I got pregnant with a IUD lol. I had a ablation its not real surgery. Talk to your doctor about it. Its done as outpatient and i was back to work the next day.
I had Paraguard for 7 years. Periods were horrible. Heavy, cramps, debilitating.
Switched to liletta a few months ago and wish I’d done it years ago
For those saying no risk with getting a tubal, there is. At least where I’m at, they put you under general anesthesia which comes with a certain amount of risk. As some one who suffered a stroke (which is a listed possibility) while under for a different procedure, I totally understand wanting to avoid a surgery. That being said, I’ve had the paragard for about a year now. The first time, it fell out partially and had to have it replaced which wasn’t terrible. Developed BV which cleared up with antibiotics. Only issues since is a longer heavier period with more cramping, but that eased a lot after about six months. All in all I’d still choose this method over risking surgery again or dealing with the horrible side effects of the hormonal birth controls
I’m on my second mirena iud & I’m very happy with it:)
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I didn’t have any negative experiences with it, other than a few random bleeds now and again and slightly prolonged and irregular periods. I would recommend it
I would never get an IUD because of all the risks. If you are married, would your husband consider a vasectomy?
I had it for almost 6 months. The worst 6 months of my life.
Can’t your husband get a vasectomy?
I had the paraguard for 8 years. It was okay, I have not had a tremendous amount of with any birth control though.
The depo shot and Nuva ring I gained tons of weight and was very emotional. I had this after my first daughter. I had heavy periods and cramping but I have always had that so I can’t verify that the paraguard (Cooper iud) made it worse.
I was on mirena for 5 years and loved it, minimal to zero periods. But, everybody is different some might have great experiences some don’t.
I’ve had my tubes out and it really was the best option. The surgery is quick and the recovery isn’t bad. I would highly recommend it, over adding any foreign object to your body
I’m no help. I had a hysterectomy a week and half ago and I feel great lol.
Any type of birth control doesn’t work 100%, so there is always a chance on getting pregnant. Tying tubes can become undone, removing the tubes can grow back, i had the endometrial ablation done and there is always a chance it will stop working (no periods at all). So if you dont want any more babies at all I would suggest a partial hysterectomy or no sex 🤷
I have my tubes tied they made a small incision in my navel went in cut them with a laser tied them off and that was almost 40 years ago I had no problem still haven’t had any problem
I love paragard ! Highly recommend!
It’s way easier to deal with your tubes…
IUD’s come with their own complications.
I’m on my 3rd now (the one I got lasts 5 years), besides a heavier period I haven’t had any problems with it.
I agree with one of the other commenters. Have the man get his nuts clipped. No surgery for you and you dont worry about anything.
I got Mirena for 5 years. No periods, but random monthly pains that made me fall to my knees, and pregnancy symptoms and a little weight gain. I would definitely still consider the nonhormonal IUD as that was going to be my choice if my last baby didn’t pass away.
works for me!! 7 years and going
I went for a copper iud and the bonehead Dr put in a hormonal one. I should hvae known with how my body reacted, BUT I didn’t find that out until a yr after my tubes were tied … another bone head Dr didn’t remove it during the procedure
I had a hard time with some sexy time fun times lol it def impacted some umm positions and what not
It shifted (that’s the only reason I found out it was still in there cuz my tubes were tied a yr before hand) and every step was excruciating until it was finally removed
For me I always felt it was botched big time