Thoughts on the copper IUD?

Any moms have the copper IUD? Do you like it? Does it hurt?

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I love mine! It doesn’t mess with my hormones and my periods are so much lighter! Of course it’s uncomfortable to put in but after that I’ve almost completely forgotten about it. Plus it lasts a long time. Up to tens years guaranteed pregnancy prevention without worrying about forgetting to take a pill everyday… that’s how I got pregnant in the first place lol then I made the switch to my copper iud and I absolutely love it.

I had it for a couple years. Loved the non hormonal part! The procedure wasnt too bad either, just some moderate cramping afterwards. The only concern I had with it is my periods were SO HEAVY…if they get heavy for you, I’d suggest taking an iron supplement. I did become anemic, had to remove it.

I have a non hormonal one since 2019 that lasts 7 years and haven’t had any issues. I’ve had a child and it was a bit painful to get in and I did have light bleeding for the first 4 months but after that I don’t usually have a cycle but still have the usual symptoms

Ask for a local anesthesic before insertion.

It caused me to be very anemic. It causes heavy periods due to not having any hormones. I had to get iv iron transfusions. It was a mess…