Okay mama’sI’m in a pickle I wanna move outta the state I’m in so bad like in a couple months just pack up and leave to 2 states away. But having a hard time thinking oh this will be so hard with 2 girls ages 10 and 11 . How would I do it not knowing anyone . Or know of any programs . How do you just do it !. Gah it’s making me second guess my self. Should I or shouldn’t I. Any adviceeeeee.
It sounds like you need to spend time figuring out why you want to pick up and move without being prepared. Maybe you should see a therapist and work through your issues so you can make the right decisions for you and your girls. The questions I would ask myself are how will I provide housing, food, medical needs, etc. for the three of us. You should have a job already lined up in the new place. You should also have a place to live set up. I’m sure you don’t want to live in your car/on the street. What are the schools like? Will they be able to meet any special needs your kids might have? The most important thing is your kids. Moving at their ages will be hard for them and you will need to be able to help them adjust. It is not easy to move away from everything they know and you need to be sure that the new place will be as good as, if not better, than the old one. Spend the time researching the new place before you decide to move, the grass is not always greener on the other side.