Tips on potty training girls?

Anyone else struggling to get their daughter to use the potty? She is so stuborn about it and I am at my wits end. My son was so easy and potty trained right away but my daughter is NOT having it…help!


Wait until they are ready and don’t force it


My oldest didn’t get fully trained without accident by 3.5 yrs. Little sister is now 2.5 yrs and I’m not pushing it but I keep her potty out so she sees what mom does and then maybe follows.

My daughter potty trained herself when she was ready

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Potty training watch. Amazing

I started w my son when he was just about 3 , cus I was pregnant & I would always take him with me to the potty , got him some gitch … & it didn’t take him long to learn … then with my daughter I would take her with me in the bathroom & now that we viewed her school & shes more comfortable with knowing she has to use the potty to go to school … anyways I got her her own potty & panties … good luck

My daughter is 2 and we tried but she wouldn’t sit still. Now all the sudden she’s been pulling her pull up off and peeing on my floor. So now every time she does that she’s goes on the potty even if she’s already went in her pull up she still goes on the potty and still pees in there

50 cents and for every poo poo you give her a dollar or save the money up for her and take her to the Dollar store and get her something small and start and you can also do a sticker chart to get her a small reward like a piece of candy or a little toy

The only real trick to potty training is waiting until they’re really ready. If it’s not clicking, take a break and try again.

I just explained she can’t start school til she goes on the toilet

My daughter was fully potty trained by 3.5 . Maybe not ready yet.

It takes routine.

When we started potty training our girls, we didn’t do the whole “wait until they are ready”. When they turned 2, we started implementing bathroom routine.

We went to Walmart and got a “my size potty”.

They sat on it after waking up in the morning, before nap, after nap and before bed.

They sat on it 15 minutes after eating breakfast, lunch and dinner.

We didn’t require them to sit for long. We had them sit for about 5 minutes, and we sat with them.

Anytime they peed or pooped in their pull up, during the day, we had them sit on their potty and explained “pee pee and/or poo poo goes in the potty”.

My first child potty trained in a few months, the second and third potty trained in a little over a year.

It takes CONSTANT routine. Where I live, your child is required to be potty trained before attending pre-k and headstart, so by the age of 3 or 4, unless you have a doctors note.

And when she does potty in the toilet, make a HUGE deal about it. Even if it’s a trickle or a pellet.

With this routine, we were potty trained all by the age of 3 and a half.

There is no such thing as “they aren’t ready”. In a lot of other countries, they start implementing potty routines when the child starts walking.

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My daughter did not potty train until 4 if that helps. The thing that helped me most was I saw a post online and this lady said not to worry so much. Your kid will do things when they are ready. She said they won’t be going potty in their pants as a teen so just to relax because if you put too much pressure on it, it will become a negative experience for them which will only make it harder. I had started at two like I thought you were supposed to. It didn’t click so I stopped. After that every once in a while I would try and she would again refuse. So I would stop again. I finally got underwear and she would spend time in them. She had a lot of accidents. We would do that for about a week and then stop to take a break. It was hard but it was important not to push but to allow her to see how it felt to wear underwear and have accidents. One day at 4 years old she was wearing the underwear and she just went potty on her own. After that she never looked back and immediately that same day she also potty trained for night time. Both my boys potty trained at 2 with no issues. But did not potty train at night until about 3. All kids are different. Your girl will get it I promise. The more you push the more stressed you and her will become. Don’t worry mama it will be okay!! :heart::heart:

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So, I tried around age 2. She wasn’t having it. 2.5 not interested. She’s 3.5 and one day just decided she was done with diapers. Has one at night but that’s it. She’s had few accidents but she did it on her own her own way when she felt like it.

My daughter was difficult until I showed her underwear and let her pick what she liked. Since it was near Christmas at the time, I wrapped it for her to open and Christmas. She was so excited that Santa brought her the underwear that she immediately took off her pullups, put one on and started to use the potty. I explained to her that once she puts one on, she will be wet and/or smelly if she doesn’t use the potty.

If she’s stubborn, she’s not ready.

Sitter on the toilet backwards have washable markers and let her draw on the back of the toilet seat or tell her for every time she goes pee pee in the potty you give

Take it slow every child is different

Maybe she’s not stubborn and just isn’t ready


And appraise her and tell her what a great job she is doing that’s how I got my daughter to use the body