I always put music on for them… worked like a charm
Not for a baby this age. They need to feel comforted and secure at all times. It’s okay if you need a break to gather yourself and they cry. But I wouldn’t fully do the CIO method.
I couldn’t do it. Hold that baby. They’re only little for a short time
It’s honestly not for me or my kids. I never had the heart. They depend on us and as much as ppl will say they are spoiled they are simply taught that when they cry for me, I am there. No matter what.
We havent and wont. I do a modified transition from my bed to their own over 6 months starting around age 11 months
Tried it once. when I couldn’t stand it anymore, I went in to find him lying in a puddle of his own vomit. Never, EVER again. Gave my baby whatever he needed to fall asleep after that. He’s an awesome, 12 yr old, independent young man now.
While it may work for some, I think it’s pretty harsh. Babies, especially at that age, are looking for comfort from their parents and when we leave them crying, I fear it may give them the wrong message like “we’re not here for you.” I’m ok with the Ferber method though. I’ve been able to successfully leave my son for 15-20 minutes at a time, then check back in on him. I always had the monitor on him. If he was crying unreasonably (in pain, wet or dirty, etc) obviously I checked in on him sooner and solved the issue. Usually he would be a little fussy for a few minutes, or just happily play in his sleep space. I’d go back in and offer a hug or rub his back, tell him I loved him and leave again. After a cycle or two of doing that he usually passed out! It’s always beneficial to try sleep training when nothing else is going on (not teething, not right when Mom or Dad goes back to work, no big household changes, etc). Offering positive reinforcement and attention definitely helps create a more supportive and loving atmosphere. To each their own, of course! Parent however you feel is right.
I just started this with my 11 month old. I check on him after 5 min, 10 min, and then if he’s still up I wait 15. He’s usually asleep before 5 minutes though
Nope don’t believe in it
If you look it up there is set times you check on baby that gets more gradual with time. It’s not put your baby in a room alone and let them cry for hours like some believe. I think the start time is 5 minutes then you add 2 minutes a time after, adding each week. If baby is still crying You go in after set time is reached and console from beside the crib but not picking up baby. You are also supposed to put the baby to bed awake so they can learn to self soothe. You can do this method starting around 5 months. They say because by this time baby should be sleeping all night on 1 bottle feed. This is for babies who want mama at night even after needs are met. My son is only 6 weeks and only cries when hungry or getting a diaper change right now. He’s in our room for probably another month or so. After that he’ll go to his nursery at night. If needed we will definitely do the cry out method if needed. Just do it safely and when he’s old enough.
I always told myself I would never do it but sometimes you just have to! I wait about 10 minutes, go back in and situate him, make sure he has his paci and then wait another 10 mins, so on and so on… if he doesn’t go to sleep after the 3rd attempt, I just give in.
I wouldn’t do it. Just take the extra time to get them to sleep. You will glad you did.
Cry it out is BS LAZY PARENTING!
DONT do that to your child. They deserve better. No child “knows” how to self soothe in infancy or toddler stage & this just teaches them to pass out from pure emotional distress and exhaustion.
Hold your child, rock them, pray over them, sing to them. Put being an attentive parent over your own wants.