have a question and know the re is zero judgement. I’m purely looking forward education since I’m due in October.
Why a vbac? I had a c section with my first
Had three babies naturally before my csection. Had two babies naturally after my csection. No problems at all.
Tried but just didn’t work out.
Hoped to. But #2 was breech also. #3 finally was not breech but very few docs will do vba2c
My 1st was a C-section and I have had 5 vaginal births since.
Go for a VBAC! Cheering you on!
I had a VBAC, definitely cheering you on. It was an amazing experience for me best of luck hun!
Join VBAC Success stories group. I have not had one myself but joined the group for positive vibes should we have a second child someday.
I had normal birth after C-section. Everything went fine. Normal birth was alot better.
I had a c section with my first and had three natural vbacs to follow
I had 3 successful VBACs no complications at all
Yes! Join ICAN International Cesarean Awareness Network pages!!
7 babies total. 5th was a c Section. Rest were unmedicated vaginal births. Just had my second VBAC at home 2 weeks ago. So much better than recovering from a c Section!
I’ve had two. No issues
I have done it. I had my 1st natural and then my twins by c section. Then my 4th was a repeat c section. My 5th and 6th I refused a c section. With my 5th they didn’t want to let me try a v bac but they did and it went great. Then I moved to a different state and with my 6th they straight said I had to have a c section. I refused. I labored are home and went to the hospital when I knew I was close to pushing. I was to far for a c section. She was delivered less than 30 minutes after I got there with 0 issues. It was this hospitals policy to not allow v bacs. Because you might end up in emergency surgery. They tried to scare me but I trusted my body. If I had another I would travel to the hospital an hour and a half away where they will support a v bac and head there as soon as labor starts or choose to be induced. I would never willingly have another c section unless it became absolutely necessary. The recovery is so much longer and more painful!
Not me…but my cousin. She had 1 natural. Her 2nd was a csection but he was almost 11lbs and she weighed like 100lbs super tiny… Shes had 4 natural births after w no.complications
It is better to have a Vbac than another C-section if it can be avoided. It’s hard on the body and multiple ones cause more damage. I hopefully will have a Vbac when I have my next child(she was breech so no way of a vaginal birth sadly). Find a doctor who is 100% on board otherwise ethey will push you for another c-section. The reason they try talk you into another one is by pushing you risk ripping open scar tissue(but if you properly waited and healed like supposed to, believe a year minimum for c-section) then you have a huge chance of never doing that. I say go for it if you want to. There is always emergency situations and teams ready to go if needed. It’s alot better on the body to have a Vbac than it is a c-section.
Ive heard of people having vaginal deliveries after csection. Ive only had natural births no csection but Ive heard it can be done.
Depending on your reasoning for the 1st one.
My daughter in law has had two children afte she had a c section , Both went fine and the second went very good tho baby weighted ove 9 pounds
Mine ended in emergency c-section, his heart rate dropped.
My sister just had a vbac. It was easy for her. No issues aside from tearing a little!
It depends on your reason for the C section …
The risks.are a rupture and it can be fatal … I know because mine ruptured… (not from attempting a vbac from twins ) but the reality is that it can and does happen
If you are likely to need another c-section why would you attempt a vbac ? If you had a c-section for reasons that are extremely unlikely to happen again then that’s an option.
Listen to your dr …they know the risks they’ve been there resussing babies and mothers, thyveen there pumping blood into a mother on the way to theatre … they’ve been there when either or both haven’t made it …
I would never purposely put myself or my baby at risk
I have a friend that had a VBAC like a champ with no complications. It’s absolutely possible.
There’s def a reason why most doctors and hospitals won’t let you
I’d say scar tissue alone is enough to be nervous
It’s completely unpredictable how your personal body healed
It was much more difficult and time consuming to get my second baby out (and that was with a c) from my scar tissue so thank goodness I didn’t try to go natural
My SIL had 2 c sections then a normal viginal birth with no complications
Worked LD for 8 years and saw many successful TOLAC/VBACs. Just listen to your body and your doctor
I had 3 vbacs. One was at home even.
I had 2 normal births after a c section
I recommend joining a support group on fb
VBAC and Birth After Cesarean Facts — Evidence Based Support
I had a normal after 2 C-sections.
I had 1 c-section and 4 normal births
The VBAC Link Community
Hope but don’t expect
My mom did! It’s definitely possible. It’s becoming more common, too, especially with more doctors becoming up to date on that information.
Talk to your doctor and make a plan. Do your research
Its probably better than repeated c section. I was scheduled to have a vbac but my cardiologist had other plans
It’s actually less risky to have a vbac than a repeat c section according to my dr. Depending on the reason for your first c section
It would depend how long ago you had your c section. My kids are only 18 months apart so I had a repeated c section. The 2nd c section was a lot easier than the first one.
Its best to do your research. I had an emergency c section 6yrs prior and just had my 2nd baby last month and did a repeat. What I read up on scared me about possibly rupturing my uterus. Plus my little one had a huge head so a repeat was the choice I made. However I unfortunately had so much scar tissue from my first c section it made my 2nd way more difficult but there’s no way of knowing how much scar tissue you have until they open you up. Do your research and make the best choice you can.
I had a Vbac 3 years after having a emergency c section and it was successful but u need to do wots best for u and ur baby x
I had an emergency c section and 3 successful vbacs following it without issue. Much better recovery!
i can’t talk for myself, but my aunt just had a vbac after a csecfion 4 years prior & she loved it! (i mean, as much as you can love labor😂) it went great for her, no problems!
I had a emergency c-section first an a natural after. I had no issues. I was also suppose to have my 2nd by c-section an the doctor when I went into labor says to me as I’m freaking out asking for my c-section. he was gonna prove I could push a baby out lol I wanted a c-section again as I did great with it after words an healing even my scar so I was little mad an shocked lol
Vbac Momma, everything went well
Emergency c-section 2/98…5/99 vbac (my daughter was due 7/4 & decided to make an earlier appearance despite having scheduled a csection). Vbac recovery was so much easier especially with a preemie & a 15 month at home.
Wanted a second vaginal birth but my youngest had other plans. Emergency csection 6/26/02; due 8/25.
A couple of my friends have done it with no problem. I, however, was a repeat section. I don’t plan to ever have a VBAC.
I had two normal births after a c section…no problems.
I have no experience here, but I know it can happen safely and I hope it does for you if that’s what you want.
Depends on the reason for previous csection.
I know multiple women who have had vaginal birth after csection. A few at home births and regular births in hospital where the baby was over 10 pounds. Anything is possible try to follow the birth plan you want!
I had a successful vbac after 2 c-sections. Do what makes you happy and what is healthy for you and the baby
Both my children were c-sections! I wish I could have have vaginal births. My body just couldn’t. I say fo what is best for u and baby
I had a c-section and then 3 vbacs. They were all a much easier recovery than the c-section
I just had a successful VBAC in May. Pros and cons to everything. Def faster recovery with vaginal but it’s still a painful recovery - just different. Let me know if u have any specific questions
I had a successful vbac 4 1/2 years later no epidural…better healing
My eldest and middle are exactly 18 mnths apart and the hospital made me get a VBAC I had no say, all went well but bcoz of previous csec I couldnt get any pain meds it was all 100% natural so they can see if my body was willing to do natural on its own. It was better in the end I could walk straight away and went home the next morning with my baby. I was torn down under it hurt a lot and was uncomfortable and sore for a while but still better than csec
My mom had me on c-section and another 4 births vaginal birth
I had two successful V-bacs the chance of ruptured uterus is low around 3% Just make sure there has been at least a years time before getting pregnant. Eat Hi protein foods, no matter what make sure you and your doctor are on the same page. Good luck!
I have an unmedicated vbac after 2 c sections, no problems at all!