Hey, I just wanted to see if any other momma has done the cry out method to get their baby to sleep in a crib, looking for pros, cons, and any tips you may have; my LO is seven months old
The cry it method is not suited for babies this age. They don’t understand why you are not being a parent for them. It causes neurological and mental stress to the baby because the baby doesn’t know why their parent isn’t coming to their aid and it causes trust issues with the baby. I don’t care what you do, but 7 months old is a little mean to have a baby wondering why their mother isn’t helping them… your baby spend 9 months to 10 months in your stomach never worrying about eating, always having warmth and when the are born that’s taken from them. Your kid needs you… and the cry it out metro d only teaches them my parent won’t be there when I need them or need a hug or need their comfort.
The cry it out method is for older toddlers. Babies co-regulate they do not know how to self soothe.
Not a fan. There is research to suggest that it increases baby’s stress levels. While it may be frustrating at times to get a baby to sleep on their own, they need help soothing and calming themselves.
It depends on the person and the family. Asking for opinions is going to get many people angry.
Personally I am against it no matter the age. I have an almost 9 year old, a 6 year old (in 2 weeks) and a 7 month old. CIO has never been for me and my family. I have held/rocked all my babies to sleep until they outgrew it. They are only little so long
I adopted my son , and his bio family did not do a very good job of this from birth to age 3 , so he has an attachment disorder. I know everyone has a different opinion, but it would not be for me.
Never could do it s.i.d.s. was my biggest fear I woke up to everything until they were 2
Do your research. Cry it out doesn’t mean just let em scream. Sleep training is nothing like that. Some people say its mean but they get their info from their A**. So many books on it. Its amazing
Big no for me. I think it’s pretty cruel
7 months is far to young, my oldest (12 now) broke his cot before he ready for a bed, so we had no choice but to put him in a bed , he was over 2yrs of age, he hated the bed, he used to “cry” at his safety gate till he fell asleep, wouldn’t actually call it “cio” though
The cry out method is for children who can comfort themselves. A baby doesn’t know how and could possibly feel abandonment. Cuddle those babies. You can’t repeat yesterday.
Cry it out is different than sleep training. CIO is toxic and causes an increase in cortisol in your child. They don’t understand why you aren’t coming to pick them up, they just know you aren’t. They can’t self soothe like an older kid can.
HOWEVER, sleep training can be started around 4-6 months and it’s when you put them down and sit next to them. Each day move the chair further and further away while they sleep until you’re out of the room. Or you can put them down. Come back in two minutes and pat their back and comfort them. Then come back in 5, then 10, then 15, until they’re asleep. That way they learn to sleep independently but you aren’t leaving them to cry until they pass out.
It depends on the kid. My oldest and youngest wouldn’t have thrived on it. My middle daughter needed to scream sometimes. She’d freak the hell out if you even tried to sooth her and she didn’t need anything. She really just wanted to let it out. She’s 13 and sometimes still needs a good shrieking then she calmly says “I’m good now”. I really feel like she got over stimulated by people and it was her way of destressing and still is. She would just cry louder if you tried to hold her, sing to her, or do anything to help.
Imo nobody should cry themselves to sleep no matter what the age is
I haven’t let my children cry it out, but I have been fortunate enough to have kids that sleep pretty well during the night. Try a “white noise”, we turn on the fan & use a “baby shusher”. We also close the blinds so the lights from the building across from us don’t shine into his room. Sometimes if he’s really cranky we make him a bottle and that usually does the trick. Good luck, hope this helps!!!
I personally don’t agree with it
Never under a year of age do you do a “cry out method”
I’m all for letting them cry…it’s good for their lungs. But there is a cut off point for me. When there so upset they can’t breath? Yeah that’s enough. But I find playing white noise, or inside the womb music, whale song Tibetan bowls, fairytales or silly songs really helps to settle them xxx
I did it for both my boys when they were 7-8 months old. Not true cry it out where you don’t go in at all but I would feed them their bottle, lay them down, and go in at times intervals for comfort until they fell asleep. Every 5,10,15,20,25 min. Gently pat and rub their back/belly and sing. Within a week they were both falling asleep on their own.
Nothing but cons for the CIO method.
All they know is someone is not going to get them.
I do have to say though, if you feel like you would get to the point where you would shake the baby then its acceptable. Better a crying baby than a dead one…
Personally I think its dated and cruel and goes against natural instincts not only for baby but the mother aswell. So many other reasons, but yea, hate it
I never do the cry it out method.
Personally I feel like if you’ve had them in your bed since the start then why choose 7 months to start the CIO stage? I get you probably want space and to start a better routine for yourself and partner but your child at 7 months is probably still pretty clingy to you. My 2 year old still sleeps with us and it’ll probably be this year I’d try to transition when he’s capable of speaking better and verbalizing his wants/needs. When he can self sooth with the help of white noise or a TV or music and a sippy cup a d comprehend what your asking is when id start the CIO method. Just my opinion though… nothing to live by.
Also, and alot will disagree with me but my babies screamed blue FN murder until I lay them on their stomach, face to the side, and suddenly? Bam. Slept all night. I have 2 healthy happy teenage kids and 1 9 year old x
not a fan. i think its cruel. your babys crying because something is wrong.
It hurts emotionally and every single person u meet will tell u how awful u are.
They communicate through crying. I DONT believe in the crying it out method. Its mean
I don’t like the cry it out method.
But I think the fuss it out method is okay.
If they’re just fussing, making noise, not really crying, leave them be.
But once the crying starts, go get that baby.
I had to use it when my first was 9 months old. Nothing soothed her. Would make sure she was clean and dry, had been fed had her bottle,and soother was on and laid her down. She would get up immediately and start crying. If I picked her up and held her until she went to sleep,she would wake up as soon as I put her back in the crib and cry. Each time I would leave her in the room with her projector soother going and let her cry and check on her in five minute intervals. It is hard, but she would be asleep after 20 to 30 minutes. Afte a week,she figured out that I wasn’t getting her back out once put her in it for the night, so would go right to sleep sucking on her bottle and watching the projection on the ceiling. Would pass out and not wake up again until 8 am. Things got easier after that and she was much happier and comfortable when got used to it.
Try to keep a good schedule, so they no evey night, bath, bottle, book,snuggles, whatever u do, do it around the same time, that way they know ok it’s time for bed. I was very blessed with my kids and there sleeping. But I stick to a good schedule, after everything was done i would lay them down and they just go to sleep. Sometimes a little whining, sometimes the want just want to cuddle till they fall asleep and then I lay them down… Good luck
Babies who are left to cry it out just learn that no one is coming. They still wake up just as much, they’re just silent when they do. The idea that one can make a baby “self-soothe” is a myth.
I don’t agree with it at all.
I was really against the CIO method until my daughter turned about 19 months her sleep regression lasted for 2 months straight. I then realized it was tantrums so we did CIO and a disciplined her to know she couldn’t throw a tantrum, hit, scream, etc. It worked in about a week. She cried for about 5 min the first night but on and off. Then shorter and shorter periods that week then she went to self soothing.
So I guess my answer is when they’re old enough to know they have to go to bed. That’s what worked for us. My son is 9 months and still sleeps in our room and sometimes with us. In my opinion, he’s too little for that yet.
Never. Try The No Cry Sleep Solution.
So for cry it out I think it will work but I think you need to soothe baby but not pick them up. Let them know they are there but you are not going to pick them up to sleep.
We tried cry it out method and she just wouldn’t stop… turns out she didn’t like the dark so we put movies on and let it be a night light and she was fine after that.
Look up the chair method or gentle sleep training techniques.
I tried it once or twice for a short period and my daughter got sick all over herself and was hoarse the next morning. I never did it again. It wasn’t for us, but some kids it worked for.
We didn’t with our first who is now 3 and I still have to put him to sleep every night… I did with my second who is now 2 and we are able to just get her tucked in and she goes to bed on her own… so I am personally a fan of the cry out method, it seems to allow for better coping as they get older.
We used the Cry It Out method for my son. And it worked great. We would put him in his crib drowsy but only after he was used to taking his naps in there. And if he cried we put a timer for a minute. Then went in and soothed him back to sleep without picking him up. Then the next time we waited two minutes. We never let it get past 5 minutes. If he wasn’t sleeping after the 5 minute wait period we went in there and rocked him to sleep. Whatever he needed to feel safe. People saying it’s bad for babies are thinking of parents that leave their children to cry for long periods of time. We will literally sit outside of their room until we know they are truly asleep or sit in the next room with the monitor. You just have to be strong. And again, don’t be letting the baby cry for like an hour. Obviously.
I started the CIO method when my son was 4 months old and it was the best decisions! If your consistent with which ever CIO method you chose it will work great and your baby will learn to sleep. My son’s pediatrician always said children need that routine and teaching your babies to sleep is the first step. Just like being an adult, sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night and we have to do something to self soothe ourselves to sleep. We have to teach that to our babies.
We do. Obviously if she’s legit upset that’s different but if it’s just not wanting to be in there I go in every five minutes. I don’t say much besides give her a kiss. Lay her back down. Pacifier. And say goodnight babe. And walk back out the same way each time. She’s been in the crib since birth so rarely an issue but sleep regressions get her wild lol
As long as you know for sure that babe is, clean, dry, fed, and safe then there isnt any reason to let them cry a little bit…obviously dont let them scream for ages but a few mins crying before checking is ok
I waited till mine was 10 months. Would let her cry for 10 minutes then would go sooth. She now goes to bed, cries/ sooks for like 3 minutes then is out like a light and usually sleeps right through the night. ( She is 13 months)
Don’t do it. This phase will pass.
I could never do it.
Nothing wrong with the cio method. Child development centers on military base arnt allowed to hold children every time they are cry. Babys usually pick up on self soothing around 6 months. After about 30min if baby is still crying, I would go check on them
I would give my son about 10 minutes to calm himself and if he wasn’t calm at that point I would go in by him. I agree baby’s need to learn to self soothe but sometimes they get too worked up they just need love
I was losing my mind with my daughter. She had been to her three month check and i told the doctor how she cried at night. He said she was fine and told me to let her cry. She started the crying again later that night. I called the doctor again and he told me to let her cry. By the third time I called him I was crying. He met me in the office to check her out again. She was fine. I took her home. I made sure she was dry and feed. I shut the door and let her cry. She finally fell asleep. That night she found her thumb and was as happy as could be. It was a very hard thing to do. She was my second child and I was teaching so I had to get sleep. She’s 31 now. We survived!!!
Leave them to settle for five minutes then go in and give them a hug, then ten, then fifteen. Never more than fifteen. There are different types of crying. Never do it if they’re howling or clearly upset. It should sound like I’m tired and I want to sleep not Mummy has abandoned me. Mine is now a teen and has always felt I’m there for them.
Nope. Comforted my kids whenever they needed it and cradled them to sleep.
No. Don’t be heartless
Look at the scientific evidence regarding this matter rather than relying on answers from non qualified strangers on FB. Spoiler alert, cio is damaging. That is not shaming people that have chosen to use cio, it is just the factual, proven evidence we have to date.
You let them go for short periods of time and let it get longer and longer, but only if you can gage their crying. If they are hyperventilating, then you never let that go for more than a minute. If they are whining in between short sobs, maybe you let that go longer. But ultimately you increase the time. Make sure they have things they might need to help them self soothe…
Try a bottle when you leave the room, and you start the timer when they are done drinking, or a binky. You can put on a lighted music box, or baby toy that shuts off after 10 mins, and see if that works. If they cry for the pre determined period of time then you go comfort them without picking them up (we pat the butt) and then army crawl tf outta there when they quiet down, then start again if they wake up. My kid wakes up like once a night, but he just whines now, he doesn’t full on meltdown scream. I just let him whine. He goes back to sleep most of the time. When he doesn’t, then he will start to really cry and eventually work himself up. That’s when I intervene, and only then.
Look up the Ferber method. I have twins and they sleep perfectly.
I did it with my little girl at 4 months and it was the best decision I ever made. I did the full extinction method where you don’t go in and settle them, you let them put themselves to sleep. Within 3 nights she was asleep after 10 minutes and slept a solid 12 hours. She is the best sleeper now. It doesn’t work for all families but it definetly worked for us. We also used a pediatric sleep coach to help us through to make sure we did it right.
The cry it out method is suppose to be For toddlers not babies. babies need to learn that 1st year of comfort that you are there. The true CIO method is not leaving your child for hours to scream. It is allowing them to cry 10 or 15 minute intervals and then comforting. Its to help them learn self sooth.
Depends on your baby, just remember it’s the only way a baby communicates till they are able to talk, what worked with my baby is just settling her and staying till she falls asleep if I let her cry in her bed she would avoid being put in there or going near it. Babies also go through sleep regression, teething and other things so I always feel like letting them cry it out isn’t always a good thing I wouldn’t like to cry myself too sleep too hahaha
Every parent is different. Do what works best for you. As for what’s best for the baby as long as they are loved and cared for they are good.
Depends on their age to begin with, babies under six months can’t self soothe. I personally believe that if a baby is crying it’s for a reason so I’m always there to comfort my baby. This doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work for others, or that you should feel judged for making a decision for your own child! Tips for self soothing is to not let them cry for more than 5-10 minutes before comforting. Also, you need to be consistent because it will take some time for baby to adapt to it. Babies are hard to get into a routine they are constantly growing and changing. Good luck mama!
My kids are 4,7 and 11 and if they NEED ME I come running no matter what and I always will
Absolutely NOT. It is cruel and causes permanent damage. Do your research.
They’re only babies once! Just remember, this too shall pass. I tried it once, and she gagged and choked on her own saliva. Nope. Never again.
Every child is different I’ve got 7 and have never used this method and 2bh I don’t think I cud. Out of all 7 I only have 1 that just cnt sleep on his own my older ones just went 2 sleep n slept thro n I have 2 younger 1s after my 3 year old n they sleep through aswel 1 and 6 months. My 3 year old just doesn’t want to b away from me n he is a mummy’s boy n he needs me there all the time he goes sleep no problem but will wake up Theo the night if I’m not there I’ve tried everything but the way I c it now is that he just needs that extra comfort and he will grow out of it n I’m gonna embrace every moment because they ain’t babies for long and u will miss that time they need u there I personally think that the cry it out method is cruel but again every parent is different and every child is different
Absolutely not. Not healthy.
Denial of affection to me is a form of abuse and neglect. I know that is not your intention. Let your baby know you are there to comfort her or him. You will have a lasting bond. You know kids grow up so fast. Mine are adults and are now doing their own thing. Always hold that baby and show your love. Once their grown up hugs are sometimes a thing of the past.
I did it and it is hard but it works
The cry it out method does work with many babies to help mom get sleep. But it deprived the child of feeling loved & secure. Imagine going from inside a safe place where all your needs are immediately met to being left in a cold place, alone & ignored. That’s what cry it out is. Teach your child you love them & are there for them. Even if their need is not to be alone.
We did it some with our daughter, 7, and rarely with our son, 3. I regret doing it with our daughter. She has more difficulty with regulating her emotions now.
Why let them cry? You CANNOT spoil a baby. Babies have two modes: happy or not. Babies are not aware enough to be a problem for adults. Your child should feel loved and comforted If they are crying there’s a problem. Maybe it is just lonely.
Each mom is free to do what she wishes, no judgement here. However, in my household cry it out is not an option. If my baby cries, it’s their language… it’s them expressing their need and want for there security and safety. What is it teaching them when I don’t go and help? That’s why it’s not an option in my home. My daughter co slept with me until she was 3 and on her own, gradually made her way into her own room!
I could never do CIO. I did find a wonderful and effective book called “Goodnight Sleep Tight” by Kim West that helped me teach my babies how to put themselves to sleep even when they wake in the middle of the night. It also helps with nap transitions from 2 to 1 and 1 to none. Highly recommend this book
I don’t think there’s harm in allowing them to “cry it out” for a little while. They do need to learn to self soothe and sometimes they can cry enough to tire themselves out, but I think a you know when they aren’t going to settle down on their own after a short period of time and then it’s time to help soothe them. Just go with your gut mama
I did it with all three of my kids. My family doctor also recommends the self soothing method. Obviously, don’t let them get overwhelmed and scared. You’ll know based upon their cries. I find a blanket with your scent helps to keep crying to a minimum. Be sure to spend lots of time together and cuddles during the day. I find reading close together during the day helps the kids feel more secure with going to bed alone at night. Be sure to keep to a bedtime routine so they’re aware that it’s time to sleep.
Best of luck!
Never personally did the cry out method all the way unless I knew 900% that my child didn’t need anything because kids do cry for no reason. I mean literally cry for no reason. Newborns can spend up to 2-3 hours crying for no reason at all and that’s completely normal. If baby is safe, clean and healthy then I don’t see an issue with checking in every 10 minutes, picking them up soothing them and then putting them down.
I don’t immediately go to them if they are making noise, but I don’t do cry it out. I give the baby a few minutes to try and soothe them I get them if they can’t. I’ve done the same thing with all 3 of mine and they all slept differently. I personally would rather them know I’m coming then feel abandoned from the get go. Yes its tiring, yes some days all I do is cry but its short lived in the grand scheme.
I can’t do CIO method. My first slept with us until she was 5 years old and I don’t regret it one bit. My second I was wiser about her going into her crib and she has never slept in our bed. She prefers her crib and is such a great sleeper.
I let mine cry for no longer than 10-15 minutes at a time. If they continue to cry after two or three times then I allow them to sleep with me for a bit and try again. It’s worked WONDERS with my youngest (1y/o) however my oldest coslept for a lot longer than I’m proud to admit each child is different! My oldest could not sleep at all by himself. I went without sleep for nearly two weeks at a time trying to get him to sleep in his own bed. My youngest is not usually the cuddly kinda kid so he prefers to sleep by himself and sleeps better that way too. Just try to figure out what he needs would be my advice! If it’s too distressing to him then definitely don’t but if he is able to use a binkie or bottle to calm down and fall asleep within a reasonable time then some crying won’t hurt!
Yes!!! But it is so much more… I started by not turning on lights at night and putting the baby in his bed every time.
It’s fantastic. Did cio method for 2 weeks straight when baby was 2 months old. Has been sleeping through the night since 3 months no problems at all
I never did it, have an almost 4 year old
There’s a huge difference between CIO and sleep training, just saying
I did it with my daughter. Truthfully I sat in the other room and cried the whole time she did but after two nights she was sleeping in her own crib great. She is now 5 and is a great sleeper. We are all moms we all have opinions but when push comes to shove do what is best for you and baby. I did because with her in our room I couldn’t sleep. Everytime she moved I was awake. I was exhausted and I’ve never regretted it. Do what’s best for you and baby.
I never did the CIO method. But at one year old he wouldn’t go to sleep unless rocked which was fine and I loved it until he was getting harder and harder to put to sleep. So I created a routine of “winding down”. Turn down the lights, gave a small snack like yogurt or grain bar, bath, and a story. Then laid him down in the crib with a night light on. He would cry a little at first but I stayed beside the crib rubbing his head and humming until he fell asleep. He knew he was safe and i didn’t leave him to cry and be alone in the dark. Then after a few nights I would just hum in the room, but he could see me. He would peek and look until he fell asleep… Then I slowly transitioned myself out of the room and within a week and a half he was able to put himself to sleep within 5-10 minutes after I laid him down and left the room. No crying at all. If he would cry I would go back in and stand near the crib humming til he fell asleep.
First of all do what u feel is beat for u and your children. I with all but one of our seven kids used the cry it out method when i felt they needed to learn a nightly bedtime routine and were comfortable sleeping all night without waking. Im not gonna lie my husband left and i cried with each and everyone of them. It never got easy. But it also got nap times easier after the bedtime routine. I used a nightlight and some music low on a radio and they eventually need to learn to settle down and relax and make them selves comfy getting to sleep. Nights one through 3 were hell each and everytime. But we also did bath time and lavender lotion and massages and books before prayers and bedtime. Once you do the bedtime do naptime the same it helps the transition be easier. We only used it for bedtime. I never could for just self soothing. Good luck momma
My son is 3 years old and I still wont let him cry for very long. I try to make him calm himself but I give in. I’m not a cry it out type of mom. I dont have the heart for it.
I’d go in, check for hunger, diaper, if all ok, leave them in the crib & rub or pat their back, head, bum or feet, hold their hand, give them a pacifier, maybe make shushing, soothing noises until they settle down. No talking, singing, bright lights, picking them up (except to feed, change, burp), no stimulation. Eventually the time between cries will get longer and longer until they’re sleeping through the night.
Wear them out during the day. My daughter tried to keep up with her 3-years older brother & was exhausted at bedtime. She barely moved all night & 28 years later she still sleeps like a rock through everything. Or maybe it’s just her personality and we were just lucky in that respect. The older one has always been a lighter sleeper who woke up a lot.
My daughter is eitght months old and I let her cry it out
Not good for them at all. Do not do it.
I had to eventually. Couldn’t keep getting up at night like that, not showering or anything til my husband was available, etc.
I did this with my son and contemplated because of all the information about what crying for long periods of time does to a child but the truth is babies need a way to self soothe. I started with smaller intervals and would assure him he was alright but within 2 weeks he would lay down and go right to sleep on his own. Hardest part was staying consistent. It took like an hour the first night.
No absolutely against it find out what is causing them to cry babies sometimes cry for a reason
I never went over 15 minutes with crying. I couldnt do it. Most times theyd calm down but sometimes they just wouldnt and i couldnt just stand by… Ask me that now about my boyd and id say screw it they can scream all they want lmfao but theyre 5 and 2 so huge difference between them and a baby
Seven months old. I have food in my freezer that’s older than your LO. Don’t do it. Would you like to cry yourself to sleep? Love on them. Give them all the love and time in the world. You’re not teaching a baby to sleep by crying it out. You’re just reinforcing the idea that nobody will come to them when they do cry. I’m sorry if this sounds harsh.
I let my son cry it out. If he didn’t stop for 15-20 minutes then I would stand by his crib and try to comfort him (picking him up would let him know that it was his way to get out). Every child is different and you just need to find the method that works for them.
Just read about psychological effects and you will probably not let your baby cry it out I could never.
A paediatric Doctor told my Daughter only to do it while sitting in the room with your back to the baby and no interactions that way the baby knows your there and does not feel abandoned.