Tips on conceiving!

Have sex everyday. Eat clean and laugh a lot.

Don’t try it’ll happen the stress of trying will make it not happen

Don’t try that’s the best way for it to happen lol

Honestly all these apps and people’s advice just might help and see you pregnant yeah but at base you need to go see a doctor/specialist to start not internet help and down the line after however long you aren’t succeeding the best idea would be to switch the docs to take different approaches because I’ve seen various doctors in the same genre of speciality take lots of varied approaches.My own first child wouldn’t my have been born without seemingly with out medical help via progesterone and clomid an ovulation inducer. So yeah I say use sense and see a doctor first to get you in the right direction.

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Eat well, exercise, and try and keep stress free.

Macroot oil both of yall take it daily.

Ovulation test is the best

Stop trying and have fun sex every day😁

Just lay upside down after sex

As soon as you stop trying you will get pregnant…:joy: happen to me

Take prenatals and cut back slightly on caffeine

If your married just keep practicing

Yohimbine root. Promotes virility and fertility

My 57yo husband and I conceived our daughter using it. I was 37

Best advice I ever got was stop trying and just have fun practicing

  1. Write down the start of your period on your phone calendar. 2) Wait to have sex until 12-14 days (sperm can live inside awhile until you ovulate). 3) Try to have sex every other day for a week. Even if you have an irregular period, it’ll line up at some point. 4) Take a prenatal vitamin daily. 5) Drink lots of water. 6) Let the sperm sit inside awhile afterwards. 7)Having an O after he does will pull the stuff further up. 8) Tell him to avoid solo sessions with himself so that he doesn’t lower his count. 9) Watch out for days when you are more amorous or have more mucous - you could be ovulating. 10) Write down all the days you “try”, so then you’ll know more accurately when your child was conceived for your doctor. Good luck!!

(Btw, I’m irregular too and thought I was infertile til after 30. It turned out my ex likely was. With my current relationship we didn’t think we could and nothing ever happened for months. But when we tried this technique it worked very quickly, and it worked twice.)

Get the period tracker app!

If you guys want a family, why don’t you start with becoming family first? You’ll be forever bound by a child, why not with a marriage? Not being rude, simply curious.


Use ovia app and enter your periods, during the fertile window it suggests use a testing strip every day! You can get them in bulk on Amazon :blush:

You can talk to your OBGYN and you can get an app to track your periods and ovulation

Your ovulation smell is completely different to your normal.
I’ve always been able to tell but I do track my cycle closely
Relax and enjoy the practice seems to work for lots
Good luck sending u Lots of conception dust

With our first son we weren’t trying and I got pregnant 3 months after I got on birth control. With this baby I downloaded the ovia app and that helped a lot with knowing the days you’re ovulating and we tried for 3 months again and now I’m almost 20 weeks

Maca Root, yoni steam, Geritol, alcohol…try all or just 1…then go at it like rabbits

I use a period tracker app called my calendar and it tells me when I am ovulating. Free app too. I find it useful

One kid is enough
It’s hard when you have kids from different men or women.

Just keep doing you … there not much you can do… it’ll happen when it happens.

sex every other day is best for sperm count … it takes about/ within a year for the average couple to conceive. so I’ve learned from my OB before.

Get drunk have fun lol

MyKah Aislin Irizarry-Alveraz

PreMom app and ovulation kits! 100%!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Tips on conceiving!

Get an app to track your ovulation

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Don’t stress out if it doesn’t happen right away. It can take time. It took 6 months for us to get pregnant with our 2nd.


Also, if you haven’t already, start taking a prenatal vitamin. My husband and I tried for 6 years to get pregnant with our daughter. We had her 3 years ago and I’m pregnant again. Doctor said to start prenatal vitamins right away. We got pregnant a month after we started trying again.


Don’t stress over it. It will happen when ment to

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Relax, have fun & don’t worry about it


Download ovia app. It tracks your cycle, even if it’s irregular and it tracks your ovulation. Used that app when we tried for our kiddo and definitely worked. My OB also had me taking baby aspirin- one a day to help with blood flow to the uterus/baby/placenta.

This might sound weird but it worked twice for me when I was trying with my ex. Take mucinex. Just like it thins the mucus in your sinuses, it will thin the mucus lining of your uterus making it easier for implantation. :blush: Good luck and God bless you and your growing family.

I used the app PREMOM and bought a bck of ovulation stop tests and pregnancy tests from amazon! I ovulated Day 12 of my cycle when the usual is said to be Day 13-14 so if I had just went by the app said so I would’ve missed my peak!! Ovulation tests I say is best and the premom app can even help determine how high your hormone levels are. Two weeks after the first day of your period is the usual ovulation day. Drink plenty of fluids, make sure to eat, prenatals are wonderful for before pregnancy, during pregnancy and after!

Download an app to help you keep track of things. Also don’t get upset if it doesn’t happen immediately. It took me 3 years to get my 2nd baby. God’s timing is always perfect. Take a prenatal everyday too.

Relax, do not stress, let nature take it’s course…:+1:

I used the “Shettle’s Method” in his book called “How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby.”

First, talk to your OBGYN and request labwork to check your hormones. Make sure everything is where it needs to be for a healthy, viable pregnancy.

Ovia fertility app. Worked for me right away after trying for a while

You should definitely have sex the day after your period between that day and 4 days and make it every day as many times as you can that’s when you’re most fertile. I also used flo app and it helped me alot

How old are you? Having sex 3-4x /week usually works! Even with irregular cycles.

Contact your Obgyn and they can talk to you since you have irregular cycles and give you tips and get you in the right direction

Ovulation tests from the dollar store

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I didn’t try with all 4 of my children. With my first I tried for 6 months but as soon as I stopped trying and enjoyed the sex bam I got pregnant. My 3 boys were not planned at all… Also with each baby I lost 40lbs and got pregnant as well. Either from sickness or just losing weight to lose. Good luck xx

If it’s the early stages of trying…don’t try. Don’t do anything different. The more you stress out about trying the less likely you’ll have the result you want. Just enjoy each other. Eat healthy, drink plenty of water… but that bit would be advice for anyone. Have fun!

I would say, relax, enjoy time with your child and daddy, from what I’ve heard from others, if you stress over it, harder to conceive, a romantic night out, best wishes

I mean I’d say just have sex un protected often. That’s how I got my two suprises no stress while conceiving, more fun… and that’s how a lot of us do it… if u have issues just go to a doctor or resort to making it less impulsive…

Get a period tracker that you cannalso put in other information as well. I used the glo app. Also dont feel decieved if it doesnt happen right away. I have a 5 year old from a previous relationship and my boyfriend has a 13 year old. Neither one of us thought we would get anymore kids. I was given a 10% chance to have more kids after a laproscopic surgery for endometriosis. I also developed PCOS after that as well. My odds were slim to none. I was on the patch for the first 3 months we were together and stopped it as my symptoms were back on track. One week before our 1 year anniversary we dound out we were pregnant… We are now 31 weeks with our little girl. Im due on Halloween which we are attempting a VBAC but have a scheduled csection as they dont want me going past 39 weeks.

I have a fail proof trick my husband calls it “the handstand “

Dont try lol we tried for about a yr… quit trying and bam happened lol :laughing: same with my second

Myself, my sister in law and multiple others I’ve spoken with got pregnant after a few months of doing the keto diet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just keep track of your cycles. Most drs wont actually help unless youve been trying 6months to 1 year

What worked for me was ovulation strips and pre-seed.
Once that strip started getting darker than “normal” we would have sex and use pre-seed, it’s a lubricant formulated for conceiving, supposed to help more sperm survive longer to get where they need to go I do believe.
Once the strip showed back to normal we knew the window was over.
I conceived that way twice

I wouldn’t try, just have fun with each other and enjoy each other. It shouldn’t become a job because then it gets stressful and stress makes it harder.

I’ve seen a lot of women in my keto groups that previously had problems conceiving get pregnant within a couple months. It gets your hormones in check and you might start having regular cycles. Just something free to try.

Download a cycle tracking app that will help you know when you’re ovulation is and what the ideal days for intercourse are. You can also look up different diets that help with fertility. If you don’t usually work out don’t start with a new hard work out routine that can mess with your cycle. My OB/GYN also said it’s best to wait til your fertile window instead of having sex daily or anything because that can deplete sperm count. There are also ovulation tests you can get like a 50 pack and there’s an app to input the data.

The best part is “practicing”. The more stress you put on it, the less likely you’ll get pregnant.
I was on fertility drugs ttc#2 for 6 months. Gave up and about a year later found out I was 16 weeks along after trying to live a healthier lifestyle #pcosawareness

Download the Ovia app ( yellow icon with leaf)
And track your cycle etc

I was trying for two years turns out i wasn’t ovulating. I started taking the ovasitol powder and within 1 month was ovulating and then used the preseed and got pregnant very quickly

Put your legs up in the air, straight up leaning against the wall after the act . Makes sure all the swimmers going in the right direction!

First get a check up from your OB. If all checks out, take a prenatal everyday, focus on the foods that you are putting into your body. As soon as your period is done do it every other day for 14 days (advise I got from my OB) I got pregnant soon after and just gave birth to my little girl! (Tip: after he finishes lay in your back legs up or a pillow under your backside for 5 minutes) I could never get an ovulation test to show positive…