Thoughts on the implant birth control?

I’m due in 2 weeks with my 4th baby and after baby I am getting the birth control implant in my arm that is good for up to 3 years so I don’t forget to take the pills, iud ive heard people having complications and also still getting pregnant. Anyone have the implant? What’s your experience with it?

I’ve had it twice between kids and it has messed with my cycle so bad. First time only last 6 months before getting it out. Second time only 2 months. And in removal/insertion cause some issues with my nerves.

Whata your periods like with tje implant? I’m on Mirana and suffer bad periods I love not getting one for that reason. Does this also stop your periods? Or ease them up at least?

I’ve been using this type of birth control for over 20 years. It’s very convenient and I’ve had zero complications.

Nexplanon here and I like it has been very effective and period was a little weird at first but that’s to be expected

I’ve had this for going on 10 years now. I do not have any major complications. Periods are almost absent might have a few a year.