That’s a hard no in our family. They end up getting in the bad habit of watching it to fall asleep, or watching it an not falling asleep. There is no reason for a child to have a tv in their bedroom is our way of looking at it. If they want to watch something there is the tv in the living room, we are a one tv household
No only one tv in the house in the living room.
Fine but there would be rules
My son has a wall mounted tv in his room and he’s 5. But he has rules of course.
My 12 yr old has one for gaming and a dvd player but we dont have cable
We just have it on in our room I share a big room w my two babies and it’s just on to watch if we want to take a break from them destroying the room and making a tornado of toys for me to step on
Mine have TVs in their room. They have to ask permission before watching it tho. It really helped out during the pandemic when both my husband and I were working from home.
Tvs have music learning apps what ever you want it’s not just a show plus fun to have on in background while playing
No. Why do they need it? They don’t its a want.
Nah it isn’t good for children according to pediatrician. My daughter just has lots of books.
Both my kids have one in their room that they mostly watch at night before bed. We set a timer of 30 minutes and when it turns off they are done. They are allowed to watch it during the day for an hour. We have YouTube kids and Netflix on there. That’s it. And their Netflix act is just the kids shows.
We discussed that recently. I suggested a TV in our 5 year old’s room. DVD only. But we decided we don’t want TVs at all in the kid’s rooms. We want them to play and learn, not lay around watching movies all day. If they want to do that they can watch TV with us. Or they have devices they can play educational games on.
But I’m not your kid’s parent so what you decide to do is up to you. That’s just what we decided.
hell to the nope .!!! not even for adults
No because my kids would just want to stay in their room all day.
We put one along with a gaming system in her room. It was meant to be temporary while I was in bed sick for a few days… but it’s had some great benefits, main one being she actually has less screen time now.
My daughter has one in her room but I take the cord at night so she can’t watch it at night
My 8 year old daughter has a TV with a DVD player and a Roku stick. She has rules. She follows those rules. She mainly uses it help her fall asleep. It works for us.
Give them just a tv and DVD player so their time is limited
Nope. I won’t let my kids have one in their rooms. We have 1 TV in the house, in the living room. My kids are 9(almost 10), 7 and 4 (we have a baby too, but she still sleeps in our room). They do have tablets, but they aren’t super interested in them and those go in our room at night so they can’t try to sneak them in their rooms. I’ve read too many study’s that talk about the negative effects on their sleep and mental health if they’re allowed to have TVs, cell phones and/or tablets in their rooms. So I refuse to let them have one in there rooms.
I had one in my room when I was little. My son doesn’t yet, because he’s 2 and doesn’t watch the TV when its on anyways. But when he’s old enough to play the vtech learning games or something he will have one in his room if he wants 1.
Honestly mines 4 and never watches TV in her room. She did when she first had it but she’s mainly on her iPad watching YouTube kids and playing games only day we really watch tv is Sunday .
I had a tv in my room growing up. My kids probably will not… they have tablets and we only stream anyway… we do allow their tablets in their rooms for set amounts of time.
If you let her use a tablet and a phone during the day there is hardly a difference of having a TV in her room. My children have a TV in their room but I dont allow them to use tablets or cellphone and the TV is only on during mid day while im cleaning and we watch a movie before bed like 3 nights a week.
My 5yo stepdaughter has one in her room. We take the remote out at night so she can’t turn it on (she hasn’t realized there are buttons on it yet) but she rarely watches it anyways.
Nope. TV’s only go in common areas. Same with computers. That way they can be supervised.
Most kids own a phone or a tablet or a laptop which they can do so many things including watch videos, movies, tv shows etc. So why bother with a tv? I personally wouldn’t.
It’s really about how you feel about it. Some kids are addicted to watching tv and other kids are barely interested. if you put one in there and think he/she is watching it too much, you could always take it out. I had one in my room growing up but I didn’t really watch it, my toddler doesn’t watch much tv either.
All.our kids have had TVs and game systems I their rooms I have a 60 inch in my bedroom. Never stopped them from being active or athletics.
7.5 yet old does but it is limited. One hour in the morning, if morning chores are done first. Then he can earn up to an hour more later on if he reads for 1/2 hour. And even that to me is pushing it for screen time.
You should not have to worry about how much tv they’re watching if you set rules on how much tv they are allowed to watch. I mean if it’s that much of a worry well then don’t put one in their room.
You can put a timer if you get a roku i make a rule if certain amount of time for educational stuff and at night I put on pandora
I dont see the harm, But its up to the individual parent, My 7 year old wanted one so I got her a 32inch with a built in DVD player and a couple nights a week she watches a movie before bed or when she wants some quiet over the weekend, I have 6 kids so they like to break away for respite from each other.
It is really based on your own feelings. I don’t mind now that my kids are 17 and 18 but I am not a fan of it when they are younger. Again that’s how I feel, I don’t want them watching tv in their bedrooms or playing games. That is where they sleep only.
Mine 2 do. But they ask for permission to turn on tv or play ps
All of my children but they usually only watch them on rainy days when inside or bedtime.
We never gave our kids t.v. and have now gotten rid of the one in our bedroom.
Supervise watching. Timer. Parental control. Keep the remote with you. Lock the plugs, remove cables. Set expectations, limitations, and rules.
All three of my kids have them (17,12 and 7) and honestly idk when the last time was they even turned them on. One uses the home screen just for a night light. The other will watch it sometimes if she has a friend over, the teenager only watches when she is sick or something and is in bed all day. Now granted my kids stay super busy with school, sports and work
My 7 and 8 year olds had one each for around year and a half. I can count on one hand how many times they have actually watched in their rooms xx
My 5 year old has one. She sometimes watches. Mostly it’s background noise while she plays. It’s only a Firestick, not cable, so she only has access to Netflix kids and Hulu kids as well as Kindle FreeTime.
My 4 all had tvs and gaming in their rooms. They knew homework and chores needed to be done and that they had a bedtime. Denying things doesn’t teach responsibility. Empowering them to understand personal decisions does. They are always old enough for this.
Honestly it depends on your child or children. it’s a definitely an individual thing. some kids can handle those kinds of responsibility some kids can’t. you know your child the best
My kids have one but no cable hooked up so they only watch the movies we buy them
My kids have always had one. We are the only ones who turn it on or off.
My kids are 4, 6, 8, and 10. My 10 year old saved his money and bought himself his own tv for his room. I told him once it’s bedtime it’s off and if I catch him having it on after then I will take the power cord. Trust gets you more in my house and if I can’t trust you, your not old enough for it to be in your room, I also expect good behavior at home/school etc. We don’t have cable though, only netflix. His next want is saving for his own xbox and the same rules will apply.
My kids have a tv in their room. Honestly the older boys will play games for a bit. Once in a while when I need to get school work done I’ll put a movie on for them. Usually they would rather be with me which I’m ok with.
4yo does and has since she was 2. But she asks when to use it. She doesn’t use it all the time
My kids have one and they don’t even watch it
My 11 year old twins and 15 year old both have a tv in their room, my 7 year old does not he has to use the tv in the family room or living room so we can monitor what he watches
I always had one in my room growing up, I’m married now and we recently got rid of the th in our room and I’ve found that I sleep much better also keeps me from laying in the bed just to watch tv. So there’s no harm in having one in there but just sharing my experience that I feel much better without it in there now.