Thoughts on the period underwear?

I think they would be good for a teen. I would buy the Thinx brand, the cheaper ones sound and feel like windbreaker material. It will get costly making sure you have enough pairs to be able to alternate and wash. I’ve never been a fan of pads so the period panties are a similar concept


I use a diva cup and reusable pads so I am waste free and love all of the above! You may want to wait on tampons/diva until she gets more comfortable with her period and knows her flow. But a reusable pad is perfect in my opinion because they are comfy, super absorbing, and eco friendly


I personally would start her with pads. Just so she knows how to use them and has options. Period underwear are convenient but not good for all outfits you know. Just give her options


I’d start with pads. Easier to change, wait till she knows her flow etc and then can change to what she feels more comfortable with after


My daughter is 11 and started hers about 6 months ago… I just gave her pads. The bigger ones for her heavier days, then the lillets for when she slows down


I bought some for my daughter on Amazon… They are reusable kind… she uses pads with them but wears these for leaks at night and to feel more confident while at school. She likes them alot


Period panties for school because she’s limited in going to the bathroom, probably busy, and that’s where most leaks happen & then pads for home where she has the freedom to run to the bathroom as she pleases.


I think the bathing suit is worth it, and my daughter has just a couple pair of underwear for when she plays sports, but otherwise she uses a pad


Cotton is the way to go. I usually wear them during that time they’re breathable and if you’re starting her on pads then make sure she’s got on full coverage so she can get them on there without many struggles. Our lady parts are all different but some are more sensitive than others. Talk to her about how she feels…make sure she knows it’s normal for things to be weird sometimes but it’s always a good thing to get the weird stuff checked out if its extra weird. Try to steer clear of fragrance and powders cuz of irritation and infections.

I started out with pads and I absolutely despised them. They’re so itchy and uncomfortable. I was scared to use tampons tho but once I switched, I will never go back. If she’s feeling brave, have her try tampons.


I’m on contraception which stops mime however the idea of period pants sounds amazing to me. But as I was one of the heavier types I would be constantly checking if I was leakinf

Whatever fits her comfortably, is ur best option. My dad (mom passed) would buy me any kind that he seen and thought would work (talking about pads) and some would be too big and bulky wearing them to school. Make sure she’s comfortable and they don’t leak !:blush:


I would ask her what she feels comfortable trying first. Periods are very personal and each person feels different. Give her the option, let her try what she feels the most comfortable with. :blush:

Hi my daughter wears period pants on top of her normal pants (as an extra protection layer as she has very heavy periods, so Goes through her pads and pants other wise)


Honestly start out with pads. The period panties are so pick and choose when it comes to finding what’s right for your flow. Plus the clean up and maintenance is such a hassle I’ve found


I would go with tampons and the underwear. Give her an understanding of timing . I started tampons in 6 th grade and never went back. I hated that bunchy feeling …

Just to add a little humor to this. I got my period when I was 11. I’m 56 now and way past it. lol. My mom only had the mattress size pads, that you would have to wear with the belt and clip thing. When I finally convinced her to get me something “more modern”. I would wear 3 pads to school, one on top of the other. I was a real tomboy and refused to carry a pocketbook. When needed, I would take the top one off, and so on and so forth. What was I thinking??!! Girls today are so lucky that they have so many options! Just thought I would share a really sad/funny story. :blush:


My daughter wears the bonds ones , she still wears a pad , she just likes feeling secure in case she leaks so no embarrassing moments at school


What we go through… I have 3 daughters. All of us used different products for the same reasons. So expensive, four ladies and we all cycled or were synced together. Soooo costly. I’m so glad I can just stroll past that product isle. My girls used pads until they learned about their specific needs.


Give her the option between pads and underwear. Let her choose what she likes. She may not want clean the underwear and my choose pads.

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I love my Thinx. After I had my daughter I hate tampons & pads. Just be sure you rinse them out before you wash them. I think it’s a great idea. When my daughter starts that’s my plan for her. They even have sleep shorts now.

I would look up the hygiene factors. Pro is it may help prevent a public display at her age, con if they are not properly cleaned regularly they can have bacterial build up. Also peroxide removes blood from cloth material. Midal for cramping. I hve a hormone embalance so I never had mood issues honestly.

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Depends on what she is comfortable with, I’ve always hated pads, they made me feel unclean, I use a diva cup now and would never want to use anything else, it takes a couple cycles to get used to but then they are wonderful

I actually made the switch over to period underwear and it’s so worth it. It may be expensive initially, but in the long run it’s far better. Thinx are the brand I went with.

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I love them at 33, and use bambodies. They’re comfy and absorbent. As a hvy bleeder I can go to about dinner time without having to change. I have an autistic daughter who I’ll also probably buy em for so she doesnt have to worry about pads leaking and shifting in school.

I know what I have to say is somewhat controversial (as new fangled ideas always are)……but check with a gyno re birth control pills all month long. Maybe not right away but in the future. The new way of thinking is that you only need a period when you are trying to conceive. My daughter goes off every 3 months and then it’s light.

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Because she has just started her period id still use pads and use the underwear as extra protection just to teach good hygiene practices first being 11 :slight_smile: don’t over complicate it at first

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I got given the book Girl Stuff (Author: Katz Cooke) by my mum when around that age and it just sat in my room for me to grab whenever so there was no pressure I found it super useful, way more informative than school and less embarrassing than talking to mum about me tubes​:joy::joy:

I wish I had started my daughter with a cup and/ or period panties. It would have saved a lot of environmental waste and money…


I’d buy her a bunch of stuff, some period undies, pads in different brands. Get her to try them all out and maybe write down pros and cons of each one till she finds what works for her best.
Some brands of pads just don’t work well for some girls.

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Didn’t even know something like that exist my granddaughter just wears a pad with her older underwear just in case


My Daughter’s doctor put her on the pill due to having painful periods. She also told her she could have a period only 4 times a year. I thought gee whiz I wish I knew that when I had mine.

I was 10. My mother talked to me and told me what to expect every month. It calmed me down

My oldest is 12, about to be 13… she’s special needs, only communities via ASL and gestures… anyone have ideas for me? It hasn’t started yet, I’m just trying to plan.

It just sounds so gross to me to just bleed in underwear and wear them all day no matter what they call them let her decide what she wants to use but start her with pads she may like the option better and less work than constantly washing bloody underwear

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I pair my period undies with cloth pads because chafing is my biggest issue with disposable pads. Sometimes I’ll even throw in a menstrual cup ^.^

They are amazing. I used them during postpartum and next baby, I’ll have them stocked lol

My daughter is 12 and LOVES the period panties by Thinx. She sYs they feel like regular panties and aren’t uncomfortable. They are great for her doing sports (cheerleading). We highly recommend.

Hi there I use period undies and I would recommend the bonds ones I use heavy for over night and moderate during the day I will never go back to using pads or tampons

I’d love to try period pants, the idea sounds amazing. I hate pads, but I love tampons. I’ve never tried a diva cup, but I don’t think it’s for me. :sweat_smile:

Just saying I’ve taught fifth grade, The girls were pretty comfortable with a whole having a period and needing to get our trade pads.

I have more girls then boys and we all love bonds bloody comfy my next will be my 12 year old she will also be getting them

I think the period underwear is good for use with tampons so if there is any leaking it takes care of it.

I saw a review on period underwear by a YouTuber Britney Vassuer she said she bled right through the panty and on her seat. I don’t suggest using period panties till she is on her 4th-5th day when the flow is lighter

She need pads. You could buy several kinds to find out which she likes. Some girls also go right to tampons.

Don’t have a daughter but when I was a teen and still now I have Hanes underwear that’s specifically for my period.

I HAVE NEVER heard of period underwear.:astonished: When did they become a thing?

There is such thing as period underwear where I’ve been all these years I’ve never heard of this

I bought these when mine started

Any of your daughters using cups instead?

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I wear period pants. I wear resusable pad for first half of the days so I feel fresher for longer.

Modibody has some small/teen sizes I think. They are a great brand.


They’re ok in ADDITION to tampons s or pads. Stops leaks.

Wish they had them when I was growing up.


I personally love the Thinx brand. Lost some weight recently, so I’m gonna have to buy more that fit!

Modibodi is the best, bought some for my 11 year old and she loves them

WAIT…theres period underwear?..i havnt had a period in 8 yrs THANK GOD…1 joy of menapause…lol


I use thinx brand and I love them!

Use Knix, they independently test their underwear of chemicals to ensure they are free of PFAS. Other brands have been found to have PFAS chemicals in their underwear.

I use them for light days and pads for heavier days. If she is really heavy, you can always use pads with the Knix period underwear. It’s double protection. And a small baby wipes for her purse can be a life saver.

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Modi body undies for teens they have a teen range too

Wow what a subject to talk about on Fb

Amazon or google to read reviews

Does anyone remember the belts and the kotex getting tied and stuck?.. or am I aging myself…:slightly_smiling_face:

I see all these posts about period pants etc what may I ask is that?

Also consider the diva cup. Super convenient.

Yes he said the right though

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Thoughts on the period underwear?

My understanding is that that period underwear you still have to wear a pad with them, its just in case you leak out of the pad. Me I used pads because tampons actually hurt me. Even the smallest ones they have. They just hurt really bad. So just talk with her and find out what she wants.

My daughter is almost 35…I’ve never heard of period underwear, but since your daughter is mature for her age, let her decide what she wants…you mention that you have had several talks with her and you have an open, honest relationship…so, what tips are you looking for to “get through this”…ridiculous and appalling that you are on FB asking complete strangers about your daughter’s menstruation.

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Hard pass for me. :rofl: I’d start with pads though since she’s young and pay attention to her flow and adjust size accordingly. Then as she gets older introduce her to other options such as tampons and let her decide what she’s comfy with.

I wear cloth liners because they are more comfortable and absorbent. I just found some on Amazon. Much cheaper as well.

Reusable cotton pads are great too, might be a good way to start as they’re cheaper and easier to use I think

use whatever she’s comfortable with

Period panties just sound gross to me…


My girls visited the web sites of the different brands of feminine hygiene products.

Check out period boxes:

What about a menstyle cup

Save money. Just use old towels.

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My daughter has to wear period pants but I’d rather she could have just used pads. The cost of them is bad enough without never ending washing and drying them x


Eh I would just give her some pads.


They are convenient. The downside is having to wash them over so buy a lot. They are cost effective. Only way to know if they work for her is to try it.

I’m sure she’s a virgin so I’m not sure how you feel about the cervical rings/Disks or may the cups? I’m not fond of anything to do with periods honestly. I hate them and everything uncomfortable that comes with. As a young girl Stick simple pads like with no wings, I love Kotex for pads and tampons both. The pads can be extra long like for nighttime and heavy flow without seeming like a thick diaper. Remember kids can be mean, remember that for like the hygiene,smell, etc side of it. FDS has a small purse size2 pack of spray to carry with you to freshen up and not smell, also have her cast a few wipes for in between after going to bathroom. Summers Eve sells a great kind for activity and they have a cooling effect, they are individually wrapped too so easy to stash in a small purse. I know it’s alot right now and I don’t know how you feel about BC, but if she has bad, heavy and awful periods then BC can really help with that. Just remind her about deodorant bc now is the time that she will be very intune with herself and it all comes on from here. Jugs let her know that she can ask you anything and go shopping together if she wants but without any brothers or dads to make fun of her or make her feel uncomfortable. Also help her pick out a small backpack purse or hipster so she can carry what she needs with her :slightly_smiling_face:

Knix is a good brand and they have many different styles and fits. They also have youth sizes

They are amazing ! My adhd daughter loves them wear all day change at home they have no smell and wash good :blush:

I think they are amazing! I use them for bladder leaks now that I don’t get periods anymore and they are great for that too. I ordered a few different brands and styles from Amazon and liked the ones from Bambody best. For periods, the only thing to keep in mind is not to just take them off and let them dry. Give them a quick rinse in the sink before putting them in the washer and do not put in the dryer. The heat from the dryer will damage the elastic and shorten their life span.


We bought them because girls sometimes leak through a pad or tampon if their flow is heavy. It’s embaracing at school. They are great but never tried them without other protection. too hard to change at school.

I use Thinx and love them! Wish they were around years ago when I was young.

Period undies are great. Disks. Menstrual cups. Reusable pads.

I personally love Saalt Co. They have great customer service and they give back.

I would only use them on light days because they will still leak or even just use as backup with pad

Am I the only one here that is wishing we had so many options as teens? We had the HUGE stayfree with two adhesive strips. Combine that with the polyester gym shorts and im sure everyone knew we were wearing a diaper! I’m thankful girls have so many options now!

On line you can find underwear that protects from leaks. They work really well. Knick’s leakproof underwear found on Amazon