Thoughts on helmets for babys?

Hello my 3 month old has to have a helmet because she has a flat spot. What is your mom’s thoughts and feelings and advice on them. Is there any moms out that dealing with this. My fiance agreeing to it. Im still on the edge about it. Then I look back at my 12 year old she needed one possibly but her pediatrician didn’t push it says it will grow back on its own. Now I have a new pediatrician close to home who both my daughters see now and they are pushing it. Any advice will help. Pic of my baby girl and her flat spot.


Do it. The sooner you start the better and potentially could be less time in the helmet. It sounds really more difficult than it really is and the time goes pretty fast.


I waited until it was too late and now my 17 year olds head has a permanent flat spot and weird bulge. He was around 11 months when we first started the process and 13 months when he got his first helmet.

I’d honestly push for a CT. Just in case babe has a type craniosynosis. Which typically has to be fixed with surgery and if not caught in time can cause pressure on the brain.
You pediatrician is most likely looking out for the best interest of your babe.


Even the most severe cases fully heal by 2 years of age. Listen to your instinct, and get another opinion!

My son wore one! Not sure why you would not want them to have one! He is now 19 an has a prefect head

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3months is normal to have a flat spot. It will round out the more they have tummy time and stuff.

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Get a second opinion, from a health care professional instead of moms that most likely aren’t trained to be handing out medical advice.
All cases are different.


I have friends who have used a helmet. Good experiences for them.

I got my now 12 yr old a helmet as an infant with great success and glad I did. Her glasses sit straight on her face which otherwise wouldn’t.

My baby has a flat spot. I was told it will be fine by the time she is 2. I think it should be up to the parents unless it is medically necessary.

Why would you even question it or not want to? Honestly? Knowing it can only help

I didn’t with my oldest whom i wish I did but the dr didn’t really push she brought it up at one appointment and then never again, we have the same dr and she did push it, which my daughters was way worse…so I did get the helmet for my youngest and she had to wear it for 6 months, her head looks so much better! She was 6 months old when we got it and got rid of it right around her first birthday. And they did some scans and X-rays to make sure her bones weren’t fused together and to rule out surgery. Thankfully just needed the helmet and that thing was a lifesaver lol :joy: my daughter slept like a rock the day she started to sleep with it on.

I wish I would have pushed and gotten one. My son had a flat head based on how he slept. Tried the beabie hats but he just slid out of them. His head has rounded out some. But it looks a lot bigger because it’s so much flatter than it should be. Get a 3 d opinion if you are on the fence.

Perhaps much has been learned about the success of wearing helmets since your 12 year old. I would seriously consider using a helmet.

“I don’t trust my doctors so I’ll ask Facebook instead”

What the actual shit.
Grow up