My daughter just started her period. She is 12. I’m wondering about the pros the cons of period underwear, are some brands better? Also, any tips to get me (her) through this would be greatly appreciated. She’s very mature for her age, and we’ve had several talks - we have an open, honest relationship.
I love my period panties! I’ve tried a couple different ones I ordered from Amazon. I liked the first ones I bought, but they were cut too small. If you decide to get her some you might want to order up a size, because they don’t stretch as much as regular panties. Also check the flow coverage. Most of them are for “light days” or to be as backup for pads & tampons (which is what I needed them for). I love that I can wear them on the days when I’m only spotting. I wish they existed when I was a teen because I can’t tell you how many times I ruined panties because of “overflow”!
I think they are amazing! I use them for bladder leaks now that I don’t get periods anymore and they are great for that too. I ordered a few different brands and styles from Amazon and liked the ones from Bambody best. They come in a few different styles and colors and were only around $15 a pair. For periods, the only thing to keep in mind is not to just take them off and let them dry. Give them a quick rinse in the sink before putting them in the washer and do not put in the dryer. The heat from the dryer will damage the elastic and shorten their life span.
Period underwear is very expensive. If I was budget conscious that wouldn’t be my first option. Maybe as a backup to help protect against leaks, absolutely, but not as a #1 defense for periods. Since she’s just starting using something like period underwear for a backup prevention against leaks is very smart. Be sure to let her know the coat of such a thing though when she is older. These items are quite an investment and not the norm for period maintenance.
Personally, the biggest asset to a teen (or tween, as I was as well) starting the lifelong journey of their menstrual cycle is an open dialog with the women in her life. There is nothing more beneficial than being able to have open and honest and (most importantly) safe conversation when going through this huge transition.
When I started my period I had no idea what was going on and I was terrified to use a tampon even after my mom tried to explain it. I didn’t know what my vagina looked like or even where it was. I was a child of sexual abuse and my mom didn’t know how to explain this stuff to me. She made me feel stupid for not knowing and because of that it took me over 10 years to finally figure it out and have the confidence to even try a tampon. I dont use them today, but had I had someone to talk to and help me I would have learned that tampons weren’t for me so much earlier in my life and maybe I wouldn’t have struggled with them for so long (literally 10 years of struggling!).
Bottom line of my advice, show her all the options, explain everything to her, and help her choose what she thinks will be best and then be there for her when she needs to talk and ask questions.
We use thinx, they work but gotta still remind to change throughout the day.
I’m not sure where in the world you are, but here in the UK you can’t really go wrong with Always or Tena. Perhaps buy a couple of different sorts and then she can decide which is most comfortable for her. X
I love them the only downside is if they get put in the dryer (they are supposed to be line dried but I’m not the only person in the house that does laundry) they don’t work very well anymore I don’t know what brand I got but they can be pricy
I think they’re great as a back up. Like if you use tampons with a heavy flow or if you’re super light. Using alone on a normal or heavy flow you’d have to change throughout the day.
I got my girls (10&12) them and neither of them liked them. We use always sensitive!
Recommend this ones I haven’t been able to buy but the reviews are amazing
I use them for myself as a back up and they work great so far.
Its a diaper rebranded…
I just use briefs and heavy overnights as I am a heavy bleeder. I have 7 pairs of underwear that i use specifically for menstrual weeks.
We use the teen thinx for my special needs daughter…so much easier! Little pricey to start but pays off in the long run! & no late night trips to restock pads
So we have used thinx for years now with my daughter & she loves them. I also have a friend that ordered generic ones from Amazon MUCH MUCH cheaper and they work just as well.
I never liked them. As someone said in one of the comments I’m very sensitive and I broke out. I use the L. Chlorine free chemical free pads and tampons and they are wonderful I’ve never used a better pad or tampon!! I’ll insert a picture. You can get them at any large chain store like Walmart Target Meijer
I just purchased these from Amazon for my 13year old. I bought 2 packs. So she has a new pair each day. As far as how good they are, not sure yet ourselves, but they had great reviews
Let us know how it goes! I’ve been wanting to try these for my teens too.
I use cloth pads and change them frequently. Period underwear are not designed for normal to heavy flow, just as a back up.
I’ve been seriously considering getting some myself. My only hang up is when you need to change them and have to like take your whole pants off and everything. That seems like a pain
I absolutely love them. I’m thankful they are a thing now that I have a daughter of my own. Even though we are years away from needing her own. I at 33 have such better periods now, with period panties.
My daughter is almost 9, so I’m not there yet. Not too far though.
I wear them but only on my lighter days. I think they work well and they are comfortable in my opinion.
I’d spend a day or two exploring different period options.
Be open to everything.
Get a box of pads. A box of tampons. The period underwear. Let her find what is most comfortable.
good luck
So…instead of carrying some pads/tampons in their schoolbag…they carry several pairs of pants instead ?
My 11yr old has asked for them to use it night when she starts. I’ll be book.arking this post. Lol
Also, we’re getting her Period Box when she starts. Some boxes have period pamties in them to try out.
Put A Cup In It Community is a great resource for alternative period option including cups, underwear, and reusable pads
Not bashing but I wouldn’t just the thought of sitting in wet underwear with blood doesn’t sound fun. That and it would be so difficult in school to change your underware you can hide a pad in your bra underware would be to hard to hide.
I think you should let her try different options from pads, tampons, cup, period panties, etc.
you could also think about getting her on birth control to help with her periods too.
I thought period panties were just regular underwear that you stained by accident when it first comes ooppps
Think these are good to use with pads too? My daughter is 12 and has bad issues with bleeding through. Anyone have any experience with that? Just curious. I keep seeing them lol
Please show her how to use EVERYTHING. Nothing is more confusing than reading instructions at that age and being left alone to figure out what they mean. ( Only reason I say this is because i was left to figure it out all on my own.) Also send her to school with extras of everything, underwear,pants, menstrual items all should be put in a little pouch for privacy and easy/discreet traveling to the bathroom.
If you’re open to it… let her wear tampons… my mom didn’t for several years and I always leaked blood down my buttcrack while at school and with friends and it would get on chairs and furniture and I’d be mortified… teach her the importance of changing it often and what can happen if she doesn’t…
I guess I’ve been doing it wrong…here all this time I thought period panties were what I wore that time of month just in case my tampon leaked…i didn’t know people free bleed in them. Damn.
Also period undies sound miserable… what if they leak… and sitting in wet blooody underwear… the smell would be awful. I don’t think that would be good… I’d be mortified if my mom made me do that. I couldn’t even stand pads,… like a diaper.
I like period underwear. I was the girl who had the first period go through my clothes in school. Yeah, super embarrassing. I wish they had all the extra options when I was a teen that they have now. My flow was much heavier as a teen without birth control so the panties would have been used with something else but it would have been nice to know a leak was less likely with those. I’ll absolutely be getting some for my daughter when she starts hers.
First off I think you are off to a great start. Open honest conversations are key!! I dont know much about period panties but I have seen several pages tagged with some good advice!
Get her the always pads with the foam they absorb more my granddaughter is 10 and started
Flex discs and flex cups are good for 12 hours. Something to consider.
Always also makes “panties” now theyre more like a pair of depends vut they are for periods
I ordered some for myself and wear them with pads or tampons. I love them and wish that they would’ve had them when I 1st started. I had quite a few times in school where a teacher wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom to change for some reason or another and it would get on my pants and it was so embarrassing! I will absolutely be getting them for my girls when they start.
I think I’m going to try these thinx. My daughter is 9 and has her period. We have ran into a lot of problems with it. Her flows are so heavy though will they work for her.
Some period underwater still require u to wear a thin pad
She can wear a thin pad on heavy days. These are just like thinx underwear, but cheaper
I would definitely ask how heavy her periods are. Mine were HORRID. & I leaked thru all the time. The period underwear are GREAT for at home.
I would really consider teaching about tampons mainly for at school & the importance of changing them frequently. I know it’s scary especially w her age. But there’s seriously nothing more embarrassing then leaking thru at school.
Hell I thought period undies where the ones that got ruined during that time of month.
Ok so these period panties is new to me. Do y’all wear the same draws and just bleed in them all day or do you change each time you go to the bathroom? Are they washable? I can’t imagine having a pile of bloody underwear just sitting around stewing in the sun.
I love them! I no buy off Amazon
I have a horribly heavy flow. I have the period underwear. I usually put a pad inside (I use the size 6 always infinity ones). I feel like the underwear are a back up in case the pad leaks or the blood goes up my buttcrack.
I always used pads to begin with cuz I personally wasn’t comfortable with tampons when I was got my first period but it’s all up to the person and what they all feel comfortable with to. But I never had “period panties” my older underware were always used as that and my new underware was the good ones I didn’t wear at that time. But I would just let her know it’s a natural thing every women goes tho so it’s nothing to be embarrassed about(: and also maybe tell her some stories about when u got your first period or some embarrassing stories that may have happened to you, might make her feel lil bit more comfortable about the situation.
The period panties are a wonderful back up to control leaks and odor. I will definitely be getting them for my daughter when it’s her time.
My daughter has luna undies no pad required, last all night
I have 2 pairs of Thinx Period Panties and they are the bomb!
I use a menstrual cup (June & Salt brands) and then wear the panties as protection for leaks. You can wear your regular pants and they don’t look or feel bulky at all, they’re actually kinda cute!
I’ve worn just the panties for protection and they lasted all day.
A lady on line said that the swim underwear still leak
Thinx underwear are great. I have a few pairs. I did change them a few times during the day because it was heavy.
L wound not tAlk on mediA about it
I ordered some off brand from walmart and love them no need for anything else to be use with them.
I would make sure the ones she gets aren’t made with toxic chemicals. There are quite a few brands that do use toxic chemicals it’s what makes them so great, but there are a few that are green!
It sounds intimidating but I’d look into a diva cup as she gets use to it
Wait. I thought “period underwear” were just your too big, stained ugly undies you wore on your period…… they make underwear you just bleed in? That’s a thing? What? I have so many questions.
To google I go
Just get plain black cotton underwear maybe a size bigger than she is so they’re comfortable and don’t get ruined if she leaks through!
My daughter is 12 an just started her period as well, I got her some pads that are for teens an she seems to like them. I’ve talked to her about her body changing an her hormones are gonna change as well.
My daughter had just turned 13. I talked to her about all of the options. She didn’t like the concept of the underwear. She’s too worried about leaks. She wanted pads and I mentioned that pads leak too, but she liked that you can change pads, especially at school, much easier than the underwear.
Always ZZZ"S like underwear for overnight so no staining through
Wait, period underwear? When did they makes these and where can I find them???
I’ve never heard of such a thing and don’t think I would’ve used them had I known about them. Lol Soundsnasty, how do you change them if you’re out? Do you use a pad or tampon also? If so, what’s the point? I’m not sure I’m understanding this concept. Lol
Honestly…get some polyester panties that blood just wipes off of and Poise or Tena pads. They absorb 10x better than actual period pads and dont have to use extra large ones for a heavy flow so more discreet. Also…Pamprin to help with cramps and exhaustion and some feminine wipes in purse to help with odor and freshness. Not so sure about underwear bc harder to change out than pads.
Thinx are wonderful for teens! Especially being in school. The peace of mind for them is worth it. They are very high quality too.
Ask her what she wants
- Better for the planet than disposables which will sit in landfill for hundreds of years
- Better for your body to not have the carcinogens and chemicals that disposables contain against some of your most sensitive mucous membranes
- Cheaper on your pocket as purchase once and only replace as worn out (which is a long time)
- I personally find them more comfortable than having plastic-y/paper-y products against my skin
- I find they offer BETTER protection as the absorbant area runs completely front-top to back-top
For those people saying they’re disgusting or don’t like the idea, it’s no different to having a pad full of blood sitting in your underwear all day. Period blood ISN’T disgusting anyway so please stop shaming your own natural bodies. I actually find the period pants absorb much quicker so you feel more comfortable than with disposables.
Thinx is a REALLY good brand.
If I wasn’t soo heavy I would order me some.
But I have heard amazing things about them!!
My daughter and I both love them. You will need something else for heavier days or several changes but for light flow they are amazing. She’s got boy shorts and they are super comfortable.
I have a heavy flow and I personally would have loved period panties during school to help with leaks. I wouldn’t have been able to trust them all on their own though
My mum did the most beautiful thing for me. She got me a single rose (I STILL have the petals) and a bag of m&ms. The rose was for the woman I had just become and the m&ms for the child I would always be. It made it beautiful and less traumatic then it could have been!!!
Honestly there is so many different options now that I wish at 12 I would have known about. I would look into them all and maybe have a few days of exploring each with her. See what she likes. I plan to do the same with my daughter.
I’m not sure about period underwear. I didn’t know that that’s a thing. My daughter started at 13 and she likes the Always pads. That’s what I used too. Thankfully I already had a hysterectomy when she started, so we never PMS’ed together lol.
Ok so my daughter is 12…she started back in October. Idk about period panties but I get her the Always Teen pads and she likes those. Also I can’t help with getting through it as there are days we don’t even speak because she is down right hateful lol we avoid each other during our shark week because yes…we have synced and it sucks ass!
My daughter loves her period panties. They really work. It keeps the stains down and they fit really well. I got hers on Amazon!
Period underwear + menstrual cup. Cup keeps for 12hrs so no one ever needs to know she’s on her period or anything, and period underwear will be extra protection from leaks.
Its incredibly freeing. I hate pads and tampons, only keep them in my house for guests now.
Do you have to change the period pants during the day like you do a pad or are they an all day thing? Just wondering. Thanks
Show your daughter all the available options and tell her about the pros/cons then ask her what she thinks would be best.
My daughter is 10 & loves hers, she still wears a thin pad with hers but we don’t have to worry about leaks or ruined clothes they hold very well
My daughter starred when she was 9 and I thought about the panties also. The main reason I didn’t get them is I wanted her to learn the proper hygiene that comes along with having a period and especially with her age I thought she would rely too much on the panties instead of using pads. She took back up clothes in her backpack to school just in case any leaks (which she never had to use) and now most the time I don’t even know she’s on it until I see tells me she needs more pads. We tried all kinds and she found the type she likes best
Teach her everything you know about being a women
Discuss with her what she prefers and be open to changes
I have too much a a heavy flow and I felt it was expensive for that reason as well. I did get reusable pads from Amazon (Teamoy brand) and I can hand wash them and they work wonderfully.
I’ve heard they aren’t good. Look at reviews on YouTube or other people trying them out. Perhaps use a period cup? More environmentally friendly, had to be changed only ever 12 hrs and has no odour.
Getting the decent ones “wuka” for one are bloody brilliant! But get a minimum of 3 pairs. But my god ill never use anything else again!! Theyre just great for me. But everyone is different not everyone’s the sam e and it’s whatever suits your needs/wants.
Haven’t tried the pants but the reusable santitary towels are fantastic. They’re soft on skin, very absorbant and stay in place, but expensive at first, saves you buying and new ones for years though and plastic free. Just rinse with cold water and put them through a colder wash in the machine and air dry.
I use tomboy period underwear and can never go back to other products!! They have several different types of underwear and they’re super easy to clean, just rinse with cold water and then throw in the washing machine.
The tricky thing about period underwear is that the absorbent surface is usually black, so you can’t see how much is there. Maybe for the first few cycles use pads so she can get the hang of it.
I love them and wish I had them as an option back at school! My girls have cloth pads available and then when they actually start I will get them some undies in the correct sizes. It is their choice what to wear and if they want disposables. My oldest is very happy with cloth at the moment although she hasn’t started yet
Thanks for asking this. My 11 year old started awhile ago and I started her with organic pads but I’ve been wondering if this would be better for her.
i’ve used tampons ever since i started mine! i never used pads and just the thought of like sitting in my own blood does not sound appealing but i also played sports so tampons were the best option for me!
Love the period underwear! I have bambody and I love then for night time and around the house. However, for swimming and other activities, I recommend the menstrual cup. It seems daunting, but you can get smaller sizes that will fit properly, and it could be more comfortable for her to wear out in public. The period undies can sometimes feel like a diaper and aren’t the most comfy under jeans/etc.
I would say to explore her options! Every womans flow is so different that even if you think one option might be beneficial, it may not suit her needs! My friend swears by reusable pads and has found a few very great people on Etsy who provide pads for all flow types, plus the designs are honestly really awesome for teen girls! Find something that works for her and makes her feel comfortable since the rest of the world still likes to treat our bodily functions as something to be ashamed of. You got this!!!
The period panties are great, I also use reusable pads with them for heavier days. I also use organic cotton tampons when I’m swimming or the need arises. Make sure you buy enough. Did the same thing for my daughter, bought her all different products to find what works for her. Now she uses the panties and tampons for heavier days. Just give her options