Tips on potty training a stubborn boy?

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My son’s incentive was if he could pee in the potty he could ride the bus to preschool. He was excited about that. Small rewards at home (gold stars, M & Ms, etc.) big reward of something he wants one he’s day trained. Frankly, we just sent him mostly there (plus extra clothes) knowing the school would line them up to go every 2 hours and crossed our fingers. :smile:


Both my boys where hard to potty train, with my 4year old every time he went pee he got to get jelly beans out of the candy machine we kept in the living room he loved putting the quarters in and turning it and it only gave him 3or4 jelly beans at a time. Pooping was a challenge he wasn’t ready so if he had to poop we put a pull up on when he was ready he finally went on the potty.

Use a kids urinal that mounts on a wall or door. My Grandson would use it everytime Daddy went potty. The collection bowl is easy to remove for dumping.

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Put fruit loops in toilet and tell him to aim for them


Just wait until he is ready


bathroom every 20 minutes. make him sit for 20.

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Get of rid those pull-ups they never feel wet or uncomfortable . Why should they go potty when they can just pee pull-ups??

My son didn’t get it down until he almost turned 4. I took away the pull ups. Had a reward system. We picked out undies he liked. Asked if he had to go constantly. He went a few times in the little potty but then said he was scared, he would hold it until he couldn’t and then would go on my floor lol. I asked him if he wanted to use the big potty like mommy and he said yes, I got stairs and the over the toilet seat and he started going right away! Every kiddo is different, it takes time :heart:

Find a tree and let him pee