Tips on taking a toddler to a grocery store?

I have the same issue but when I bring something for him to snack on or drink or one of his toys it seems to help

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I’d put mine in the basket itself so she could stand all she wanted. After the basket got so full I’d put her in the seat by then her little legs were so tired she wanted 2 sit. Now that I have twins in the cart I cant really do that with her she helps me push the cart. My oldest is 5.

Nope. We do click and collect, because he just hates it. We tried giving him things to play with, food, attention, letting him walk…everything and he’s just miserable.

I used to bury mine in the basket. He started stacking cans so I go down the can aisle first. Yea he grabbed a bottle of wine off the end cap once, crash. Talk about looks, especially the grumbling of the guy I got and told about it. I lived and he did too though. You will too, get those groceries girl :heart:

So tuff, I’ve left stores before. Dollar store stickers or different toys they have never seen. One use toy is the key so it’s something new!

My son is the same way we always end up letting him be in the big part of the basket or pushing the basket

I go around lunch time and get a cup of popcorn chicken from the deli. That seems to keep him happy long enough to get what I need.

It depends on how old she is but this helps with mine who is 2.5 …before you go to the store tell her exactly what you plan on doing from the time you park the car until you leave the store, what you are shopping for, if you are going to be there for a long or short time, that she needs to sit buckled in the cart the whole time, etc. Have her help you find things on your list. Make sure she is not hungry while you are there but bringing snacks or newer small toys helps with distraction. I use videos on my phone as a last resort. And I always get the most important groceries first in case things start going south. Stand firm if you say you are going to leave the store when she stands up, screams, whatever, then follow through.

I give mine something to hold and carry right from the start. We talk about what we’re going to make with what we buy and he stays involved. He gets a bag at the till to load up and our cashiers give stickers he looks forward too.

Sometimes 3 short trips in a week is more successful than one big long one!

I mean you could make her walk along side with you. My 2 year old does or she sits in her own stroller.

Try making the buckling fun…favorite tv character does it etc … distract with somthing else?

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Maybe bring her favorite toy while you shop or point to different colors or make silly faces at her

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I either let my son ride in the big part of the basket, or I get him in the seat & tell him I need him to help me drive the cart…or if your store has them, the “fun” carts that are cars.

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Depends on where we go… But my son was little, we would try & go around lunch time… & I would get him something from the deli to eat while we shopped. I know some people frown upon it, but it worked. Also we would bring the tablet if needed.

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Keep em in the parking lot till they act right. Mine eventually minded cause they wanted to go into the store instead of staying still or going back in the car.


Just keep trying. Consistently. Hopefully with time she will learn to sit.

Endless supply of snacks works for mine :joy:

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Endless supply of snacks works for mine :joy:

Make sure they nap before. You don’t want a tired cranky toddler. Let them help put things in the cart. Have some juice, a snack and a toy.

I put on youtube for my son :woman_shrugging: 95% of the time he does good at the grocery store. Unless i take forever then he gets cranky

I put mine in the seat and if she don’t sit down and throws a tantrum, I either pick up a wooden spoon or I tell her to go to sleep (if it isn’t past 2pm). I’m not a soft hearted mom when it comes to manners or anything that I know is not acceptable.


Snacks. iPad. Threaten to call Santa.

Umm a swat to the ass would work for not listening. You are the parent not them


We used to play I spy and find it games

I had a 1 year old and a newborn at the same time, I found the best thing with the toddler was to include them. I had them help put stuff in the cart and I would always recommend planning for it to be a longer trip than just when you go.


well considering you have a toddler, please do not beat your child for communicating with you and having feelings… try snacks, toys, even videos on your phone if you have to.


How about a page of pictures of favorites? Ask him to tell you when he sees them in the store.

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Snacks, my phone, toys. Or I let him ride in the big part of the cart. I also make it fun by making car noises, spinning the cart around etc I get some looks but hey, it’s either that or a cranky screaming child :woman_shrugging::joy:


My 2 year old! I let her watch my phone or let her bring her tablet in i always bring a snack and a drink i have even brought crayons and a color book in

I used one of those little back packs, with a leash, my kids could walk and feel like they were big kids, and I could keep them close to me. Worked great


You may be against it…but give him a tablet to look at

Instacart will deliver within 2 hours.


My little girl normally watches YouTube on my phone or plays her tablet sitting in the trolley xx

We bring snacks, toys, I talk a lot to my son about what we’re getting where we’re going next, and if I have to I break out the tablet. Sometimes he just wants to be held so we do that

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Buy her a mini cart and have her help! This isn’t rocket science…

Guess you don’t need groceries until Wednesday! Seriously I don’t take my toddlers to the grocery store ever!


My guy does the same thing. I got him a kids size shopping cart. Now it’s manageable!

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My daughter is 3 and shes never ever had a melt down in the store! :person_shrugging: i taught her from the beginning how to behave in public.


I bring snacks and a book or two and if need be I’ll let my son “help” so he’s somewhat engaged. I also try not to go when I know he will be getting tired

You are in charge. Not the toddler. Lay the law down.


Have you tried letting her sit in the back of the cart? That was my daughter’s favorite spot bc she could stretch out or See if they have “double carts” idk the actual name but target and Walmart both have them in my area. Let her take a stuffy or babydoll with her and buckle it in next to her. That’s the only way I could keep my daughter in the cart for awhile. Even now at 6 almost 7 we do this. Also bring snacks. If she throws a fit take your cart to the front and let a cashier know that you will be back. Take her outside in the car until she calms down and then try again. She will learn but you have to be consistent. Also I use YouTube as a reward. If shes going to behave you can have mommy’s phone to watch and eat snacks. Alot of bakeries give free cookies to kids, or personally I allow my daughter to pick out some fresh fruit/veggies to eat as we shop. If its pay per lbs I run through and pay first otherwise she just eats as we go and I pay at the end.

My grandma made us sit in the cart. We had coloring books.

My almost 3 year old walks everywhere but I have him on baby reigns for his safety, when we are going shopping he takes his little trolley with him and that usually keeps him occupied as he loves it, I have a 6 month old also who is in a pushchair so hes kind of used to walking everywhere now x

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I wear. I throw my 2 year old on my back and make the 5 year old be in the cart or hold on to it at all times.

I let my daughter ride in the big part and build castles with the food. Kept meat and glass away from her.

I go when my son is asleep (very grateful he still takes naps after turning 2 recently) but definitely snacks, a full battery for YouTube maybe (not to intrude on any existing screen time rules)

My toddler all but refuses to ride in the cart so I let her walk by me. If the store is busy, I will sometimes make her ride but she usually walks. It does make my trip longer but I feel like over time she has learned to stay close to me in public places, which is nice. I also try to keep her engaged by telling g her the name of everything were buying and letting her put stuff in the cart.


Give her something to do or put her inside the carriage and stack food around her

I put her inside the big part of the cart and give her something to snack on, if you dont have anything on hand open something in the store and pay for it when you pay for all your groceries

That’s right bust that child’s butt set the rules


I give mine my phone, or bring a toy. If all else fails I literally just keep pushing through the crying. Heartbreaking but I find sometimes when I ignore it, it stops long enough to finish and pay. Little ones have big feelings and don’t know how to express them. I have gone to the Starbucks in my target and got a small drink and one of their cake pops or fruit purée pouch🤷🏽‍♀️

Hahaha… You guys crack me up !! Im older… I took both my boys everywhere with me an they knew how to behave… An now im a grandma an I still take all 3 of my small grand babies with me with no problem !!! For God sakes… Make your kids behave… It’s really not that hard ! An don’t try blowing my comment up… Because you know I’m right !!! Be a parent !!!


Taking my 6yr old and my 2 ur old together was exhausting cause they would fight with each other or the 6yr old runs off and the 2yr old wants to follow etc etc

So my todller uses tech and has snacks while sitting in the trolley now and I send my 6yr old down the aisles to collect items I need that are easy to find while I watch him so he can feel independant and like hes helping. If he correctly gets everything and consistently behaves he gets a treat.

If they are naughty then when they get home they get no tech time or game time.

Give her something to do. Seems like u hav no control over a child. NOT GOOD
the problem is YOU my dear. Stay safe tango on be blessed

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I have to ask: who is in charge? And who cares if the kid is screaming. It’s part of parenting.


Put her in the back of the grocery cart. That’s where my kids ride at times. Or did.


Not sure if you’re allowed to where you live but I usually let my 2yo pick out a snack from in the shop, let her eat it and then scan the empty packet, she looks forward to it so it distracts her for a while and when that stops working I let her help me put things in the cart… Shes usually crying and moaning by the time we’re paying but it works for the 40 minute shop at least😂

I have an arm leash thingy that connects to my wrist and my sons. He’s able to walk freely with that and I usually have him get things for me off the shelf to keep him busy


My wee girl was the same… it was a shop assistant that handed her a piece of card with different food items on it and told her if she was quiet and marked off the items, at the end she would get a prize and it WORKED! you could try creating something like with pictures like a milk carton, strawberries, bread etc


When my children were toddlers I did not give them snacks or games to play when grocery shopping. I cannot believe the young mothers of today, they cannot control their children. I taught my children their manners at home then in the stores without hitting them! Please and thank you, be quiet, no running in stores, stay with me, etc. Once in a while, if they behaved, they would get a treat on the way home or at home
It was simple. You have to teach them respect. No tantrums, no crying, no screaming. I never had to get a baby sitter to grocery shop. My children were happy too. You can always take them out of the store until they settle down. And my children were buckled in the children’s seat without objecting.


I used to go straight to the toy section and have my daughter pick something to play with during our shopping. She would put it back in it’s place before we went to check out. We did this from the time she was a baby, so she was accustomed to not taking things home… in fact, I never bought her anything on a whim when she was there bc I worried it would become a bad habit for both of us. When she got a little older, I had her help me make the list and ask her for her help looking for the items to keep her busy with me.

Babywear! I wore my daughter up until I was pregnant with her brother. Easiest way to get shopping done, they don’t touch anything or sit in the cart

Buckle her in and very plainly tell her she has to be buckeld or she will fall and crack her head open and go to the hospital. Scary but true. Then let her scream. Consistently do this EVERY time. She can’t just get away with things by crying she’ll start doing that with other stuff. Pick out a fruit or someone and or bring snacks. Ignore her screaming. After a few times she will stop.


We bring our daughter snacks or i hand her the pencil and shopping list and she draws on it. Last trip she held a box of cereal the entire time. Anything to keep her entertained really

I mean, sorry to other shoppers, but I let mine scream until she figured out she wasnt going to get her way. I just make sure shes not tired/hungry etc. I do that with most stuff. She learns pretty quick. Her dad gives in and shes so much better behaved with me.

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Is the same in a stroller? Could be a sensory thing for her , maybe a blanket or something under her to make it more comfortable

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I have one of those toy shopping carts and he pushes it around the store puts his treats in

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I use one of those wristlets that attaches to my son and he helps me push the cart until his little legs get tired then he sits in the cart with no problem


Order groceries online. Have them delivered (for a small fee)

I would recommend either a harness with a lead. (Sure, people call them leashes. I say that their hands are very tiny and it is very easy for an adult to break my grip. It’s going to be a lot harder for them to get my kid out of the harness with the long tail. )

or put them in the basket part, if you can. It made me and you have to get fewer groceries and have to make more trips, but the shopping will go easier. My daughter screamed bloody murder if I buckled her in. Even at only 18 months. but if I put her in the basket part with a toy, she sat quietly and happily

also consider toys that you can hook onto the bar of the grocery cart. That way she can play with them but if she throws them, they won’t fall on the floor.

instacart … you can order groceries

My daughter either walks with me and helps, or stands in the actual trolley and helps. Helping is a big thing for her that she loves and she can’t do that sitting strapped in the trolley. I do try and go at quieter times so she can have abit of freedom

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Snacks are usually the ticket for my kids. I bring fruit snacks, they’re considered gummy candy to me and they’re treated as such. so I always use them as the treat for shopping. I also let my kids help. My one year old takes the things from me and tosses them in the buggy and I’ll rearrange accordingly; it does take longer but she feels included and gets excited when she can help. Maybe try to make shopping fun by including them. Maybe try to allow them to “pick” items as if the child is shopping also. I’ll pull the buggy next to what I need and point to it and say “I think we need rice, don’t you? Let’s get some rice. And point to the box, pick it up and hand it to my child. Sometimes she is able to pick between a couple options on her own as well. I think that’s helped a lot. Also shes my third child and my shopping with children has had to evolve to the best method for us. You just need to find what will work. You got this, keep trying.

I would suggest maybe doing a pickup order if your grocery store offers that? That’s what I’ve been doing from the start of the pandemic. I get all my groceries at Walmart and he just chills in his car seat while we wait.

Some of you are very rude, this mother is just having a hard time and reached out for advice. If you have nothing nice to say then don’t say shit. Sorry not all kids are perfect in your eyes but in a mother’s eyes her kids are perfect to her. You can’t tell me your kid never threw a fit in the store, mine rarely does but when she does I stop what I’m doing and give her my attention.


Tell she has to be sitting in the seat and if she gets up you will have take her out of the store then follow through. Don’t keep repeating the warning. One warning and out of the store you go. You might have to repeat this several times before she gets the message.

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Yes, do not take them :grin:


Lol… Not worth the stress mama… Have them delivered. Fee is worth paying for.

Put her in the back part and let her stand up…let her grab the things off the shelf.

I don’t bring my kids to stores with me. I have a 5 year old runner and a baby. Bring treats or let them pick their own while shopping? Use a harness? I make games out of everything to distract my boy if he gets frustrated or is feeling big emotions. Good luck momma and may the odds be in your favor :wink:

Strict parenting if you have the time and patience for I’d tell her she has to sit, if she doesn’t sit then she’s gonna get buckled, if she starts screaming when you buckle her then take her out of the store go sit in the car until she calms down and then go back in.
My I don’t got time for this parenting just gives my son a snack or a toy or my phone and he’s occupied
I try to do this most days but refer to the I don’t got time for this parenting. But the prepare them for real life parenting have them help, show the difference in size boxes have them”pick” my son loves helping
But as soon as you take him out of the cart he runs like an Olympic sprinter so again refer to the I don’t got time for this parenting lol good luck


I let my daughter sit in the back of the cart and she will stand up when i stop moving the cart and help me grab what I need from the shelf she gets so excited :blush::two_hearts:

I let my daughter watch cocomelon on my phone while I’m grocery shopping​:woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

I gave my kid snacks and sometimes I give him my phone .

Distract with an EDUCATIONAL toy not a damn phone with stupid videos or threaten no santa

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get her to hold the shopping list. My daughter is nearly two and loves the grocery store because I include her in my task by getting her to hold the list. Or putting things in the trolley ( with my help) but she lives it because I include her she even has to help push the trolley what takes half as long but she happy in happy and it makes for an easy trip if the kids are happy

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My top top is get it delivered!!

Give her job of putting food in cart


I have mine in our stroller (walking distance to store and big undercarriage for grocery items), if I don’t have the stroller with me he goes in the cart or cartseat. We first go the the bread department where he can pick out something, he eats that and I can do the shopping. Otherwise it is fruit or… my phone. Goodluck!

I don’t buckle mine in the grocery cart seats. They just sit there and talk to me and sometimes I let them put stuff in the back of the cart to “help” or ask them to put the items on the counter to be scanned. Gotta make it fun for them.

put her in the big part of the basket. hand her the items to put in the cart to involve her. Also when all else fails I bribe mine with a couple m&ms.

I give my toddler a snack and he does just fine. Kids are going to throw fits, its better than having them accidentally fall and get seriously hurt.

Get a magnetic shopping list with items on that they can look out for and put in the basket. I think ours was Fiesta Crafts but I don’t think they make it anymore (like shopping list game but for actual shopping).

I usually get a snack for my girls or give them my phone to watch a movie. I have a two year old and a one year old. And if it doesn’t work and she still screams, :fu:t3:everyone’s opinions. She’s a child expressing her emotions the only way she knows how. Everyone was that age once and so were their kids. And if they say their kids didn’t act like that they’re lying.

First and foremost STOP letting her stand up in the seat. She could fall and crack her head or something. Do online pickup instead or when she’s misbehaving you give her a verbal warning once and tell her if she continues acting like that you guys will go sit in the vehicle and you keep repeating until she finally sees you won’t give in. You’ve given in one too many times which is why she’s screaming and standing up in the seat cause you haven’t put your foot down yet. Put her in the bigger part of the cart also if u gotta

Maybe try and get a babysitter so you don’t have to take her with you?

Snacks and let them

Throw her up on your back in a carrier! I have to do this when I go with all three of my kiddos in tow. One strapped to me, 4 yr old in the cart, 7 yr old walks next to me

Take some toys and snacks for her and making shopping fun let her hold things and help collect things

Grab a cart outside before going in, sit her in, and explain to her that she has to be buckled without the crying. Tell her if ahe doesnt, u both wont go in. Tell her if she is good u will let her pick out a treat she likes, but if shes bad, then u will leave and nothing will be given to her.